Women: Are they Equal to Men ?

by villagegirl 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • villagegirl

    One of the hard core doctrines of the WT society, and many other religions, is that women are to be in "subjection" to men.

    In the Bible, in Genisis , it says the domination of women by men came after Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

    Eve was cursed by pain in childbirth and that from then on as a curse: "He shall rule over you " From then on the male was to dominate the female.

    But that was not in the Original Plan. This was a reversal of the plan and a curse. The "curse" on mankind was nailed to the cross ( or stake if you prefer)

    The Greek scriptures speak of women in the congregartions who were prophets, women who wer "deacons" or held some position in congrgations

    and who were even acknowledged by Paul. There was a women Judge over Israel whole ruled for 40 years, and it was said during her rule there was

    peace and properity. She was also a Prophet. Freedom from false teachings such as those that led us into bodage to the WT should include freedom

    to accept women as equals.

  • cofty

    Women are of course equal to men.

    Both the old and new testaments portray women as inferior. Paul said that women should shut up in church and ask their husbands if they have any questions. He based his teaching on the subjection of women on the myth that Adam was created before Eve and she was deceived by the talking snake.

    He said they should concentrate on having babies.

    The bible is a misogynistic book that reflects the attitudes of the societies in which it was written. In the OT women are treated as chattel and the Law is written to protect them only in so far as they are the property of men. The rules of war sanction kidnap and sexual slavery of women.

    Fortunately nobody really gets their morality from the bible, they just pretend they do.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Women: Are they equal to Men?

    Can men have babies?

  • cofty

    Equal does not equate with identical.

  • Amelia Ashton
  • cantleave

    Of course all people are equal except in the eyes of god apparently! One of my big turn offs from the bible was its reflection of the misogynistic attitudes of the cultures that inspired it.

  • insearchoftruth4

    When someone, male, would say anything negative about your mum, fist to the jaw and then some, win or lose, you just can't go there. Why such strong feelings? It was asked to a Prophet: Who deserves your time and affection? 1st your mother, 2nd your mother, 3rd your mother, 4th your father. Heaven is at the feet of your mother! From that point of view, Women get the gold, silver and bronz medal. Man, an honorable tip of the hat....

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    of course they are, apart from the ones the loving christian/jewish god wanted to be widowed and raped, they aren't so equal.

  • wasblind

    Equal does not equate with identical.______Cofty

    True. Because we are not identical to men it's easy to point out

    the things that make women ..............superior Goddess

    We have the power to endure the birth pains of life

    and the ability to feed that life from our own bodies

    Men don't even have the power to stop their urine flow in mid stream

    but a woman can.

    Men use Muscle, women use finese to get that muscular man

    to do what she wants him too


  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    " Men don't even have the power to stop their urine flow in mid stream"

    wtf? of course men can

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