Hot of the Press!!! YEARBOOK 2013 :Letter from the Governing Body

by raymond frantz 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jookbeard

    what a load of contradictory,hypocritical,self absorbed clap trap, they love banging about the hours they spend meaninglessly banging on doors 1,748697447! yet is it still over a 1000 hours that a R&F member takes to recruit 1 member? still with 33 countires under ban 19 with a 0.01% and another 19 with a 0.05% their preaching work doesn't seem so affective, out of those 71 nations I'd say a good few billion have never heard their stupid message.

  • Pterist

    The Ministry of Love (or Miniluv in Newspeak) is one of the four ministries that govern Oceania in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

    The Ministry of Love serves as Oceania's interior ministry. It enforces loyalty and love of Big Brother through fear, a repressive apparatus, and brainwashing. The Ministry of Love building has no windows and is surrounded by barbed wire entanglements, steel doors, hidden machine-gun nests, and guards armed with "jointed truncheons". Referred to as "The place where there is no darkness," its interior lights are never turned off. It is arguably the most powerful ministry, controlling the will of the population. The Thought Police is part of Miniluv.

    It contains Room 101, within which is "the worst thing in the world".

    The Ministry of Love, like the other ministries, is paradoxically named, since it is largely responsible for the practice and infliction of misery, fear, suffering, and torture. In a sense, however, the term is accurate, since its ultimate purpose is to instill love of Big Brother in the minds of thoughtcriminals. This is typical of the language of Newspeak, in which words and names frequently contain both an idea and its opposite; the orthodox party member is nonetheless able to resolve these contradictions through the disciplined use ofDoublethink.

    It is noteworthy that while the term "Ministry" implies that it is headed by a minister, there is nowhere in the book any mention of a Minister of Love nor of the ministers heading Oceania's three other Ministries. Clearly, the ministers, if they exist, are shadowy figures, and all public attention is focused exclusively on Big Brother.

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