Anonymous v. Silentlambs... things are starting to get ugly

by cedars 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • RayPublisher

    Anonymous hasn't really accomplished much and that's a pity..maybe eventually they will who knows.

    Bill Bowen actually called me on the phone a few months ago when I was really going through the worst of my divorce trial at that time, and he offered to help me.

    He was candid. He was helpful. He was salty and colorful and came on very strong. He seemed sincere to me. ...I kinda liked him...I didn't agree with all his advice, but he is definitely a sharp opponent of the WT that's for sure, and we need as many of those as we can get IMO!

  • soft+gentle

    the way I see it there is a huge steak of independence about the way Candace Conti acted bringing her own principles to the fore. She brought her own originality and impetus to her case and what she has done stands out from the others. This is not to minimise any support and encouragement she recieved from the los angeles branch of xjws after she made her decisions. Imo Bill needs to acknowledge this publicly if he going to appropriate her to his cause.

    edit: mind you I do appreciate what silentlambs and of course Barbara Anderson have done in publicising chid abuse within the org.

    I have mixed feeling about anonymous but it seems to me that they are a loosely? affliated organisation intent on exposure

  • lovelylil

    Personally, I find Attacking Bill Bowen to be sinking to an all time low. This man lost his livelyhood (i.e. business) overnight because of defending pedophile victims in the WT and has worked tirelessly to get the truth about the WT out to the public. I don't feel any of these "revelations" discredit all he has done and I question someone's motives for bringing this out anyway. But this is my opinion. Peace.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    His basis for starting Silent Lambs was on target. He had a pedo in his cong and he was told to let it go. Let Jehovah take care of it. He knew it was crap.

  • okage

    Truth is the truth no matter where it comes from.

    My personal judgements arent bound in red tape or legalities like a jury. I don't dismiss evidence because of the manner it was obtained. I was one of those who petitioned Anonymous directly, and support their involvement as long as the information they provide is verifiable and absolute in any context.

  • betterdaze

    I can't be the only one to observe that this character assassination against Bill Bowen bears unmistakeable similarities in writing style to articles on JWSurvey.

  • okage

    @Betterdaze: That's a bold accusation that I hope isnt true.

    When I petitioned Anon on their Op Board, I learned that there ARE Jehovah's Witnesses who claim Anon status. It was probably them, which means the evidence is gravely taken out of context.

  • cedars


    I can't be the only one to observe that this character assassination against Bill Bowen bears unmistakeable similarities in writing style to articles on JWSurvey.

    You can't be serious can you? Can you provide any examples of these "unmistakeable similarities" or do you just like speaking out of your arse?


  • okage

    lmao. i said it was a bold accusation...

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