Would this work? Be honest. Brutal if necessary.

by okage 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ingimar

    I have never been a JW.....thank goodness...but my husband was one before I met him and has recently been attending the hall again, much to my chagrin.

    I would like to be able to find out addresses of JW members and either mail or deliver to them some literature. I would love to hand deliver it to their teenagers as my friends recently had JW's come to their door when they were not home, but their teenage daughter was. She spoke with them, took their literature and gave them her first name. Well a couple of days later they returned and her mother answered the door. They asked for Sara (not her real name) was home and the mother informed them that Sara was her daughter and they were to stay away from her.

    I would also like to have anti JW literature with me and when I come across them going door to door, I would like to follow up to homes that take any literature with my info which would have links to jwfacts.com. I know that if people have all this info, they will not be coerced into joining this cult.

    This cult is affecting my family and people have to be made aware of it's doctrines and policies by any means. I am all in favour of using the media and encourage people to write letters to their newspapers sharing their experiences. Us non JW's have been too tolerent and too nice for too long and have allowed them to lure too many victims into their organization.

  • wasblind

    Tomorrow many Jehovah's Witnesses will be off work because of Dr. MLK Birthday,

    a time in which many witnesses may use to go door to door

    All the house holder need to do is use this particular event to remind Witnesses that if Dr. King waited on the Kingdom

    where would they be today

    Ask that Jehovah's Witness, do they think it's wrong to seek relief until the Kingdom come.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I don't think anything works if it is not the right time for some-one. However, after a while multiple events, scriptures, loads of stuff that seemed irrelevant and didn't make a difference at the time may be recalled at a later date.

    I had no big "aha" moment but the little niggles I held at the back of my mind were eventully remembered and put together as a whole when I was ready and out I came!

    My very first encounter with an apostate was "a placard wielding loony" outside an assembly when I was firmly entrenched, but I never forgot him.

    Anything is worth a go.

  • problemaddict

    This simply wouldn't work. The complex mosaic of peoples lives and intertwined relationships cannot be mass handled in a route of disassociation for the sake of trying to make a radar blip. Nobody outside of some bean counters at Brooklyn would even notice.

    On top of that, I am of the personal viewpoint, that unless you need to do so for the sake of your mental health, you should never ALLOW yourself to be kicked out of the religion. You can no longer influence others, there is an extra layer of protection, and you cannot employ the occasional thinking question in someones mind.

    Information is the enemy of the branch, not membership of a few hundred disaffected former JW's.

  • okage

    problem addict

    um... i was under the impression tim kilgore woke up a number of witnesses outside the wt cult. and ms. anderson as well as mr. bowen.

    could be wrong. but if not then its wrong to claim that work cannot be done once they leave.

    i am going to revisit this plan tomorrow because i know what will work and so do a few others.

  • Hermano

    Bumping. Because the little guy can make a difference. And because too many apostates still believe the WTS is somehow invincible.

  • perfect1

    Hey Okage.

    Great idea!

  • LostGeneration

    JWs are a rare target - they are one of the English worlds smallest, yet most recognisable and most disliked religions.

    Disagree. JWs are a house fly that people want to get rid of as quickly as possible. Outside of that, the world doesn't give a rat shit about their beliefs or internal policies.

    Remember, JWs don't even make up 1% of the world population. They are 1/10th of 1%. Nobody cares except those affected by them - which unfortunately is most of us.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Lost Generation We are not dealing with the entire world - only where JWs are most annoying -USA, Canada, Uk and Euope. That alone changes the dynamics drasticaly - everybody here knows witnesses, likely view them as a cult, but don't know WHY. Certainly no one knew Rosa Parks, and hopefullymaybe even a majority didn't even care where she sat on the bus back then -but when the REAL ISSUE got to court- American history changed! Dignity and freedoms were for every citizen not just those who accidentally had pale pastey white skin. As was noted by Chaserious above we (as individualls) are free to shun whom we wish, and no doubt Ms.Parks was still the brunt of much discriminatory thoughlessness- BUT - it became illegal for anyone (or group) to incite, foment or sanction such. It seems to me that the WTS does exactly this - how else would it be possible that ordinary citizens are 99% acceptable to 99% 0f the general population, yet be 100% discriminated against by the remaining 1%- ALL of them JWs, the majority who have never known those they shun? This is the issue not the role numbers of the WT. The purpose should be to challenge and hopefully diminish the WTs power to intimidate members into submission or to punish people to their deaths. I think that the anullment of baptisms, and the proving of their coersion of members(regarding DF/DA) are the key issues

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Lost Generation Sorry - for the crumby format of these replys, but my reply box doesn't have the tools bar today? I wrote it with paragraphs and spacing - but it just come sout as a block of print. Maybe someone can help?

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