New Here! So many questions! :)

by TeenageInsider 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave


    You might enjoy reading Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz if you haven't already.

  • ellderwho

    I came out at 15 or so, 30+ years ago. Anyway you are no longer "captive of a concept" take your time absorbing the "un-learning"


  • 00DAD


    Let the questions come!!!


  • undercover

    Welcome to the board.

    I saw your posts on the Mark Sanderson thread. A word of caution... what ever you say here is open for anyone to see, including family, JWs, elders, Bethelites, etc. If you're having to stay under the radar and not expose yourself as 'apostate' or even 'doubting', be careful about what you post about yourself, so as to not give yourself away.

  • problemaddict

    Welcome young man. Try to learn as much as you can and be very careful about what you learn. You do not want to lose your family and friend overnight simply for questioning your faith.

    I was baptized at 13 as well.

  • TeenageInsider

    Thanks 00DAD

    One thing that bothers me the most is how everyone acts and behaves in the ORG. There like zombies, its creepy.

    They all sit their and nod their heads.

    When I actually LISTEN to the talk, its always repetitive nonsense, the speakers basically say the same thing over and over, and use the SAME illustrations over and over.

    "The Dented Cake Pan illustration RE: adam & Eve" is overused.

    And i just get so bored. I told my mom once, "When are they going to use some new material?"

    She said "How dare you?! Jehovah lovingly provides the food at the proper time" blah blah blah

    I sit there and every talk ,, I kid you not... uses the same FIVE scriptures,

    and we all have to turn to them, even though weve heard them MILLIONS of times.

    Sorry to vent out like this, but I have noone else to talk to about my feelings. :(

    more to come...

  • SophieG

    Hi TeenagerInsider!

    I was about your age when I first left. And like a dummy came back in my 20's. If I had the info that is available now I would not have lost 20 years of my life!

    My advice to you is READ! You will get a lot of great advice and suggestion here from well meaning folks!


  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Welcome, TI! We're a varied bunch here. Some have been "out" for a short time. Others are still "in". Some have rejected the idea of God while others have reshaped their view of Him. Some are Christians, some are Atheists, some are Theists, some Agnostic, some still very much IN JWs. We're a big dysfunctional family here. Try not to be discouraged by any of us or our opinions. Sometimes things get heated, but you can take what applies to you and leave the other behind.

    Nearly everyone here has something to offer. Even the JWs that still believe that the WT is God's organization have things to offer. Even if that "thing" is an example of how we used to think and believe. There are teenagers, young adults, single guys and girls, married guys and girls, older ones that had been JWs since VERY early, etc. Pretty much every group of type of person is represented here. I'm probably telling you what you already know if you've lurked here a while.

    Overall, this is a great place to research the organization, belief in God, belief in the Bible, science, history, etc. Some leave because of the negativity here. But I don't understand that. Just don't let people get to you too much. Like I said, take what you can and leave the negativity on the screen.

    We're all here for you in our own ways. I personally know exactly what it is like to grow up in the organization, as do many others here. I think MOST here are born ins. But there are some converts to the WT here too that have a lot of value to offer.

    Enjoy, and ask away!!!

  • TeenageInsider

    Thanks UNDERCOVER! I just went and updated that info on Sanderson

  • Ding


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