"Right to bear arms" should mean ...

by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics

  • sizemik
    Again, I ask why you felt that my thread should be locked? . . . LKL

    Answer . . . ?

    You value freedom so little that you seek to protect only that which pleases you. That isnt freedom. Thats being dictated to by the whim of petty people and is fine.. as long as they agree with you.

    We value being able to say things you may not like. . . . BigE

    It's called censorship. You don't get freedom of speech this side of the border.

  • BigE

    because as a nation we have seen the value of our guns. They have a long history of helping us evict the rif raff.

  • Satanus

    'They have a long history of helping us evict the rif raff. '

    Like mexicans and indians, when ya stole their land?


  • Simon

    No, we evicted you guys from Yurop ! ;)

    With our swords ...

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Fair enough, Simon. The locked thread really doesn't matter.

    I respectfully and sincerely ask you to consider the things I've said, without the bias of the fact that i own guns.

    I'm pretty sure that I have said that I absolutely do believe that we need to change as a nation. Something needs to be done and it needs to be done now. I am saddened to no end by the fact that this tragedy and all of the other tragedies like it have happened. I just don't think that gun laws are going to have any effect. None. It is time to take responsibilty as a nation. We need to figure out what makes our people do these things. If we could magically make all guns disappear, that would be fantastic. I would support that fully and without question. I just wish we could all agree that the change needs to take place with healing and treating the mindset that it's ok to go shoot up a bunch of innocent people because you're having a bad day.

    Yes. We as a society are very, very flawed. That is the problem.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I will actually embrace and own up to the label that I am the "Typical American Gun Owner". 99.999% of us own, use, store them safely and responsibly.

    Folks let the media whip them into a frenzy and paint us all with the same brush.

    P.S. I do, however, greatly resent the insinuation that I am a Republican. That's just mean and hits below the belt.

  • Satanus

    'mean and hits below the belt.'

    Well, i'm working on becoming a perfect ass***e. There is a certificate for this.


  • Yohan

    Anyone proficient with a pump action shotgun and a pocket full of shells could have committed the same amount of murders in that school in Newtown. Pump action shotguns are legal and unrestricted in Canada.

  • kurtbethel

    Although your free-speech law is dumb too: evidence = Westborough Baptist Church who apparently want to continue their hate chants at the kids funerals.

    I loathe the Westboro people, everything they stand for and every thing they do.

    But I will recognize their right to say their piece, no matter how much I cringe, so long as they don't slander or obstruct. It's easy to cheer the rights of someone I agree with. The real test of supporting those principles is the willingness to respect the rights of the ones I loathe.

    Freedom can be awesome, and it can be very uncomfortable for some people. One thing that was hard for me to accept is that there are many people who want others to tell them what to do, and what not to do, how to worship, how to love, what to think. I suppose it is okay for them to seek out those who desire to tell them what to do. It never works for me.

    Canadians, or Chinese, or Egyptians or anyone else can set up things the way that they like, and I think no less of them for it, as their values and challenges are different from mine and I have no place to say what is best for them.

    My gripe with America is about the people who want it to be an empire, and who want to keep up the wasteful folly of drug prohibition, but that is another thread.

  • purplesofa

    Maybe this will be a start Simon for change:

    From US President tonight at Newtown CT:

    “We cannot tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end, and to end them, we must change.” ... President Obama

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