A thought experiment about what it means "to be" GOD

by Terry 143 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    satanus, thank you. as you can read, many contributors here have moved past the biblegod. past the bible, period. The way I see it now, the creator has given us an extraordinary degree of freedom, leaving us to research every subject. but there is a benefit. only when you work on it yourself do you really understand it. we have much to learn, thats the exiting part, and to be able to read the clearly expressed thoughts of others. not to be had at the KH.

  • prologos

    apognophos: thank you: your term " from moment to moment" its profound about time. the key word is FROM. because as we move through time we never stop, unlike like the old 8mm/16mm/ 35mm movie bands, ratcheting along .no, we live in the moving "now" that has zero length in time. as scary thought, that our existence depends on MOVING from zero to another zero. In that way it is different "TO BE" god, for he is seen to be stationary in eternal time. He IS not time, nor is he LIGHT nor is he LOVE, (to use some bible terms) but time is his domain, his eternal property. I dont think he is playing games with us. he just likes us to be workers like he is. and nurturing like our family-making ladies. peace.

  • Terry

    If time were real it would move in more than one direction.

    It doesn't.

  • Finkelstein

    This is a recent open talk/discussion by Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss

    entitled something from nothing, some interesting thoughts are presented.


  • prologos

    terri, my take on this: all 4 dimensions are real, time has to be the oldest, eternal. - as material beings We MOVE in all three dimensions. drive your motorcycle, fly your plane. watch the earth rotate about the polar-star axis. ---watch YOU MOVE through time too. watch your watch. this is true of all motion in all dimensions. try to drive your motor cycle backward or to do a lomcevac in your plane. If you retrace your steps, it is not the same place anymore. "To be" like god, you would: be in time past and future and not moving.( James 1:17 just as a reference.) love your writing. peace! (without prisons).

  • Terry

    If you get some time go to Wiki and enter the words: Arrow of Time


  • Twitch
    If time were real it would move in more than one direction.
    It doesn't.
    If you get some time go to Wiki and enter the words: Arrow of Time

    Interesting link and ideas.

    Kinda reminds me of this youtube video

    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    In one part, the author describes one's existence as a "timeline" where our physical self exists not as a single state but as a whole, from birth to death. To paraphrase, all that you were and will be, you are; you're only able to perceive single frames in the movie of your life. It presents some causual paradoxes and philosophical issues, such as that accident which will end your life is unavoidable, with innumerable elements and choices coming together that make it happen and that free will and choice are illusions as well, among others. Interesting though.

  • prologos

    terry, thank you, for the"arrow of time" suggestions. I also read the book. I read all and confirmed this again. My stubborn take on this is*: that time is not a dimension that MOVES. You are MOVING through time, the one way street of OUR entropy, not the entropy of time. I was in good shape in 1945 but falling apart after moving THROUGH time for 80 plus decades. Movement through space will slow your movement through time. go at c and you will stop moving through time while everybody else keeps moving through time. see the light at c? The material universe is expanding through time. if it did not expand it would still be in the singularity.

    *I will agree with you that time is not a dimensions like the other three. Creationists and many scientists realize there had to be a condition, entity, whatever BEFORE the material universe STARTED in the 3 dimensions.--- (1/2+x makes it a majority !)---. These pre-beginning conditions, entities, creator/god, had to exist in TIME, that dimension that must be older than the material universe. If the creator is eternal, he did not MOVE through time as we do.

    happy mullings, peace.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I read all and confirmed this again. My stubborn take on this is*: that time is not a dimension that MOVES. You are MOVING through time, the one way street of OUR entropy, not the entropy of time.

    Time most certainly moves. It is part of space, and space (and therefore time) is expanding and moving.

    If the creator is eternal, he did not MOVE through time as we do.

    Then when did he find the time to decide to and create and to do it?

  • Terry

    My favorite idea about God is that the entire history of mankind is just God's dreams.

    So all the deaths, sin, heartbreak etc. are no more actual than the characters in a play dreamed up by the author.

    That rescues God from being a peeping Tom with an implacable nature.

    Or, to put it more elegantly: God is the ultimate solipsist.

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