Prophecy -- Can It Have More Than One Fulfillment?

by MDS 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • ianao
    I see the scriptural support here so clearly. It's not that difficult to see what the bible is saying. If anyone else can understand the post of MDS, count yourselves blessed not to be blinded of these things

    I agree Jr. I too see the scipture support for what is going on here, and I am sure those folks will be glad to be aware of false teachers such as 'Lord' MDS that Jesus counseled us to be aware of.

    Seek and you will find; dig and it will be uncovered.

    I thought MDS had done that for us.

    I'm sorry to see JW's showing so lack of faith in God's words. I'm not saying lack in the Society words, but lack in Jehovah's own words, the bible.

    And you have the society to thank for that. The society is the way to remain in God's favor, right? Wouldn't a JW consider YOU without God's favor?

    Edited by - ianao on 1 February 2001 14:2:48

  • Frenchy

    I'm not after information from you. I asked the questions I did to demonstrate to any concerned ones just how flimsy and hollow your speculations are. I asked questions which you cannot answer because regardless of how you answer them it will demonstrate your position and that is something that you cannot afford to reveal. Someone mentioned 'doublespeak' and this is what you do. You may have learned this from your association with the WTS. They are masters at it. "Our literature is offered at no charge but we wouldn't mind a donation as long as you don't call it a contribution." It's still money for the rags regardless of what you call it.
    I'm sure there will be those that will blindly follow you 'report' guys and gals. There are many people out there that are hurting and lost and confused and they are grasping at straws. You are giving them less than straws and that is the shame of the matter.
    BTW, Jesus did debate the Pharisees at times. But you, sir, are not Jesus. I just thought I would clear that up for you.
    You don't have to make any replies to me. But rest assured that whenever I see your posts or replies on this board that I will respond. I would suggest that you choose your words carefully because whether or not you reply your errors will be called into account. I do not do this out of spite or bitterness nor do I personally harbor any malice toward you. I do this to hopefully keep innocent, honest people from being duped by an electronic snake oil salesman.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • larc


    You seem especially loath to answer questions that are a direct reflection of your conclusions, ones where you can't pull out a long list of scriptures from a CD with a few insults sprinkled in. Let me repeat these:

    1. Why do say others should go to the kingdom hall, but you don't.
    2. Why do you say in one place that God might choose another organization and then in another place that he will cleanse the WT and not use a different organization.
    3. What will happen in 2002?
    4. Who is this 300 million cleansing class, and why does it take this many to cleanse 6 million JW's?
    5. Who must review "The Report" during the 7 year period?
    6. When does this seven years begin and end?
    7. When does the 42 months begin and end?
    8. Could you provide an operational definition of the word "trample". What does that word mean to you, in your own words?

  • larc


    On another thread, jr in defense of mds, said that Jehovah could fulfill prophesy several times. I responded that I suppose he could, but did he?, which prompted mds to start this thread. I take several to mean three or more fulfillments. I haven't seen mds offer any evidence of three or more fulfillments.

    I provided this to hopefully clarify your point two on your next to last thread.


    Could you answer my simple, straight forward series of questions before you go off on a rant on this last point?

  • Frenchy

    Thanks for the input. What MDS either cannot or will not see is that a particular prophecy may well have been fulfilled and then subsequent events parallel the occurrence. This does not necessarily mean that those subsequent events are part of the prophetic pattern. Jesus broke for Judaism in some ways but not completely. Martin Luther broke from the Catholic Church but not completely. Does that make ML Jesus? According to MDS' reasoning it would.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • larc

    Frenchy, Wendy, Ianao, Trevor, and Amicus:

    After reading everything, I have concluded that mds, jr, and bjc, can not answer simple questions, just like the Pharasees. Maybe, they possess a certain madness and lack of faith.

  • larc


    Another fulfillemnt of the Jesus-Luther linkage would be Jacob Albright who founded the Evangelical Church in eastern Pennslyvannia, circa 1800. He preached to the fallen away German Lutherans, so he taught part Luther and part something different - another fulfillment! All his sermons and all his literature was in German, so it was exclusive, kind of a modern day Israel. About 70 years later (notice the number 70) they merged with the United Bretheren, another part Luther part "new light", which represents a fourth fulfillment of prophecy!

  • ianao


    I would have to say that MDS seems to have much faith in God. That is to his merit. I disagree with his notion that he knows 'the mind of God', because if he really does, then God's mind is no better than ours, and THAT is a contradiction of scripture in and of itself. He can claim 'prophet' all he wants to, but his HUMANITY shines right through.

  • larc


    There is no question about it, his message of love, mercy, and forgiveness comes shining through. "God is Love" is his theme alright!

  • MDS

    Listen, all of you who wish to pervert the Word of God.

    Anyone reading my posts, and then, having the misfortune to read, yours ... if they have an "ounce" of spirituality left in them, after being exposed to the WTS, that's a baptized brother, or sister who reads this "exchange" we are having, .... well I'm completely confident that they will immediately "understand" who speaks according to what is right, and who has "Come in the Name of God," ... to Bless His Holy Name...remember "blessed is he that cometh in the Name of God..."

    So, then, what God wants, truly wants, no doubt, is for me to post, and then, for you to make your ridiculous [or ridiculed-filled] post as a response. -- SeeProverbs 9:7

    Now, some of you view me as a Pharisee, and of course, I've said the same of you... fair statement I think.

    But what do the "people" listening think? Hmmmmmm.

    I think, the people, who read this thread will know and make "their decision" as to what seems plausible, reasonable here.

    So, we can have "Jesus" on one side, presenting his famous, "sayings of God," -- one of us, and the other, the one giving forth his scriptural presentation, his reasons, but who is really, "spouting Satanic Reasonings," as "knowledge." "Reasonings," that is clearly wicked, harmful, which makes it definitely reminiscent of the ancient Pharisees -- THEIR "LEAVENOUS TEACHINGS!" -- See Matthew 16:12

    That way, One of us, GETS EXPOSED, and God Jehovah, has been done a Good Service...great.

    I accept that challenge!

    We can call the thread..."Let the People make their decision..."

    Now for my first Bold Statement:


    The WTS says this. And I believe, this is true. That's part of the reason that they are God's Name People, their stance on trinity. They possess a "framework of the knowledge of the truth," just as the ancient "Israelite" nation did. Paul referred to this at Romans 2:20.

    Of course, you guys have indicated otherwise, based upon some of your comments mentioned above.

    I am going to start a new thread with this as its theme. Note, under this thread, I will respond to anything you point out that is GERMAINE to the subject matter. Otherwise, don't look for me to comment.

    I think a thread such as this, could be helpful for many who are listeners and are Jehovah's Witnesses who are searching for answers, the people to whom I have a ministry. -- Matt. 10:6

    Sooooooo, let's get it on...


    "...Jehovah, who has put faith in the THING HEARD (the "REPORT") by us?[/i] -- Isaiah 53:1; John 12:38 NWT Ref. Bi fnt

    Edited by - MDS on 2 February 2001 18:26:58

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