Pat Condell on Aggressive Atheism

by cantleave 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods
    Hmmm? Contaminate? Should the west 'contaminate' the middle east with our bullshit---like treating women as equals and such? Not executing homosexuals? Not putting atheists into prison? Just wondering.

    Some wouild say that the west may be slowing down the progress in that area by our interference - that they might achieve such human rights faster without our interference.

    Certainly it takes a massive dose of ego to think that you can restructure another society simply because YOUR ideas are so obviously superior.

  • NewChapter

    Certainly it takes a massive dose of ego to think that you can restructure another society simply because YOUR ideas are so obviously superior.

    We weren't talking about restructuring, (nice switch, btw) we were talking about contaminating. And my ideas ARE superior, and anyone else that believes human rights trumps religious rights. Should I not contaminate, say, Iran with the idea that humans rights are more important than their religion?

  • Sauerkraut

    New Chapter, I hope I can explain what I mean. Sometimes it's not so easy for me to clearly express my thoughts. What I mean is taking ourselves, as individuals too serious, or rather not to do so. I differentiate between that and taking issues and a cause serious. Because I don't take myself as an individual that serious I can deal with being wrong and respect others and what they think and am willing and open to consider what they think. But it doesn't mean that I don't take issues serious that need to be addressed, it doesn't mean that I'm not watchful. Quite contrary. I differentiate between myself and principles/issues. Lets take the hotheads in the middle east as an example. They are crazily serious about their views (fundamental Christians aren't that different). Just because I don't take myself as a person and my views overly serious it doesn't mean that I wouldn't stand up against them, I would, I do. We all have the freedom and right to have our own opinion and views, but we have the duty to grant others the same freedom. When others don't abide by that it's a matter of principle and that needs to be addressed and taken care of. It's an issue that needs to be taken serious, as you said and I fully agree with that. I hope I'm making sense. You could say one is about taking personal offense and the other about justice and fairness. When things become a matter of fairness and justice it's important to do something about it.

    Ideally we should all be able to sit down and listen to each other and say: "Hey, I don't feel or think the same way, but who knows, you may be on to something. Either way, I respect your view and how you feel." And we should confront those who are unwilling to do that. But that's another story, usually those unwilling have a problem with fairness.

    Btw, I'm not sour.

  • james_woods

    New Chapter, perhaps you are taking my use of the word "contaminate" too seriously - I only used it because of the reference to the Star Trek prime directive. Contaminate, indoctrinate - it is really all the same.

    But your comments do reflect on the natural human tendencies to AUTOMATICALLY view ones own ideas as superior, and to take them far too seriously. You are essentially saying that the east NEEDS to be contaminated or indoctrinated by the "superior" west - for their own good even if they do not know it for themselves. An analogy of this to religionists vx. atheism/secularism is easy to draw.

    We have a cure for taking things too seriously here on JWN, incidentally - it is the Wibble.

  • botchtowersociety

    There is a WPOTD steadily building on this thread.

  • Sauerkraut

    What's the meaning of "WPOTD"?

    Edit: worst post of the day?

  • james_woods

    I believe that you are correct about WPOTD, Sauerkraut.

  • james_woods

    And you too, BTS...

  • Sauerkraut

    The irony about Iran is: it would be interesting to know how Iran would be today if the United States hadn't meddled in it's internal matters decades ago.

  • besty

    Everyone knows that Bible God morals are the only way forward - I mean just look at history to prove that I'm right.

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