Pat Condell on Aggressive Atheism

by cantleave 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    This is pretty much how I feel.......Who disagrees with this?

  • cantleave

    I would have thought some on here would disagree......

  • cofty

    No disagreement from me!

  • Satanus

    He's the angry atheist;) I don't disagree. I generally side w the atheists.


  • cantleave

    I find Pat Condell's approach is not always the most helpful, he can come across as quite bigotted, he also supports UKIP which gives him negative points in my book, but I think this rant is spot on.

  • NewChapter

    LOL! I always wonder what Pat is like to have a real life conversation with.

    Terms like aggressive, militant, prosylitizing, angry are simply brought out by the majority to silence the minority. I think many that use such terms really just wish we would STFU, and since we won't, they try to shame us into doing so. Not working.

  • NewChapter

    Well that's political. I find he is always dead-on when it comes to religion.

  • botchtowersociety
    Terms like aggressive, militant, prosylitizing, angry are simply brought out by the majority to silence the minority.

    So when fundies are called aggressive, militant, proselytizing and angry, is it the majority simply trying to silence the minority?


  • sabastious

    He's right that religion has never actually been tolerant so why should the atheists be tolerant of religion? My problem with the secularists is their aggression is directed at ALL religionists, even the ones that don't group up and impose their beliefs on others. They don't identify the safe alternative, they just condemn. Not everyone is willing or even capable of giving up their beliefs. For the ones that choose to believe like me are labeled as collaborators. Why don't the atheists just start a military and take out the religious zealots? They seem to be all bark and no bite, I wish they would bite every now and then instead of growl and froth at the mouth. In the beginning Condell was revolutionary, but now he's just a cliche.


  • james_woods

    It seems that I have yet another opportunity to denounce Agressive Atheism.

    It seems to me that if Atheists are really so sure of their intellectual position, they would have the general decency to let other people worship as they please. If Atheists do not want to be forced into the churches, then let them not try to force people out of the churches.

    As to their cause - arguing over centuries-old customes - like the word "God" on courtroom inscriptions and on currency seems to me quite childish.

    Below the so-called "high intellectual standards" athests like Condell are supposed to be professing.

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