How's this for a trip dpwn memory lane. I was a school-boy at the time:
Today we were all off to the 1963 International Assembly at Twickenham Stadium. It was to last an historic eight full days and involve sitting listening to many lectures. Some of the Watchtower Society’s top speakers would be there and with so many thousands gathered, there would be a lot of God’s Holy Spirit around. Firstly though, we had to get to the stadium and it appeared there was a problem. I had heard of the ‘evil slave class’ through our study books. This was anyone collectively or singularly who had joined our church and then left. They were to be avoided at all cost, as it was believed they were possessed by demons and very dangerous. We were warned by attendants along the route that we should be on our guard, as a group of evil slaves were near the gates of the stadium.
Father instructed me and my brother John to keep as far away from them as possible and not to even look at them. He explained that Jehovah’s spirit would protect us, so we should make it to the safety of the stadium unharmed. I ran a quick prayer through my mind asking for protection for our family. As we neared the stadium, I felt a rush of excitement mingled with fear. I had never before seen a demonised and dangerous evil slave and started to imagine what one would look like. Would he have two heads and sharp claws? What colour would he be? We drew nearer and in the distance, I could just make out a small group gathered on one side of the pavement. John focused with all his attention, mouth agog. As we got nearer, we ignored the warning not to look at them. We could see them more clearly now. They were remarkably ordinary looking men and a couple of women; smartly dressed and wearing placards that I could read the writing on.
‘Watchtower is Snare & Racket.’
‘Watchtower Society Lies.’
As we walked past, I noticed that they were offering tracts just as we did. Probably noticing the look of awe on my face, a stout middle-aged evil slave smiled at me. My face was too frozen with fear and fascination to smile back at him. In any case, it would not please Jehovah. I looked back at the women hoping to see something evil happen but they looked totally normal. We were past the evil slaves and safely on our way into the stadium. Suddenly the excitement and danger was over.
‘They weren’t very scary!’ I exclaimed.
‘Your father told you not to look,’ mother snapped. ‘When are you going to learn to do as you are told?’
‘They looked so ordinary,’ I said, looking disappointed.
‘Of course they did. The Devil transforms himself into an angel of light to catch out disobedient children. Next time you might not have such a lucky escape!’