PSac and Loz: Pretty thoughts, but we've been throwing those platitudes around at each other for many months now and it's gotten us nowhere.
I think we need something more concrete to work on than just "Respect and love everybody."
Q has come up with 4 very practical and concrete ways to have discussions that would eliminate a lot of discord.
You are both of the non-atheist persuasion. What would you like to see change? What practical and concrete ways of posting would work for you?
I hope I'm making sense here.
When you say "Just respect and love everyone" it kind of sounds like you just want to be patted on the head when you share a thought, and just want to be listened to without any challenges.
Hi Palmtree :)
Everything starts with babysteps and without mutual respect as a base, there is no way to build on anything.
I say respect each others opinions as you would want yours respected. I didn't say anything aboiut NOT being challenged.
Any opinion not worth defending isn't worth having.
But there is no need to be rude, condesending, crude and insulting in the process of questioning the beliefs of others.
An example would be calling beleivers and /or their beliefs deliusional, stupid, idiotic.
If they are such, there is no need to pint them out as being such, if they have some merit then you only looking like a crude and venemous person and whatever point you may have had was overwhelmed by the HOW you expressed it.
That goes for both parties of course.