Faith... and Trust: The Same Things?

by AGuest 452 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    If it were, you would have at least had the childlike mind to point out BOTH "errors" if indeed you felt there were two... starting with the first.

    Now why are you attacking me personally and making references to my mind? Why do you keep using the fact that Cofty used to be an elder as a weapon against him? He's not a JW anymore. You used to be a JW too. Why do you use it as though it invalidates what a person has to say today? I don't think that is nice. I don't know why you came at me and Cofty like this, but we didn't do it to you.

    Maybe just take a breath or two. Nobody attacked you. They challenged some of your ideas. They observed some mean things you said. They did not return evil for evil. Calm down. Let's not trash this thread. Let's discuss it.

    As far as pointing out both errors, I think that Myelaines error was pointed out. No need to rub it in. I was moving forward to the next issue.

  • elderelite

    trust me loz it counts for very little anywhere.....

  • NewChapter

    trust me loz it counts for very little anywhere.....

    Very little. LOL. I'm not that easily impressed.

  • Lozhasleft

    I still am a WT elder... and your still passive agressive and insulting to people. However since the owners of the board seem intent on supporting your tirades and trying muzzel anyone who attempts to question your bitchy nature... well you have free reign it seems. Just know my dear one (pieces to you!) that always enjoyed our exchanges. I enjoy it more when you leave crying about people being flyies though....

    Anyone going to tackle EE for this insulting post? No?

    Loz x

  • AGuest

    I don't agree but that's beside the point.

    It isn't, it's exactly the point... but that's beside the point.

    How does that excuse resorting to personal insults and then attempt to justify those insults?

    You're asking the wrong person. And, no, I don't THINK you are - you are. Perhaps you should ask Michelle that question, though. Or yourself. Certainly YOU know the answer to that.

    That was mean.

    In your estimation, perhaps. You don't seem to think that what Michelle said was, though. But... apparently others disagree with you. I certainly do. So, now what? I mean, it is okay to disagree with you... right?

    Also, I was simply addressing a post that Aguest made, and contrasted it with other things said. That was not an attack.

    Good Lordy, do some of you even know what the truth IS... so that you ever state it???

    That was a simple challenge, and a resepectful one.

    Please... stop. You saw what occurred... and chose your "side." Let's be HONEST here. I don't FAULT you for that - it doesn't surprise me, at all. But let's at least be honest... real. C'mon, NC... I was beginning to have some respect for you, beginning to think that you didn't fear [what people thought of you] as much as I thought. At least be honest about what YOU'RE doing in regard to this situation: "respectfully" letting me know that as far as YOU are concerned, every one can hurl insults, be abusive, even bully... except me. You folks don't BELIEVE I hear Christ... but you demand that I ACT like I do, as far you think YOU know what he would act like ('cause "it's in the Bible")... even though what's in the Bible doesn't comport with what you THINK he would do.

    People... please... tell SOME truth, at least a little teechie bit... SOMETIME... fer goodness sake!

    I didn't think she would need to be defended from such.

    Ahh, yes, poor Michelle... the big bad "AGuest" is picking on her. Nevermind that Michelle slung crud, no... Michelle signs off with "love"... so she's sweet. Besides, even if she isn't, she's opposed to AGuest... and so am I... so I like her. Because I like her... I think she didn't deserve the responses she got, even though they were much milder than what she herself put out there.

    Let's be HONEST. For ONCE. SHALL we? CAN we? Sigh... perhaps not.

    It's a valid observation. Is that off limits too?

    It's not off limits... and so don't get upset when folks respond and state that. It absolutely wasn't valid. Just because it was your observation doesn't make it a valid one.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who realizes that it's only gonna be a short while and the rest of the usual suspects will show up for more "AGuest-A-Fest"... but, sorry, chikkens - I can only stick around for another few secs, as I have [a lot of] company comin' tomorrow and really need to focus my attention on that (I've been posting between floor wax drying, laundry cycles, and other such preparations...)

  • tec

    Tec, forgive me, but we have discussed in detail that you don't call other believers wrong, so I was questioning exactly what that meant. Is that off limits? Is it correct to call another believer wrong or is it incorrect? Or does it vary from person to person?

    I absolutely will call other believers wrong when they teach something to be true, that is in opposition of Christ, especially if that something is of hate, anger, fear, threats, etc. When it is something that i do NOT know the answer to... AND... it is not in conflict with Christ and love, then I 'shelve it' until (or if) I get clarification. I have no reason to call it wrong, if it is not in conflict with Christ and love, and if I do not have any different knowledge. And if I do understand differently, but what someone else is still not in conflict with Christ or love, then I might just state... "I understand a bit differently, but you continue to follow Him as He leads YOU."

    So I will take the blame that perhaps I did not explain clearly enough in our former discussions, and hope that the above clarifies for you.

    I would say that people are speaking up because you did not challenge an idea... you ignored one side of a personal conflict to point out the error on the other side responding. That it was Aguest, when it is Aguest whom you always point out as being in error, just makes it that look to be that much more obviously biased. Same as some accuse of those who come to the defense. Those are my thoughts as to that.



  • tec

    Anyone going to tackle EE for this insulting post? No?

    Don't be silly. Of course, no.

    Peace love,


  • AGuest
    May I ask, what work is this? Specificaly? I know we have all agreed that there is no preaching here, but there is work, and I'm not clear what that work is.

    Same as Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul): becoming reconciled to God and recompensed for the bloodguilt I carry. Me. Which I have stated almost from the day I came here. Why, what did you THINK it was?


    A slave of Christ,


  • elderelite


    A tiny mind and heart(or being bitchy and passive agressive) is not a slanderous, libelous, or wrong statement... if one has publicly demonstrated such to be true, over... and over... and over... and over.... At some point, it's simply an act of mercy to bring it to their attention.

  • NewChapter

    Good Lordy, do some of you even know what the truth IS... so that you ever state it???

    Aguest, I'm truly confused now. I did address your post and contrast it with others things that have been said. Where are you going with this? I made a committment to address you respectfuly and only challenge your ideas. That's what I did. If I messed up, please show me where, specifically. Because in all honesty, I don't know where it is. If you give me a specific, I can look into it. Thank you.

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