Analysis of anti-607 BCE Rebuttals

by Ethos 529 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    I thought I would leave a link to a book written pertaining to deciphering archaeological

    evidence of the Mesopotamian region and the era and activities of Nebuchadnezzar II,

    I found it somewhat interesting.

    Its in preview form but you can still extrapolate some information freely.

  • Ethos

    Yeah Ive been getting my ass kicked. And you didnt understand something as basic as a Bible dictionary LOL

    So while I'm addressing Jeffro's last post of nonsense maybe they can address this fallacy:

    AnnoMaly: Jerusalem was desolated from 609 to 539

    2 Chronicles 36:21 "all the days of lying DESOLATED it kept SABBATH."

    Jeffro and AnnoMaly: The land kept sabbath for 49 years.

    We eagerly await more red herrings, stale humor, and of course more cut and pastes.

  • Pterist

    Ethos *** Ridiculous. Who cares about when they believe the 70 year exile began. The point is they associate the 70 year servitude with the 70 year exile, with the 70 year paying off of sabbaths, which the 70 year desolation of Jerusalem. I've shown that to you from various bible commentaries and translations of 2 Chronicles 36:21. They're all the same and you tenaciously attempt to separate each one of them with ridiculous eisegetical elucidations.****

    Can't resist:....all based on WTS dates plus or minus ...;) wink wink

    Ethos' s 4 70 years as above follows.

    1. 70 year servitude from start to finish ...WTS calculations ...627-537 = 90 years

    2. 70 years of exile, NO PROOF any any exiles from Zedekiah's deportation, Ezra mentions Zerubabel and sundry, 516 - 537 = 80 years

    3. 70 years paying of sabbaths, ....wrong Leviticus 25 ...7 times penalty 7*7 = 49 years, Jubilee year 50 year principle.

    4. 70 years DESOLATIONS plural ...Daniel 9:2 ..started with Daniel realizes from Jeremiah letter about the 70 years for Babylon..that he is in exile almost 70 years 607- 539 ?....but Ethos makes him in Babylon almost 90 years.627-537 = 90 years?

    It ALL make sense when it's 70 years for Babylon to accomplish what Jehovah had decided...The land paid off the just amoun 7*7 = 49 years of sabbath. This is also the correction Joesephus uses when he discusses the 70 years and 50 years.

    Im NOT saying my dates are absolute. Its a general outline to show how wrong the WTS is. Burden of proof is on the WTS to proof their dates, it's what they place their calling on, their authority on, and their condemnation of everyone that does NOT accept it by disfellowshiping, and judgment of second death for all living humanity.


  • Finkelstein

    When one gathers all available bits of information from various sources including the chronological dating within the bible itself.

    It becomes evident that 605 BCE. was the year that Jerusalem was annexed by Babylon via Nebuchadnezzar II, the same year he

    became ruler/King upon his father's death. The start of the exile to Babylon also started within that year.

    Likewise the finally destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar II did occur in 586 BCE.

    It should also be noted that there is archaeological proof by way tablets and cylinders biographically dating events pertaining to

    Nebucbhnezzar II in support toward other sources, including the bible.

    You can play games with pushing a year forward or backward all you want but you cant fight against practical evidence.

    What year was the year that exiles returned to Jerusalem isn't exactly clear. 538, 537, 536 ???

    We do know of what year the Decree of Cyrus was handed down the same year he over thorough Babylon (538).

    Irregardless 607 or 609 shouldn't be an important factor weighing upon the evidence of 605.

    One might surmise that since the captivity from the start to the eventual release from Babylon accumulated close to 70 years in approximation,

    that a post- prophecy was told to support the power and controlling direction of their god of the ancient Israelites (YHWH)

    7 being the most sacred of numbers concerning this god and venerated by this ancient civilization.

    It is prudent to be intellectually honest when evaluating the historical evidence of humanity's history, isn't that right Ethos ?

    By the way it should be mentioned that if you subtract 70 years from 605 you end up at 535 BCE, 3 years after the proposed Decree

    of Cyrus. Does it seem plausible that people would wait 3 years after they were freed to return to their homeland ? ? ?

    Or they would subjectively wait 3 years to substantiate a prophecy that was set 100 years prior to their captivity ?

    These are real questions where one has to apply logic with a bit of intellectual honesty to derive at a probable conclusion.

  • tornapart

    Who really cares when the 70 years started? What does it really matter in the scheme of things? What's so important about the 70 years? God said Babylon would dominate the nations form 70 years. They did, exactly as the bible said. Does it matter what year it began? Secular writers say it was from 609BCE-539BCE.... the WTS say it was from 607BCE-537BCE......... SO????? What's the point??? It was over 2.5 thousand years ago...

    I don't understand what's the big deal. Ethos/Recovery seems obsessed with it.

  • AnnOMaly

    AnnoMaly: Jerusalem was desolated from 609 to 539

    Ethos, it is very telling that you resort to complete fabrications. Nobody has claimed any such thing.

  • Pterist

    2 Chron. 36:21 "...until the land had paid off its sabbaths." 50 years?.......already addressed in the following thread ....

  • Pterist

    Torn apart.....*** I don't understand what's the big deal. Ethos/Recovery seems obsessed with it.****

    Its no big deal to Christians, it's NOT a doctrine for salvation is it ? ....

    Ethos or recovery, .does NOT want to accept that he may have waisted his whole life on a false foundation, we should pray for him.

  • tornapart

    That's the whole thing Pterist.. no other religion is as obsessed with this date... it's meaningless to them. The reason it's so important is because JWs NEED it... to back up their 1914 date. Without 607BCE there is no 1914. Without 1914 the whole belief system crumbles.

    I think Ethos/Recovery needs to believe 607BCE to keep his faith in the WTS.

  • Pterist

    Pray for him and us brother

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