
by Ethos 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Back to seriousness, Ethos, I'm not sure of your intent here. Are we supposed to pose our questions and relate how they were used in our discovery about TTATT, and then you will respond to them?

    because this far, I haven't seen you answer anything. Personally, I'd like you to read through my monstrous post (you can skip the end of corse) and have answer each one of those issue line by line.

    what I wrote above is basically my full reason for saying that Jehovah is a man made name, and so just using a name that was created by the Catholic Church, that doesn't make you gods people. There was a divine name that was given by God to believers. If you recall the name was based on Jesus. Acts 11:26 specifically tells us what we are to be called. We are to be called Christians. That name was given to us from God Himself.

    One last thing that I may have posted above: we KNOW the greatest name in existence. This scripture seals the deal as to what name we should focus on:

    "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:9-11).

  • LouBelle

    It all depends on the person, what they deem to be important and what they are willing to put into finding out the truth.

    Mine wasn't any specific topic/belief. I just woke up one day and thought "is this all there is?" From there I just started looking at my life and trying to figure out where I wasn't happy - one of those places was JW and from there I did my research.

    So I don't think there is anything specific that will wake anyone up.

  • Ucantnome

    Most people here didnt 'figure it out own their own'. Sure they had doubts/questions but the Internet had a significant role.

    I did not have the internet when I stopped my attendance at the Kingdom Hall and my Field Service. When the elders visited me I found some reluctant to read Watchtower literature. Some became irritated. Some were rude. I wrote to the Watchtower but recieved no reply.

    My view, my opinion is that they are false prophets and if so that invalidates their preaching, and I think it sounds like Matthew 7:22.

    Of course I could be wrong and it is difficult to have a discussion with a Witness along these lines. One recently just held up their hand and blanked me and continued a conversation with another person who was present on another subject although they raised the issue.

  • Heaven

    Hi Ethos... the topic differs for everyone. But it's something that strikes to each individual's core. Call it an epiphany or a light bulb moment or whatever. It is something that suddenly breaks through the curtain that has been created by the religion.

    What topic would it take for you to see TTATT?

  • punkofnice

    Ethos. I think you might be getting a little swamped with questions, mate.

    As for what makes people wake up to the truth about 'the truth(TM)', there is no one thing.

    For myself as an elder I became aware it was just a big business posing as a religion. I saw this thru' the unchristian process of 'judicial committees(TM)'. We'd pray, read the Bible and discuss a case. Then we'd render what was supposed to be Jehovah's judgement.

    Then why was the accused given 7 days to appeal the desicion if the original desicion was from god himself? (There's a question!!)

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You don't need us to find you a topic to discuss.

    You say have already done your homework on this forum and said that you know that previous apologists have done poor jobs of discussing their chosen subjects, so .... just pick any thread that they failed on and do a better job. We don't mind if you resurrect a ten year old thread and demonstrate the errors in it.

  • punkofnice

    Black Sheep -

    We don't mind if you resurrect a ten year old thread and demonstrate the errors in it.

    ...........and we won't claim 'new light'(TM)!

  • Phizzy

    Ethos, if you want to discuss things you must learn to be polite, and not downright rude as all you JW Apologists seem to be.

    By polite ,I mean you really must acknowledge points, facts and questions addressed to you, if you have no response, then please say so, just to ignore a question totally and gayly go on as though it were never posed just shows that either you are an uncouth person, or you are a liar in saying you wish to answer questions, which is it ?

    My question that I would love a J.W to face up to and answer is : " on what possible basis could Jesus have chosen the Bible Students who were along with Rutherford at H.Q, as the F.D.S at any time in the early 20th Century ?"

    Will you address this question, at some point , or shall I simply cease to read any of your threads ?

  • WinstonSmith

    I'm sensing a similar modus operandi to a recently banned user...

    There really is a lot of information on this website. A lot of benefit can come from reading as much as you can and commenting on or posting questions within already existing threads. There is info on pretty much every conceivable JW related topic here.

    I encourage all new users (myself included) to dig around before starting a new thread. When a thread gets started requesting questions that you think you will be able to answer and defend, all you are going to get is an avalanche of questions that you have no hope of answering due to the volume, complexity, and variety of subject matter.

    Find a thread that is already about the subject you are interested in, read it thoroughly, and then, if your questions haven't been answered, post them in that thread.

    To answer your question Ethos, I would love to have a JW explain to me why despite the United Nations being part of the beast the WTS had no issue with becoming a NGO member of that beast, specifically signing up to its ideals in order to attain and maintain membership? And why was it only when they got exposed as cuddling up to the beast that they nulled the relationship? To most people this sounds like when a criminal says sorry. Are they sorry for what they have done, or sorry that they got caught?

  • jwfacts

    As already stated, there is no one topic. We are all different, and different things are important to different people. For me, it was ongoing evidence that Holy Spirit is not directing the organisation, which was all the more pronounced when I was in Bethel. For my best mate, he was pioneering where the need was great in Ecuador when he read a book by Joseph Campbell on Mythology and realised the Bible draws upon older mythologies. Many on here have personal experiences showing an absence of love in the congregations. These are three totally unrelated things. Yet once the spell of mind control is broken, it is then possible to allow yourself to think clearly, and then the conclusion is the same.

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