
by Ethos 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Once a JW has invested most of their life in the Watchtower's gamble, has indoctrinated others into the church, shunned friends and family members, encouraged someone to die over blood, there isn't much that they will seriously consider. As my father said, "They have to be right!". He simply can't bear the implications for if they are wrong.

  • Jeffro
    So I'd like to take a poll: Which topic would you like to see a JW discuss most? Another way of putting it, what topic do you think would undoubtedly cause him to wake up to 'the truth about the truth'.
    Evolution, 607, 1914, blood, Trinity brochure, the name Jehovah, child abuse, disfelowshipping, etc.?
    or maybe something that lead you to become an atheist or convert to another religion.

    There is no one specific issue that would cause any JW to 'wake up'. It's like expecting a universal objective answer to, "What is the nicest food?"

    Some people leave once they understand that it's not actually true. With others, it doesn't really matter to them that it's not actually true (or that their 'brand' of 'truth' can change at any moment), because they feel it's the intent or some other subjective thing like faith that 'really' matters.

  • minimus

    It is a cult. You cannot wake up a cultist sch as yourself.

  • Ethos

    So people would rather be pedantic about the miniscule details of the question and instead pick it apart and not just simply answer the question.

  • Jeffro
    So people would rather be pedantic about the miniscule details of the question and instead pick it apart and not just simply answer the question.

    As already stated, there is no one answer to the question.

    What are you expecting? 20 people to give 20 different answers? And then what? You pick your favourite topic from the 20 answers?? Or claim that because everyone says something different, you don't have to deal with any??

    What do you want???

  • Jeffro


    • The JW breed of creationism contradicts well-established geological, anthropological, archeological and biological facts.


    • JW chronology is not supported by the Bible without taking significant liberties with some verses and completely ignoring others
    • JW chronology contradicts all available secular records
    • Various scholars have stated that the Watch Tower Society has misquoted them to make it appear they support JW chronology


    • The JW views of 1914 rely on the false 607 dogma
    • What Russell actually taught about 1914 is quite different to what the Society now says Bible Students expected


    • There is no textually valid reason to insist that biblical dietary laws apply to medical procedures
    • There is no evidence that such 'laws' were actually issued by a deity

    Trinity brochure

    • The Bible can be (is) subjectively interpreted as either supporting or not supporting the Trinity
    • There is no evidence that a deity exists

    The name Jehovah

    • The name Jehovah is not linguistically supported by the original form
    • There is no evidence that a deity exists

    child abuse

    • JW child abuse policies are a breach of the law in various jurisdictions
    • Their policy claims that abusers are not allowed in 'positions of authority', while also claiming that all baptised members are 'ordained ministers' and that they have no 'clergy class' (except when claiming 'clergy-penitent' privilege, which they breach by reporting privileged conversations to headquarters)


    • Threat of shunning is used to keep people in submission of, and based on, subjective interpretations of scriptures
  • NeverKnew

    "Which topic would you like to see a JW discuss most?

    Sweetheart, many have JWs they love and care about to discuss JW matters with, at least I do.

    Personally, I have no questions for you that I cannot find using google.

  • talesin

    wow, what a nasty bunch some of us have turned into .... some of the comments on this thread leave me speechless.

    So if you're willing to take me and what I say in consideration once more, I'd like to really prove myself. I'm not that dense nor am I so shallow and given to misconcept as it perhaps came across. So I will put more effort into cohesive and serious posts henceforth.

    Hey, nasty, judgmental numbskulls? Did you even READ this sentence?


  • Ethos

    All I wanted is YOUR opinions/perspective beyond the horse beaten 'WT is a cult' cliches. If there isnt one answer, write several. Its a perspective question, so there doesnt have to be ONE answer. I want to know what *REAL* problems affected *REAL* people. I'm trying to make amends for any blunder feigned on my part and I'm conveying an interest in you beyond the superficial theological 'im right you're wrong' perspective. If a discussion is ever realized, you will NEVER hear me say I won the debate. I could care less.

    My goal for being here? Intellectual growth in understanding human beings and at the same time making sure I do not let anything in my religion go unchecked or unnoticed. I cannot consent to ignorance at this point in my life.

  • Ethos

    Hanks talesin. Its refreshing to at least have someone notice my sincerity.

    My purpose?: "I cannot long be in solitude, and to devote my working hours to a monotonous labour wholly devoid of stimulus: anymore than I can be content with my faculties, paralysed, made useless." - Jane Eyre

    Take from that what you will.

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