A letter from a College Dropout

by Ethos 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ethos

    I can never be readmitted to Harvard because I disagreed with the man made rules of your self appointed professors. Why should we trust and be expected to listen to them when when so many of them have turned out to be pedophiles, drunkards, and get sexually involved with students!

  • perfect1

    Luckily, since most schools are secular, no one has ever professed the rules to be anything other than man made.

  • jookbeard

    is it me or is Recovery making another comeback?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    The governing body of Harvard University.


    well played sir, well played

  • perfect1

    Research is tested until it is invalidated by empirical evidence which is repeatable- transparent.

    Academia is made of thousands of individuals pursuing all variety of interests, from social science to geophysicists.

    They are accountable to department heads, deans, provosts, and presidents of the Universities.

    8 men in Brooklyn who make this shit up are not accountable to anyone. They are considered absolute authorities only according to themselves and the fear of anyone who dares to question them.

    Bottom line- you leave Harvard- your loss. No one will care, or think about you again, its your decision.

    Leave the WT, you will be slandered and shunned, but free.

  • Ethos

    Obviously Marvin has never been to university. Whatever's in the textbook is on the test. You will fail the class if you fail the tests. Arguing with the professor about something wrong in his textbook will get you nowhere. Violate the rules and you are kicked out. What a cult!

    And the GB have never claimed to have any special ability. They never said their every word is error free. Really they flat out tell you all they do is read the Bible like the rest of us. No conversations with Jesus or miraculous visions. Even the Bible tells us Gods people would have to be refined of their BEFOULED GARMENTS (errors). So we have no special ability, Bible prophecy telling us they would have things wrong and people cant get over quotes from a 100 years ago. Amazing. While youre at it, why dont you quote a medical dictionary about blacks being genetically inferior to show us just one of the many things doctors have changed?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    I can never be readmitted to Harvard because I disagreed with the man made rules of your self appointed professors. Why should we trust and be expected to listen to them when when so many of them have turned out to be pedophiles, drunkards, and get sexually involved with students!

    because unlike the pedophiles and drunkards on the governing body who got sexually active with some of the bethelites, everything the professors say can be tested FOR YOURSELF.

    you can do the experiments, work out the math, you can go to different sources to see if there is agreement...

    there is no other source for the jws other than the governing body.

    you cannot test their sayings to see if they are true.

    you have to go by blind faith

    whereas in school, blind faith without PROOF is a surefire way to an "F"

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Obviously Marvin has never been to university. Whatever's in the textbook is on the test. You will fail the class if you fail the tests. Arguing with the professor about something wrong in his textbook will get you nowhere. Violate the rules and you are kicked out. What a cult!

    another bs, "science is shaky" argument?

    you'd be surprised how many of these we've had on here over the past couple weeks...

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    Oh dear Ethos, I suspect one day you will look back on this silly analogy and cringe with embarrassment.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Chill out, folks. It seems to me that our dear Ethos (or is it Ethoz?) has written a little satire. What he supposedly said to "Harvard" is exactly what any one of us might say to the Faithless Indiscreet Slave, if we had the guts and the opportunity.

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