Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors? You Decide!

by Ethos 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    If the WTS/JWS are indeed teaching a commercialized adulterated gospel which it has created for themselves

    to support their publishing house, one should be truthfully inspired to repel this organization and all its workings.

    Thats if one was endeavored to keep themselves spiritually clean in god's eyes.

  • jgnat

    Well, this is a standard strawman argument.

    There are two factors that make errors and changing doctrine by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society both wrong and evil, and beyond the errors and blind alleys, say, that the scientific community can be challenged on.

    Ethos, would you agree with these two statements?

    • The Watchtower society claims to be the organization most closely led by Jehovah's Holy Spirit in our day, indeed, the only one.
    • Remaining close to the society offers the chance for eternal life, and rejecting the society or being rejected by it means certain death.

    Given that you agree with these two statements, every statement made by the WTS has life or death import. As human as the writers may be, their claim is that they are speaking on behalf of Jehovah himself. To find human errors challenges this most extraordinary claim, and perhaps can help the discerning reader determine if the WTS is spirit-led or not.

    Another rather obvious example that the WTS is not spirit-led, are the examples of flip-flops. Jehovah does not change His mind, but the Governing Body does. Some of these doctrinal changes led faithful Witnesses to life-threatening decisions, such as refusing an organ transplant. A faithful Witness obeying instructions before the doctrinal change dies a premature death, the next, deciding after the change, lives.

    Next, I'll talk about allowable errors in the scientific community.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    It wasn't the "errors" in the Watchtower that stumbled me; it was the errors in the bible...

    Ditto. The errors and the mass genocide.

  • Londo111

    For one thing, the scientific community would never impel families or friends to shun a person for not adhering to its findings, whether faulty or solid. And they will apologize for being wrong. I've yet to read an apology coming from the Watchtower.

    Nor are scientists part of one monolithic Organization.

    Scientists who bungled their findings, perhaps even fudging figures, misquoting out of context, and so forth would have their credentials questioned. If they persisted their work would not find a home in any credible publication. Many have stepped down after such things have come to light. I’ve yet to see such real accountability for the Governing Body.

  • jwfacts

    You see the Watchtower has made several bold and definitive statements regarding its conclusions about what should transpire on certain dates, but it also qualified those statements with caution.

    Great use of selective quoting to support your premise. How about a bit of honesty with your next presentation, by showing some of the other quotes, such as:

    "... this chronology is not of man, but of God.... the addition of more proofs removes it entirely from the realm of chance into that of proven certainty.... the chronology of present truth [is]... not of human origin." Watch Tower 1922 July 1 p.217

    "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith then Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." Watch Tower 1923 Apr. 1 p.106

    Then, like now, the Watchtower speaks with a forked tongue, sometimes covering their bets with by saying it is only a guess, and other times saying it is definite. The true indicator is you will be disfellowshipped if you pull them up on one of their false teachings.


  • jgnat

    Now, the whole scientific method is based on the opposite premise. There are no extraordinary claims of divine direction. It is assumed that a hypothesis is human, and it is the obligation of the scientific community to devise experiments to either prove or disprove the hypothesis. The more ironclad the experiment, the more reliable the result. The experimenter goes on to publish the work in a peer-reviewed magazine, and again the community is invited to attempt to duplicate the results. These further experiments either validate the hypothesis, or to prove it flawed.

    This rigor in inquiry is not met by depression and despair, but is indeed welcomed. It is only by offering a claim to scrutiny and review is the truth revealed.

    Any scientific claim, no matter how cautiously presented, is therefore more thoroughly trustworthy than any extraordinary and untested pronouncement by a religious body.

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    If God, being perfect, uses only the WT organization to convey what we need to be taught, there should be no errors. As far as 'the light getting brighter", why would a God of love allow his people to stumble around in darkness in the first place? I don't want to worship a God who doesn't care if his teachings today are accurate or not, and makes absoluty NO haste to correct the teachings we now know to be false until after the fact. I'd really like to think that God, being perfect, would not make errors that need corrected in the fist place. And don't start about the 'human' factor adding errors to his organization because they're not perfect. That's simply not acceptable from a divine, all knowing, all powerful God who wants to teach us something today. It's just not. Sorry.

    ethos, these are just my personal feelings. And I'm new at this and not trying to argue. Please don't waste your time or mine with scriptural rebuttal. I know them all. I've had 35 years to learn them. At this point, after so, so many errors in teaching, I'm choosing to use some common sense. You could try, too.

  • perfect1


    I wonder what the REAL reason is that they don't want to serve Jehovah?
    Could it be that they don't want to humble themselves to do the preaching work?
    Well, if you don't do the work, you don't get the prize---everlastinglife ......A Watcher

    JW Donkey.. JW Donkey Graveyard..

     money8.gif money8.gif

    The End..

    ........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • problemaddict

    @ Marvin. I had never ever seen that July 2009 Awake. It is so insane I am sitting here absolutely angry beyond belief. Time to hit the gym and get rid of some of this.

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