Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors? You Decide!

by Ethos 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    Ethos pulled an Elvis and has left the buildin'. He's lurkin' from an off site location

    trynna get his act toghether so he can get back on stage and entertain us better

    Maybe Ethos returned to the Pleides... you know... where Jehovah is er... once was ... or could be again.

  • lisaBObeesa
    Well, if you don't do the work, you don't get the prize---everlasting life.

    In the here and now I'm going to HELP people.

    I'm going to LOVE people.

    You can keep your 'everylasting life' that requires the constant selling of books and the shunning of human beings.

    Not worth the price! Not worth my soul!

  • Heaven

    Well, if you don't do the work, you don't get the prize---everlasting life.

    I guess these people are screwed then...

    Remote Amazon Tribe

  • vangogh

    The WTBS knew very well the effects these 'prophecies' would have on the witnesses and none of these Watchtower or Awake articles would never have been published without the societys approval. I was caught up in the 1975 time , there was no talk about it not going to happen, and yes, I heard it from the platform both in the kingdom hall and the conventions 'That no man knows the day or the hour' but back then in the late 60's and the run up to 1975, they meant it literally, 'the day or the hour'. not the way its meant now, If anyone did have doubts about what was being taught they certainly kept those thoughts to themselves. Any person outspoken about the WTBS' 'prophecy' back then, i'm sure would have ' spoken to, to say the least' Every thing taught from the platform back then was backed up from scripture, thats how we knew it was the truth. A wise and loving person always considers what they are going to say to a person and how their words will effect them, if a person or persons doesnt think before they utter words they are foolish, especially people who say they were chosen by Jesus. Jesus would never have appointed people who would say these things to be said in His name, what was taught back then was wrong and did a lot of harm to many. The Bible is quite clear in its warning about people who say such things and the Bible is our authority not men, whoever they claim to be. They are people who think they can say what they want regardless of the effect of their words, they have a lot to answer for..Woe Betide Them!!

  • sseveninches

    The teaching of the generation that would not pass away was part of the preaching work. I don't think that it could be separated from the preaching work that I was engaged in as a pioneer in the 70's. The teaching then about the time limit of a generation has changed.

    Therefore I don't think God required me to preach this message in the 1970's.

    This is one of my biggest problems with JWs. I brought this up to my parents, but I was shot down hard. Now I'm seen as someone who's doubting the organization.

    When they say "never discuss doctrine with a cult member", they mean it, no matter how subtle the question may be!

  • ziddina

    Hey, Vangogh, welcome to the board!!

  • Finkelstein

    Beloved, believe not every spirit - Do not confide implicitly in everyone who professes to be under the influences of the Holy Spirit. Compare Matthew 24:4-5 . The true and the false teachers of religion alike claimed to be under the influence of the Spirit of God, and it was of importance that all such pretensions should be examined. It was not to be admitted because anyone claimed to have been sent from God that therefore he was sent. Every such claim should be subjected to the proper proof before it was conceded. All pretensions to divine inspiration, or to being authorised teachers of religion, were to be examined by the proper tests, because there were many false and delusive teachers who set up such claims in the world.

    But try the spirits whether they are of God - There were those in the early Christian church who had the gift of "discerning spirits," (see the notes at 1 Corinthians 12:10 ), but it is not certain that the apostle refers here to any such supernatural power. It is more probable, as he addresses this command to Christians in general, that he refers to the ability of doing this by a comparison of the doctrines which they professed to hold with what was revealed, and by the fruits of their doctrines in their lives. If they taught what God had taught in his word, and if their lives corresponded with his requirements, and if their doctrines agreed with what had been inculcated by those who were admitted to be true apostles, 1 John 4:6 , they were to receive them as what they professed to be. If not, they were to reject them, and hold them to be impostors. It may be remarked, that it is just as proper and as important now to examine the claims of all who profess to be teachers of religion, as it was then. In a matter so momentous as religion, and where there is so much at stake, it is important that all pretensions of this kind should be subjected to a rigid examination. No one should be received as a religious teacher without the clearest evidence that he has come in accordance with the will of God, nor unless he inculcates the very truth which God has revealed. See the Isaiah 8:20 note, and Acts 17:11 note.

    Because many false prophets are gone out into the world - The word prophet is often used in the New Testament to denote religious instructors or preachers. See the notes at Romans 12:6 . Compare the notes at 2 Peter 2:1 . Such false teachers evidently abounded in the times here referred to. See the notes at 1 John 2:18 . The meaning is, that many had gone out into the world pretending to be true teachers of religion, but who inculcated most dangerous doctrines; and it was their duty to be on their guard against them, for they had the very spirit of antichrist, 1 John 4:3 .

  • Ethos

    Sorry, I've had an unusually busy weekend. If anyone cared anyway, I'll do some responding today (Monday)

  • Phizzy

    Thanks Ethos, of course I would be particularly appreciative if you would answer my question to you, but other posters may well be in front of me in the queue, sometime soon would be nice though, many thanks.

  • punkofnice

    I said I don''t get involved in debates, so here's my non involvement:

    Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors?

    'Stumbled' is cult loaded language and in the context of this question assumes the watchtower corporation is the only worthy authority first place.

    'Watchtower errors' is an interesting turn of phrase too. (Errors or lies? You decide!)

    The Watchtower got this right:

    Awake! 2009 July p.29 (p.28) "No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family."

    .........then why was I labeled a 'mentally diseased apostate' and shunned when I found Watchtower 'beliefs' 'unacceptable'? It wasn't as if I even broadcast my thoughts within the congregation...........I simply left the watchtower corporation.

    Now this is an interesting reply:

    Sorry, I've had an unusually busy weekend. If anyone cared anyway, I'll do some responding today (Monday).

    What do you mean 'If anyone cared anyway'??

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