Greetings! From an Existent JW!

by Ethos 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Troll Clock started on Ethos - 11:00 AM, Friday 11/9/2012.

    JW Apologist here for nothing else than JW Apology nonsense.

  • jookbeard

    agree JWoods , just waiting for the Recovery style nonsense to materialize.

  • james_woods
    agree JWoods , just waiting for the Recovery style nonsense to materialize.

    Wait no longer and look no further than Marvin's thread on blood - he is insisting that a blood transfusion is "eating blood". Semantics to support killing babies and other humans for a crackpot religious notion.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I've been quiet about this...but I have had a sneaking suspicion that Ethos IS Recovery. I could be wrong. But comparing Recoveries early posts and his initial attempts to be intellectual with his vocabulary...sort of fit. Remember Recovery's misuse of rehotoric? I don't know. I'm interested to see what Ethos has to say about Christian unity, blood, and whatever else he wants to discuss.

  • james_woods

    You could very well be right, Christ Alone - or else an apple that fell not far from that tree.

  • jookbeard

    highly likely, the iD patches need to be checked, Recovery has tried all sorts of different styles to stay on here, the large cut and pasted stuff he used to like have been discarded into this lonely soul who is an active JW having doubts looking for answers, all bullshit IMO.

  • problemaddict

    ^^^If that was true, that would certainly be dishonest and not cool at all. Hopefully it is not true.

    @FW - So can you share with me the proof of the teaching in 1919 regarding atonement you pointed out? Is it based solely on the book you mentioned and the assumption it was still regarded as truth at the time, or is it something ever in the Watchtower of the time. The reason I ask, is that back then as I do not have to tell you, it was much more simple and easy to chalk things up to "figuring things out" since there was no real enforcement of teachings. I am keying in on a few things, and 1919 is one of them. i would love to gather some more information.

  • mouthy

    Ethos Sounds by your remark about me .Is you dont BELieVE me.... I was df because I told the elder

    I DONT believe Jesus came invisably in 1914.

    How dare you say it Might have been another reason. Since I left the "LIE" I dont tell them anymore>LIES!
    I was taught to lie by the WT. But NOW.... I speak the truth.... Because I am a CHRISTIAN>>>>>BORN AGAIN

  • Ethos

    Im sorry if it came across that way mouthy. I'd like to further qualify my statement by emphasizing the part where I said the elders acted incorrectly and unjustly and that you should not have been disfellowshipped for that.

  • Londo111


    This was called the Mystery Doctrine. You can find more about that here.

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