2013 Special Talk PDF "Does Death End It All?"

by yknot 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz .... they all died and it hasn't ended. The WTBTS is immortal!

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    You're my JWN hero!


    p.s. Well, one of several JWN heroes.

  • aposta-Z

    Thank you for sharing.

  • jwfacts

    This outline mentioned, nanotechnology.

    That struck me as amusing as well. Nanotechnology has nothing really to do with creating life.

    Does Death End it All? Actually, it does for a time for a JW. For the majority of religions, death is a far better prospect, as you continue on without dying. The Christian/Biblical resurrection hope is better than the Watchtower one.

  • steve2

    How can you guys be so cruel and leave me hanging on like this not knowing!

    'fess up right now: "Does Death End It All?" Save the niceties for inconsequential threads, and please, please, please, just tell me, Does it?

  • WTWizard

    Living forever in servitude to that killjoy Jehovah?

    As I see it, when one dies, one goes to Duat (which is nothing more than a waiting area to be reincarnated). This is the real "hell", and is not a place of torment. Your soul picks up where it left off, and if you are dedicated to Jehovah, you damn well better hope you started your dedication during a void of course moon or they screwed up somewhere during the dedication working. Otherwise, you could well find yourself right back in a witless household or some hybrid Jewish/Christian religion or a Jehovah-worship Jewish denomination with few or no opportunities to break free later in life. Your salvation, in any event, depends on breaking free of all religious ties and developing your soul.

    Which the witlesses never say a peep on how to do.

  • dozy

    Thanks Yknot.

    How about that for an exciting introduction - "Brothers , millions of people die every year. " That will really engage the audience , already hyped up by the announcement that this is the "special talk."

    First time I have seen an outline for a few years. Just struck by how nothing really changes in the JW world - other than the reference to nanotechnology and the fact that the talk is only 30 minutes , the same outline ( with the same font , same headings & structure ) could have been given out 30 years ago. Talk number 184 so another addition to the collection - doubtless to be regurgitated from time to time every few years.

    And " the appointed time is fast approaching ". According to the WTBTS , it has been "fast approaching" for 130 years. I just checked the WTLIB - they used this expression numerous times over the years , including over 30 times in the 1950's.

    So boring..............thank goodness I don't need to sit on a lovely spring Sunday morning listening to this discourse.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Striaghtshooter has a point: no reference whatsover to surviving Armageddon and never dying; anyone remember "Millions Now Living... etc.?"

  • Killa
  • Killa

    Yeah that's the outline alright. I have the "privilege" to give it

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