I didn't take your advice and this is the result...

by MsGrowingGirl20 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    Recently i told you all that i wanted to e-mail two friends some of the things i was struggling with in an effort to help them wake up or at least for them to understand me...97% of you all told me that it was a bad idea. I still decided to do it. So i e-mailed her SINCERELY asking questions on five points---1) Health care flip flops 2) False prophecies 3) Mediatorship of Jesus 4) UN 5)1918.

    She replied about 8 hours after. She said," I really wish i could help but all i can continue to do is keep praying for you. You need to keep seeking the help of the elders. They can assist you. Keep reaching out for their help until you are better."

    Three days after she and the sister who studied with me came to visit. They said that they're missing me and they didn't come to make me feel bad. We eventually got into talking about the organization. It's not easy talking to faithful witnesses about problems with the organization. Everything can be fixed with,"It's a perfect organization made up of imperfect people," or ,"Wait on Jehovah. The light gets brighter."

    I was asked,"Do you think that you are just looking for an excuse to leave?" "Do you think that you're being controlled by demons? Look through your clothes to see if there's any demon things."

    It was frustrating. I eventually gave up and just listened. What they were telling me was equivalent to this---If i asked you if Sally (the organization) if she's lying or wrong,would you send to Sally to ask her if she's lying or if she's wrong? OF COURSE NOT! That's stupid!

    During the conversation my friend said that she could never believe that the organization was affiliated with the UN.

    They eventually left.

    15 minutes after they left i sent her a link to the UN site. She replied,"Hey,

    Sorry I'm so late in replying. Looked at it last night but was too exhausted to reply. You are correct, however, it's not membership like that of states where they are lending support to a 'world government'. It was affiliated with the Department of Public Information. Doing so I believe would make sense because it would have allowed us to be aware of the happenings of the UN and so in some ways I would imagine help us to keep abreast with where we are in these times. I can't say why we withdrew membership, perhaps it was because the requirements for membership changed and went against bible principles. That is me speculating though.

    Thank you for sharing. I hope that Jehovah will point you in the direction that you need to go and that you will allow yourself to be guided by his spirit."

    On Monday, the sister that i studied with called and we spoke again. I told her that when i don't go to meetings i feel as though my life has no purpose. This is how i truly feel at times. I should not have told her because she then tries to get me to come back to meetings. She tels me that i will not get any answers out there in the world. I am the youngest in my family and the only one who is baptised. She told me that if my light is off (not shining) then, inn effect, i'm killing the rest of my family because none of them can get baptised. I told her that i'm not surre i'm ready to go back to meetings. She tells me that i've made my choice. I've chosed the malediction over the blessing. She then leaves.

    All this time i was getting missed calls from an elder. I text him and tell him that i'm having some problems. The Co-ordinating Elder just wants his report for last month. I have none.

    On thursday night i get a message from the Co-ordinator Elder( Presiding Elder.) "I will like to meet with you."

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Why do you want to remain a JW?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am so sick of the double talk.

    "Get out of her if you do not want to be part of her plagues." (Something like that).
    "Do not be using the world to the full."

    "Oh, they were just there to use the library, access to information."

    Try that excuse if you get caught on this web forum.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    @ Broken Promises...I don't. I will miss my friends but i'm basically being shunned already. I ask myself sometimes," What if they're right and i am killed at Armageddon even though i'm not doing anything wrong." But i guess i can live with that possibility. It will take time.

    @ OnTheWayOut...I know! I read that letter over and over. It is IMPOSSIBLE for one to read that letter and not have questions.

  • cantleave

    Draw a line under the religion, move on and enjoy your life.......

  • 00DAD

    It's clear, the WTBTS and JWs LOVE to point out anything that even smells like hypocrisy on the part of others, but when THEY do the exact same thing then you get the standard, " "It's a perfect organization made up of imperfect people," or ,"Wait on Jehovah. The light gets brighter."

    Duh, that's what HYPOCRISY is!!!!

    Wake up little dubbies, wake up! Don't you think the Catholics, Mormons, Scientologists ... [fill in the blank with the hypocritical organization of your choice] ... say the same things to their members that point out the duplicity in their organizations?

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    MsGG20 - Rephrase your question. You asked, what if they're right and I'm wrong?

    Start with being positive and ask yourself instead, what if I'm right and they're wrong? Give yourself some credit about waking up! LOL

    Then if you haven't already, read Ray Franz's and Steve Hassan's books and confirm your stand to yourself - it won't matter to your faithful friends, unless you choose to continue to be a JW.

    It's nice you want to help your friends. But it is usually an uphill, if not losing, battle.

    Good luck.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Well, at least you tried to help them, but the thing is that your reasoning with them is a direct challenge to THEIR status.

    Think of it like this:

    Do you feel the pressure to decide between staying in the religion or being shunned by them if you don't accept their answers? Well, guess what? Whether they admit it to you or themselves, THEY ARE IN THE SAME BOAT. THEY ALSO feel the same pressure to go with the JW policy, since THEY KNOW that THEY will be shunned by the others IF THEY act on those same doubts.

    That was why we said that you ultimately can only save yourself here; this is where a single individual takes on a GROUP. You wouldnt like those odds in sports (think of a one-man football team taking on a team with the full roster of players), and it doesn't work when challenging their beliefs. You are hopelessly outnumbered, no matter how correct you are.

    BTW, there are doubts and problematic issues you haven't even yet encountered and discovered with JW beliefs, but do you really want to waste years of your life learning their theology, and doing outside research (which IS forbidden by their policy: THAT ALONE should be a red flag), only to unwind it and reach the same conclusion?

    I was never baptized, and left 35 YEARS AGO to live MY life, and enjoy critically analyzing their beliefs and interpretations to help those in a critical point in their lives; I made the right decision, and didn't look back (I consider helping other here as a public service, helping young ones escape a time-sucking and energy-sapping cult that took my family).

    You are at a crossroads, but need to push on with your journey: JWs are not the destination, but a first stop on a wonderful trip of discovery. Don't settle for the first stop on a journey, and cancel the rest of the trip, unless you really WANT to be a drone. So people DO want others to decide for them, which is find, as long as they realize what they're doing, and why.

  • moshe

    I have a friend who is prone to making bad people decisions- I give him two questions to ask himself, in order to try and prevent another trainwreck-

    Q- Is their any upside for me if I do/say this?- Ans- NO

    Q- Could there be a downside for me? Ans- YES

    Me- THEN DON'T DO IT!!

    That downside can be a real bummer.

    When it comes to JWs, they can always push you off a cliff.

  • leavingwt

    Please read Steve Hassan's first book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" at your earliest convenience.

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