I didn't take your advice and this is the result...

by MsGrowingGirl20 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    @ cantleave...that's what i know i need to do.It's easier said than done though.

    @00DAD...LOL! It's only when you're on the outside looking in, you can see it clearly.

    @ Crisis Of Conscience...thanks for your words.I'm looking for Steve's book in my country. No luck thus far.

    @ King Soloman...i hope that next five years i feel like you do.

    @moshe...Man...it's a process.Thanks.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind


    My husband was in the organization for 55 years (born-in) and I was in for 38 years (convert). When we were dyed-in -the wool dubs we too would have given the party line answers to such challenges, while harboring our private doubts. Do take leavingwt's advice and read "Combatting Cult Mind Control". It is a MUST READ. It will help you understand a person leaves a cult only when ready. My husband left when we were in our mid fifties with children and grandchildren still in the cult. Thankfully now they are out or exiting.

    Be patient, my friend; there is no Armageddon to worry about. So, relax, make friends on the outside, and start living your own life.

    Reopened Mind


    I used to be afraid that I would die at armageddon too. I once had the most terrifying realistic dream. I was all alone, standing on a precipice with a light from above shining on me. Then straight out of Indiana Jones the most beautiful angelic creature appears. first as a distant light, then it gets closer and closer until we meet eye to eye. I think of how beautiful this creature is. Then it's face become a skull and I wake up in a cold sweat. I have been judged by the Watchtower's God.

    I don't have those nightmares anymore. I have stress, I worry about my family, but no more nighmares or night-terrors or insomnia. I only have stress when it's meeting time, or service time, or an Elder " just wants to talk ". The " truth " is my source of stress and anxiety. They don't love YOU, they love the idea of YOU. They need you to be like them, so that they can justify their worldview. They are deceived, they don't really even know what love is because they worship what they do not know. IF YOU personally believe in Christ then you are one of his sheep. He will not lose you. Your salvation in not dependent on a human organization, that belief is disgusting.

    Maybe think of it this way. If Christ is real, then he knows how corrupt organized religion is. If you want nothing to do with it, he understands. The Bible says because of wicked men the " way of the truth " ( not JW's ) will be spoken of abusively. Christ must know that confusion and frustration will plague people who just want to live their lives free from False Religion, spirit and truth right? YOU are not blame, if you are a Christian then understand that Christ loves YOU, and he is just and would never harm you because of the evil conduct of wicked religious leaders. YOU ARE SAFE.

    This is a little jacked up, but I also reason this way. I am only human. I will live about 80 years on average. I can't do a damn thing about it. If God is really going to clean up the earth then he will. I can't do a damn thing about it. If he is all powerful and really loves me then I will be okay no matter what. If he is all powerful and wants to kill me because I didn't get 10 hrs in service, then I can't do a damn thing about it. If that is his personality, then why would I want to live forever and worship him anyway? Do you really want to live in the pictures of the JW paradise? A never ending KH project, being ORGANIZED by men for a thousand years! Wondering if you will pass the final test the whole time! THEY ARE WRONG AND THEY DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH. There are good people just like you, trapped and deceived, and they have some truth, just like other groups. If you can get away then go for it. Test them out. Say you are depressed, say you are doing your best, say you can't meet right now and they need to respect that. Watch their behavior. You could do what I did. I sent some letters to the Elders using WTBTS quotes to ask about some issues. I knew when I hit send that I would end up in a meeting. I had to see some things for myself. You could do that, or you could beleive us when we tell you what will happen. You either agree, or pretend you are weak and need their loving guidance. Anything else is unacceptable. If you play your cards right you won't be DF'd and you can fade. Just be honest with them and see how they behave. You may need to see it for yourself like I did. They must obey the GB, their true masters.

    It is your life, your choice. You are not under any obligation to serve men. They have no power but what you give them.

  • mrsjones5

    It's time to take evasive action: do not under any circumstances meet with that elder. Blame it on the vapors or that time of the month or anything but do not meet with the elders. Nothing good is going to come of it.

  • Ding

    WT indoctrination is effective.

    Even when JWs see that the organization isn't what it claims to be, so many still fear being wiped out at Armageddon.

    Please rest assured that you won't be destroyed at Armageddon for no longer affiliating with a false prophet...

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Sad story Ms growing Girl! But....the people here have a lot of experience! Trust what you read here! If you want to fade you have to be quiet and not rock the boat! I myself have been a fader (in good standing) since 23 years. And....never never never ever believe that you could help your friends to see the "truth about the truth"! Just forget that!

  • jws

    Don't worry, they're not right.

    Consider this, as a JW, you are supposed to believe exactly what they teach or God won't spare you, right?

    What about Witnesses back in the 20's or 30's? Or even Bible Students back in Russell's day? By JW standards, what they believed back then is apostacy now. Yet they believe Jesus chose them. If there is a God and Jesus, if he could pick them, accurate knowledge isn't really a criteria, is it?

    Not that he picked them, but their doctrine backfires on itself. Stick around, you'll see and believe they are just a cult. It might take a bit. Myself and others in my family felt the same at first. I sent Crisis of Conscience to my neice and it wiped all those feelings out of her head.

  • cofty

    What decision would you make if you completely ignore what others will think about you? I find that question often leads to the right answer.

    By the way there is no such thing as armageddon, its a mind control fantasy used by tyranical religions.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    @ cofty...as i read that question, my reactions was,"LEAVE!"

    @jws...imagine that. The jw's of today will be outdated next 20 yrs.

    @ding...i can see how that makes sense. However, it takes time to see them as a false prophet.

    @mrs jones...you wouldn't believe that as i was walking outside this morning after reading your comment, he pulled up to my house!!! Jeeesh!

    @data..thank you..that's very comforting.

    @re-opened mind...yes...i need to breathe.

  • mrsjones5

    Dang it! What did you do?

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