My letter to elders. Just drafted... PLEASE tell me what you think... Greybeard

by Greybeard 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • FadeToBlack

    Thanks for writing that letter. It may prove useful in ways that you did not intend. I would like to discuss the contents of it with my wife.

  • mrquik

    Great letter Gregg; Wish I had the foresight to write one before leaving. As mentioned by others, they most likely will ignore all points made, but if even one wakes up it's worth the effort. Good Luck.

  • cantleave

    Great letter, but they won't read it.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Elephant said: this is a wonderfull example of how scriptures can be applied to ANYONE in their favor or against...

    Care to comment on how his scriptures were misapplied? I thought it was very clear that the Watchtower has scripturally shown themselves to be false prophets. The scriptures show that we have no need to sit in on a human tribunal where they try and assume God's role in judging us. As far as I can see, this is just another baseless attempt of yours to imply that the scriptures were twisted to suit him. Examples? don't have any. Just a bitter JW apologist that is self righteous and be pitied. I feel sorry for you.

  • freydo

    One has a choice with the wtbt$$ once you either realize the depth of their corruption or been a victim.

    Either get out, shake the dust off your feet and don't look back or keep banging your head against the wall thinking you might reform them. You will not reform them any more than you will reform atheists, Muslims, Mormons or the Pope. When things go bad they generally go bad to worse.

    The truth is on the net. It begins with the First Four Commandments.

    Avoid any group that doesn't take them seriously - they'll get almost everything else wrong.

  • ziddina

    That's an excellent letter, Greybeard, but unfortunately it will only antagonize the elders. You clearly and accurately point out many of the false prophecies and doctrinal inconsistencies of the Watchtower Society; that will 'mark' you as stubborn, "brazen", in their eyes.

    I sincerely wish that people would approach judicial committee situations with a much more clever, flexible attitude - that is, if they don't want to have to deal with a disfellowshipping and the subsequent pain of being 'shunned'.

    I also sincerely hope that your beautiful letter doesn't cause major problems for you, with your 'still-in' JW family members...


  • Farkel


    You made the wrong choice. It might make you feel better, but it would only work if you were dealing with people of reason.

    You are not dealing with people of reason, ergo, you made the wrong choice.


  • punkofnice

    XLNT letter...all versions.

    I agree with cantleave.....they won't really read it.

    I imagine them just haughtily tossing it around to one another in derision. Like the Pharisees they are, knowing they already have made a desicion to villify you. It makes them feel important.

    I didn't bother with a DA letter. I let them chase me until I was DA'd for going to a Baptist church.

  • irondork

    I hope your letter has the intended affect. You are a wonderful, insightful writer.


    This entire controversy is EXACTLY why is despise religion in all forms. A total waste of time. My advice it's to just forget about the JWs and all their silky 'Judicial Committee' nonsense. They are just window washers playing God. Just don't buy into their idiotic pontifications ever again. Problem solved!!!!

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