My letter to elders. Just drafted... PLEASE tell me what you think... Greybeard

by Greybeard 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I have a friend, David, who is prone to making rash people decisions- I have two questions I use to slow him down from a bad crash-- I think the answers for you might be the same as he comes up with--

    Q-Is their any upside for me from this?- NO

    Q-Is their any downside for me? YES!

    Then don't do it!!

    I have saved my friend from going down the wrong path quite a few times--

  • EndofMysteries

    Hey Moshe,

    I can help you add some very important things. If you can wait a day or 2. It sounds very good so far. If you want to add some fire from Jesus own words and things which have been hidden. I wish I didn't have human limitations of sleep and mind overload or would have added right now many things you could add. Anyway there is some more strong fire that can be added to really get them thinking.

    Take care.

  • NVR2L8

    Thanks Greybeard for quoting the Watchtower articles on identifying "false prophets"...and how it applied perfectly to them. I know that at some point I will be in the same position as you are and elders will want to meet with me. If this happens, I will use your approach.

  • Greybeard

    Thanks everyone for your advice. Anyone can copy this... I don't care. In case it goes to the WT you might want to word things a little different but it doesnt matter to me.

    This is done... I gave it to them today.

    My goal is to have a record of my stand before these people. I know they most likely will DF me. I will go from there with

    Thats not up yet but it will be.

  • tec

    Good for you!



  • notjustyet
  • leavingwt


    What I was going to tell you, is that when you write a letter, you're "an apostate". If they DF you, you're not necessarily an apostate. Being an ex-JW is one thing. Being "an apostate" is an entirely different thing -- from the vantage point of believing JWs.

    Hang in there. The immediate aftermatch of excommunication can be an emotional rollercoaster.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    When you comunicate with the elder JW's you are playing their game.

    You can not win when you play their game.

    You will loose when you play their game and you will be punished.

    Ultimately you will be disfellowhiped if you keep playing their game.

    You say you havent been to a kingdom hall in 3 years and havent associated with witnesses.

    Is not that better than being disfellowshiped?


    FALCON: The funny thing about what's written in the Watchtower and Awakes, even recent ones, is that no devout JW really gives two sh*ts about what's written. There is an underlying arrangement set in stone, and you either follow it, or you're out. It's kind of like a Hallmark card, they are nice to get and the funny little quip/inspirational poem/motivational statement may be quite comforting and make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but 20 seconds after putting down the card, you forget all about it. Same way with the WT literature. It's almost written from a dog's perspective. A dog doesn't remember the past nor cares for the future; it live in the NOW.

    This is one of the best things I have read for a while. It is scary true ..... The underlying agreement in that whatever the current GB says in the current WT is God's word, period. Accept and obey or be marked and most likely DF'd for apostasy.


    You make a good point about going on record. I respect that. Whatever happens you have followed your conscience, and not just ran with the rest of the lemmings. Doing what's right aint easy brother.



  • Greybeard


    I agree, I do not play their game. However, they are calling me in. So I wrote this letter to them as a record of WHY they are DFing me. Who knows... Maybe it will open someones eyes. Maybe they wont DF me. I think they will but you never know what might happen.

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