Do You Ever Doubt Your Efforts Are Futile?

by Elephant 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Elephant

    ...hello folks...

    ...i've read countless of posts, ideas, opinions, etc here and I'm interested in your response...

    ...there is a whole gamut of feelings here from individuals that are simply annoyed with the wt organization, to those that come off as hellbent on putting the org out of comission...

    ...others yet seem to have made it their mission in life to eradicate the concept of God himself... any of these, what is your motivation? and do you ever doubt that these efforts are futile? do you feel that you posses the power/ability/means to change the convictions/faiths of the masses? if not, do you ever contemplate ending these efforts?

  • Phizzy

    My motivation for posting here is to help any who are now in the situation I was in a few years ago. As a born-in to the JW religion and in for many decades, with all my family and friends in, I was lost and lonely and confused when I came to realise that the WT/JW relgion does not teach the truth.

    Where shall I go ? Is there a true relgion ? How will I cope with all my friends gone ? Will my wife leave me ? Is my whole world-view wrong then ?

    These and many more questions raced through my mind.

    On here I found support, respect, understanding, and answers to those questions that I could scrutinise, tear apart, and reject if I wanted, but they were answers, not fob-offs.

    I found gentle hints as to how to make decisions for myself, and be sure I was happy with them, I found a wealth of information that could help me become a clear thinking individual.

    I hope I can help others to achieve that, if I do not, and who can say one way or the other ? , but if I achieve nothing tangible, at least I have stood up proudly and spoken for Truth and Reality.

  • Elephant

    thx for your response Phizzy... on your terms, you have accomplished your mission?...

  • james_woods

    All my efforts are futile, and I have never doubted that simple fact.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I just have a place to vent and I hope that I can offer anyone, even a single person, some reasonableness when I state things.
    I don't think WTS will go down in my lifetime (but I hope I am wrong). I don't think religion and false belief will go away in my lifetime.

  • Elephant

    I just have a place to vent

    -on the way out-

    ...that is most understandable...

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    I just have a place to vent

    Ditto, co-sign 100%. If not for this outlet, I'd be more miserable than I already am trying to keep my confirmed lack of belief(formerly doubt) to myself. It's a lonely and frustrating existance being an active JW while being unable to express any misgivings you might have about the organization. You have to be careful bringing up these thoughts to someone related to you physically, and you absolutely cannot express doubts to anyone related to you in the faith unless you're ready to lose everyone you care about, maybe lose your way of living, your wife and children, etc.. Fukked up religion.

  • mrsjones5

    I don't have those kind of motives. I live day by day taking care of my family. Coming here is a habit and one of many things I do cuz I enjoy it and it helps the stress.

  • Londo111

    I come here for intel, for networking.

    If I could remove the individuals I deeply care about from the cult, I could probably move on. Even removing one individual is a victory…and I've done that…so you could say I've had a victory. With others it's been one step forward, two steps back.

  • oldlightnewshite

    I think places like these won't ever change the masses wholesale. Hopefully they will create a good bit of erosion for the watchtower. I don't think the WT will disappear anytime soon. There are still too many JWs who have too much invested in it to leave. Even some who seriously doubt still stay because they can't be honest with themselves, and just get by on wishful thinking.

    I think growth in under-developed countries where people have poor education will account for the WT's future growth. It will continue to decline in the west, where there is good access to information on the net.

    It's nice to see new users on here and watch them blossom into fully fledged apostates. it's gratifying to know that at least some people will escape the mind prison. It makes me hopeful for my own family.

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