Do You Ever Doubt Your Efforts Are Futile?

by Elephant 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mythreesons

    I don't think I can 'change' anybody...but the way I see it, this place does give me a place to vent. It also helps those that leave and helps them realize they aren't alone.

    I was born-in 3rd generation, ex-bethelite & elder. My wife and I left 3 years ago, we were still only 32. We have three amazing kids that are free of that place. The vast majority of my family is still trapped, but one day they may stumble across a place like this and realize the same thing as I did. It's all a crock/scam, and they have been taken for a ride their whole life...and when that happens they will have the people here to help.

    I feel that you can go through phases too from believer to athiest to agnostic back to believer, then to athiest and back to name it and there are those that are there right now. No matter what phase you are will find support. That is priceless! One person's 'crazy Bible thumping Christian' is another persons 'brother who can understand'. One person's 'too smart for their own good athiest' is another persons 'long lost twin who understands where I am in life'...

    It doesn't matter, we have all been through the same thing and we have each other and for that I raise my glass of OJ (as it's morning) and I salute you!


    Elephant, are you a mole? I feel that you could be. Do you report back to the WTBTS? Are you giving them information so that they can re-arrange their teachings to seem more lenient to all those beginning to have doubts? I won't judge you. i am just curious, honest. I see many people who improve their life by studying with JW's so I am not saying that EVERYTHING about the WTBTS is wrong. Really applying bible principles are helping people, plus support from a group. I have no issue with those things. My motives are a lot like Phizzy's. I definately do not want to undermine faith in a creator. There is no way that everything came into existence by accident. I would sooner believe that God was an alien of some sort before I would believe in no creator. My core issue is the legalistic and corporate attitude of the Society. With that attitude comes double standards/hypocrisy. To be fair no human, or group of humans can be hypocrisy free. So I am not nitpicking here. The problem with the society is the lack of real humility on the part of many in leadership positions. How can you admit to being fallible, yet demand absolute loyalty from the rank and file on every whim written in the literature, even though it may change in a few years or has no basis in scripture? That is the issue I want people to see. You can't have it both ways, demanding absolute obedience as if you are Christ, but saying you are not and that you make mistakes. I believe the Leaders are lacking in faith. They need to back up and punt. As humans when you are trying to do it all, you leave no room for God to help you. He won't make you let him help you. The WTBTS needs to start over. They also need a special issue printed that apologizes for every wrong committed by the Governing Body, past and present. Nothing ambiguous, no blaming the sheep for expecting what the GB said would come true. A true honest to God apology.

    As far as continuing to come to this sight. I like the honest discussions. I am told in God's inspired word to " test all things ". So I will. Since I obey God as ruler rather than men, I will continue to look at all sides of every issue. No human being ( nobles or sons of men to whom no salvation belongs) will force me to do otherwise. Also, since I don't have all the answers, I can learn alot from others. The usual JW mindset is that everyone else needs to learn from me because i have the answers. Once you believe you know it all, you stop learning. Once you have convinced millions to follow you because you know it all, you either keep up appearences or humbly admit the reality.

  • DesirousOfChange

    PHIZZY: My motivation for posting here is to help any who are now in the situation I was in a few years ago. As a born-in to the JW religion and in for many decades, with all my family and friends in, I was lost and lonely and confused when I came to realise that the WT/JW relgion does not teach the truth.

    Where shall I go ? Is there a true relgion ? How will I cope with all my friends gone ? Will my wife leave me ? Is my whole world-view wrong then ?

    These and many more questions raced through my mind.

    On here I found support, respect, understanding, and answers to those questions that I could scrutinise, tear apart, and reject if I wanted, but they were answers, not fob-offs.

    Ditto, Phizzy.

    Let's face it, when you being to see TTATT, there is NO ONE you can (safely) discuss it with.

    (1) Most other JWs (esp Elders) will narc you out and you'll be disfellowshipped faster than you can say "apostacy".

    (2) Other "worldly" friends (IF you have any) just simply cannot begin to comprehend the structure and methods of inside the Organization.

    Only an Ex-JW could begin to comprehend the emotional journey it is.



    Also, I never feel that being honest and helping others is futile. Your question is confusing as well. Did you mean to ask " Do ever feel that you efforts are futile? " ? Asking if I have doubts about my efforts being futile makes me think you believe my efforts are futile.

  • 00DAD

    DOC: Only an Ex-JW could begin to comprehend the emotional journey it is.

    Which is why we're all here! (Well most of us anyways, some have other agendas .... )

  • Elephant

    ...very honest answers...thx... any of the previous or future posters see their lives as PRE/POSt jw?

  • sickandtired

    I know I come here because I need to reaffirm I'm not crazy when I have a WTF?! moment at something said at the Hall or written in one of the WT publications. I can't tell my husband or Witness friends and family my concerns. Tried that with my husband and it started out with him saying, "It's okay to ask questions. There are no secrets in this organization." to "You're not going to get all the answers to your questions. Only Jehovah knows. Wait on him." to "Why are you so negative and so cynical?". That effectively ended my voicing anymore concerns about Witness beliefs or the Bible itself. Coming here is where I find that I'm not alone. There are others like me. That is a relief and helps me not go crazy. I probably would go crazy too since I'm so isolated from the real world and have very little contact with "unbelievers".

    This whole organization is living in a fantasy world of their own making. I can't take how everyone is so smug about their possession of truth and how the whole world is in darkness. Witnesses act like they have all the answers. It's easy to have all the answers when the questions are asked for you. Once anyone starts asking questions outside of the usual, you stop getting answers and Witnesses start getting dismissive and accusatory (Who are you to question God?! You should be more humble!).

    Why would God give us a book that is supposed to be so essential to follow and not make it more clear, more concise and more direct as what is required? JWs would have you believe that the Bible is clear. Sure, it's clear on some things. Don't murder and steal, etc. But if there was supposed to be a group of people living on a paradise earth forever, you'd think that Jesus would've expounded on that a little more than he did.

    Sorry for going on and on. I just get so frustrated. End of rant.

  • Phizzy

    I see my life as JW and post JW, that is exactly what it is, I aint ever going back.

    Your first question, have I accomplished my mission ? I never saw it as amission, just adebt I owe to all those who helped me, which I can pay off to adegree by being on here pointing out what is wrong with the W.T

    But this is a fast moving site, it is a constant work to keep the Truth about the WT "truth" in the posts that new Lurkers will read.

  • moshe

    It's one thing to destroy the JW's belief that the WT is God's true earthly org- it's quite another to find someone who takes that information and leaves the KH by the front door under their own steam- JWs stay in the KH because they get some perverse sort of good feeling from it-- I guess they hope to yet see their neighbors burned up in Armageddon--

  • Satanus

    I come here mainly for mental stimulation and exercise. My words might ease suffering for some, or entertain them. Others find my stuff irritating. So, other than for my own benefit, it's mostly futile.


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