Are Mormons "racist" towards black people?

by booker-t 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • blondie

    Before 1978 black male Mormons could not be elders

    In a June 1978 letter, the first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints proclaimed that “all worthy male members of the Church may be ordained to the priesthood without regard for race or color.” Men of African descent could now hold the priesthood, the power and authority exercised by all male members of the church in good standing. Such a statement was necessary, because until then, blacks were relegated to a very second-class status within the church.

  • Cuebert


    I do know that black people were not allowed into the LDS religion originally, and then they changed that somewhere along the way becasuse, if for no other reason, it made them look like racist a**holes. They also originally had a strict NO caffiene rule, but that has since changed (probably about the same time one of their uber creepy prophets bought stock in Coca-Cola), now they are allowed to drink Coke and Pepsi but not coffee. Which makes no sense to me.

    A great read on the Mormon religion and their ever-changing belief system is Under the Banner of Heaven:A Story of Vilolent Faith, By John Krakauer.

    It's shocking what they do "in the name of God", but as far as I'm concerned I think all organized religions suffer this sickness.

  • Qcmbr

    Mormons always allowed black people to be part of the religion but they did not allow them to have the Priesthood. These are seperate issues. Currently women are allowed to be part of the religion but they are also not allowed to have the Priesthood.

  • trebor

    This will help sum it up. It is their root-foundation teachings for years:

    "Black Skin" is a "Curse" and a part of their explanation of the "Negro Race".

    Around the 2 minute mark in the video link provided above gives those details.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    In utter fairness, Jesus would be viewed as racist today. He condoned slavery. Many times he acnowledged it as a property status. Nowhere did he say slavery, owning a human as property, was wrong. Israel at least erected some safeguards for Jewish slaves. Paul also said to be content.

    Sorry, but this is one Christian who believes Jesus was a product of his name and if he were more conscious of his God state, he would have taught resistance. Also, both Jesus and Paul apparently believed that the Second Coming was happening in the very near future.

    If God has any applicability today, God must be stripped of 1st century cultural beliefs that no have place in civil society today.

    One would believe that God would know about the abolition of slave trade in England, and the American Civil War. I have no idea how slavery was abolished in other countries. Slavery per se was forbidden in England ca. 1000.

    Makes one wonder. Slavery in Jesus' and Paul's time was equal opportunity slavery. It was not limited to one race, So if Joseph Smith was the prophet of God, Smith should have none that Ham being all black people was stupid. The Witnesses should not have engaged in segregation. When I ws 11, I confronted an overseer when I heard it happened in the South. There was no moral qualm or doubt about the Society being correct. I told him it flatly contradicted most of what Jesus taught. He believed that the comfort of white Southern Witnesses was paramount. Well, I attended integrated halls. No one cared about my comfort. The fact that we were integrated made me believe we had God on our side. No thought was given to how rejected and hurt black brother and sisters must have felt.

  • Qcmbr

    Brigham Young introduced most of the racist behaviour to Mormonism.

  • mP


    Most of our social advances or changes are the result of the England and changes she initiated. The reason slavery died was because the Royal Navy stopped the slave trade when she ruled ALL the waves on our blue planet. This is probably one of the few noble things they ever did, but it changed the world for the better. The South during the ACW was ruined from the beginning because they had no market when England stopped taking their cotton.

  • shepherd

    "Jesus is not the Christ. We are all like Jesus. He owns earth but we can all own (or maybe only men.) our own sci fi planet. Imagine Klingnon/Earth warfare written even before Gene Roddenberry."

    Welcome back BOTR......still as insane as ever I see.......where do you buy your cocaine?

  • Jaime l de Aragon
  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    The worst part of racist Mormon history is that Mormons claimed it was the will of God. Mormons claimed that God was the author of the curses that Blacks carried & that Blacks had sinned in the pre-existence. Mormons continue to shift the blame of racism onto God when in fact it was themselves that are to blame for the racism, not God. Mormon Prophets pretended that their racist? beliefs were the will of God. Only false Prophets would teach false doctrine. They are false Prophets.

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