Look who's coming to dinner...

by mrsjones5 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • elderelite

    Oh hell miz!!!!! You and i gotta get towther and fry a turkey and watch some football (real ref's of course)! I fry a few every year... Incredible. Simply incredible.

  • mrsjones5

    " the call will probably be a how are you?"

    Hm yeah. Three years ago my mother sat in my living the day before thanksgiving, told me what she was making and how she was going to have a house full of folks and then looked me dead in the eye and asked me so what are you cooking for thanksgiving. When I told I was cooking a turkey with all the fixings she didn't tell me not to or why don't you bring something over to share with everyone the next day. I know my mother, she was pointedly not inviting me or my family. Reason, my husband. We haven't been invited to my mother's house since we got back to California three years ago. Yeah I've asked why and yeah I've been told that my husband is not welcome in their house.

    So I've considered being the bigger person and inviting my parents but truthfully and as cynical as it sounds that would just be inviting a whole lot of drama I really don't have any patience for right now. And as mean as it sounds if my mother's feelings are hurt...tough cookies.

  • carla

    Mrs. J, why not wait until closer to the day and do not, I repeat, do not call it Thanksgiving! just ask them if they want to come to dinner on Thursday.

  • tornapart

    Hope you have a lovely time Mrs. J!! And everyone else who is going to have a thanksgiving.

    We don't have thanksgiving here in England, as such but I could never understand why JWs can't celebrate it. After all it's not religious, nothing 'pagan' to it. It's just a happy slap up meal for family and friend isn't it?

  • kurtbethel

    So I am wondering if I should bring a sweet potato pie, or Dutch apple.

  • cobaltcupcake
  • shamus100

    Good for you Mrs. J! :D Don't give into their warped beliefs and call it something that it isn't. It's thanksgiving.

  • mrsjones5

    " So I am wondering if I should bring a sweet potato pie, or Dutch apple."


    Carla, I decided it's not worth it. I've invited folks who are near and dear to me. Folks who I consider part of my family. Folks who when I needed nonjudgmental help was there just as I was there for them when they needed help. And it just so happens my parents don't like the people I've invited because of my husband. It all comes back to that. Dont call the kids, because of the hubby. Don't attend special events for the kids, because of the hubby. Don't invite the kids to your home, can't do that cuz the hubby might come too.

    When I lived in Indiana my parents visited my family and I a few times and it was always something. I got accused of stealing a coffee cup by my father. My parents trashed talked about me to my husband. My mother tried to burn up my turkey. I showed my mother a piece of furniture my husband had bought for me and she ran around telling folks I was overspending money and neglecting my kids. Oh there is so much more, 20 years worth of crap that has spewed from my mother. Mother is the queen of the snide remark and the backhanded compliment. I've been in my new apartment for 8 months now. My parents haven't been invited over and I'm not about to do it now, not even for turkey day. They can sit in that big ole house that they don't even own and will soon have to move out of and eat half cooked chicken for all I care.

  • carla

    Well, you certainly have endured enough from the parents over the years! You are right, why add stress to what should be a nice day of food and conversation with people you love and love you back unconditionally?

  • Jaime l de Aragon

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