Look who's coming to dinner...

by mrsjones5 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Since I have recently received all of my cooking stuff out of storage from Indiana I decided I wanted to do something I haven't done in a long while: cook a big Thanksgiving feast and invite family and dear friends. The friends won't be a problem, it's the family that mostlikely won't show. I've asked my brother who lives fairly close and he said he didn't know because he and his wife would be coming home for a trip two days before. I asked my sister and she said she'll be in town and will let me know. No point in asking the parental units cuz I'm not in the mood for the "you know we don't celebrate thanksgiving, Christmas, mothers day, Hanukkah, etc and here's why" lecture. I'm not gonna let my family get me down. They'll miss out and my friends and immediate family will reap the benefit of my good home cooking. I'm getting pumped.

    Turkey day, turkey day!

  • jam

    Deep fried turkey, soooo goood.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm making a white wine and butter turkey from a Martha Stewart recipe. The drippings makes a wonderful gravy.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when I was active, all of us would take advantage of the cheap/free turkey and invite everyone for a big dinner. No one showed up in custome as a turkey or a pilgrim so no one cared

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I'm yet to have tried fried turkey. Keep saying I'm gonnna do it, but after holiday season passes I forget about it until the next year.

  • panhandlegirl

    I love cooking a Thanksgiving meal. There are only three of us (family) to cook for so it's not so much fun. One of my friends has invited my son, his wife, and me over for TG dinner so that's where I will have my Thanksgiving dinner. Have you got any good recipes to share. We might mosey on down to Ms Cedars Cooking thread and share some good recipes. I love to try new dishes.


  • Glander

    Tell the fam it's not Thanksgiving, just a good day for a get together.

    That's what we always said when our all JW family had a big turkey dinner get-de-whoop every year.

    I think Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday this year.

    Please save me a jar of drippings, slurp.

  • zeb

    Jesus told the parabel of the man who set forth a feast and his friends rich or ottherwise didnt turn up so he went into the street and invited the poor and turned away the rich when they eventually arrived....

  • mrsjones5

    " I think Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday this year."

    I almost fell on the floor when I read that one. I love it and I might used it.

  • zeb

    Jesus told the parabel of the man who set forth a feast and his friends rich or ottherwise didnt turn up so he went into the street and invited the poor and turned away the rich when they eventually arrived....

    My handicapped daughter invited b& S around for a BBQ and a few turned up... late. Onesis couldnt come she was helping another with her hair !!!

    another had visitors yeah right

    JW have no understanding of manners time or place.

    I wish you well with your get to gether.

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