Patriotic Baptists -- Crazy!

by Yadirf 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    Heathen, sometimes you're not so heathen. LOL!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Yes. Yes. I know about your 10 horns on the 7th head. You dont have to keep reminding me about it. You cant keep living on yesterdays achievements indefinitely. You must move on.
    Now Im fully aware that you spoke of the beast and the dragon.
    But the fact is you criticized Those Baptists for having an American flag flying on their website. (A sight, incidentally that brought a flood of tears to my eyes which I had to fight back.)
    America is neither the beast nor the dragon in Witness lore, (one might say, mythology,) it is the lamblike beast, appearing lamblike in that its speaks of peace and democracy, and indeed professes to follow the Lamb, Christ.
    That is all I said.
    By the way, why didnt you mention that America is the Lambbeast?
    Were you trying to conceal something??
    Yadirf. Stop lambasting the Lambeast.

  • Perry
    I know your mind, and I know that it's not open. In such a case, why should I waste my words on somebody that can hardly appreciate them?

    Simple, you're the one who brought up the subject silly.

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • heathen

    Don't mistake me for a JW sympathizer.I refuse to convert to a religion that was so eager to label me apostate for questioning their beliefs but as far as the flag issue goes the red white and blue is no longer the official flag of the US.We need to look at the un flag because it is what all the kings of the earth worship and the US is subject to the international laws that it legislates even though the US is often in violation of those laws.IMO .They are eagerly persuing the concept of a 1 government world and the very idea of other countries involved in the US government is unconstitutional.

  • alamb


    Where do the scriptures say that Cornelius (remember him, the officer) had to resign his position before baptism, or after for that matter?

    Acts 10 NWT "an army officer fo the Italian band, a devout man and one fearing God together with all his household, and he made many gifts of mercy to the people and made supplication to God continually." The angel came to him and said his prayer had been answered due to his gifts of mercy. (His works were found acceptable to God in spite of his military stance) He was not commanded to leave his post as was the rich man who was commanded to leave his posessions in order to be worthy. There was no conflict in loyalty.

  • Bang

    The Bible reads:
    << Soldiers also asked him, "And we, what shall we do?" And he said to them, "Rob no one by violence or by false accusation, and be content with your wages." >>

    Yardif and JW Bible interpretation:
    "If you display a flag your obviously destruction fodder, and don't be a soldier either. This is the 'troof' straight from God's mouthpiece."
    - bullSHit it is.

  • plmkrzy

    I love these threads

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • Amazing

    Hey there Yadrif!!! I don't see any Wild Beasts on my Flag. I see some Stars and Stripes.

    By the way ... The Anointed First Century Christians also served in the "Roman Army", even as Officers ... case in point ... Cornelius, a Roman Centurian ... who was never instructed to resign his Commission. So maybe Cornelius would have made a good Baptist today, likely serving as a Captain in the US Army ... busting heads for Jesus.

  • Yadirf

    refiners fire

    But the fact is you criticized Those Baptists for having an American flag flying on their website. (A sight, incidentally that brought a flood of tears to my eyes which I had to fight back.)
    I said: "Certainly a nationalistic bunch, aren't they!"

    Is that not true? Yes it is. Does the Bible approve of a Christian being nationalistic? No, it doesn't! Are the Baptists true Christians? No, they aren't! ... because they're living out of harmony with what the Bible reveals regarding a fundamental subject, namely, the source of man's rule? Satan, NOT God, is the source of man's rule. Man's rule resulted from rejection of God's oversight, and goes as far back as the Garden of Eden. Man's rule is merely TOLERATED by God, for a while, for a period referred to as the "gentile times" (KJV) or "appointed times of the nations" (NWT). In light of what the Bible reveals, no person can rightly argue that it's okay to support/advocate/fight-and-die for any nation -- nations which are nothing less than man's rule. The Scriptures show that the Dragon is the one having authority over the 10-horned wild beast. The 10 horns picture ALL existing nations which collectively rule the world as a 7th King. The United States therefore is, like every other nation, part of the Devil's political system which received its authority from him, NOT God. Whether you like to hear that or not is not the issue. In view of such facts, it is easily seen that a true Christian has to assume a neutral stance when it comes to politics and strife between nations.

    America is neither the beast nor the dragon in Witness lore, ... it is the lamblike beast, appearing lamblike in that its speaks of peace and democracy, and indeed professes to follow the Lamb, Christ.
    That is all I said.
    You're only partially correct. According to the WTS America is one-half of a "dual world power" -- the 7th head of the wild beast. But, as you can see by my comments above, the WTS has an adjustment in thinking to make on this point. Too, the two-horned beast of which you speak has yet to make the scene insofar as its appointment to that post. So, yes, there are MANY adjustments that the WTS is in for. And that's precisely what my signature scripture is all about.

    By the way, why didnt you mention that America is the Lambbeast?
    Were you trying to conceal something??
    Yadirf. Stop lambasting the Lambeast.
    Actually, you had said: "Where does the Bible say America is the false prophet??"

    As I've already noted, the 2-horned beast of Revelation 13 isn't here yet. Although the 2 nations that will comprise it is no doubt already on the scene they haven't been assigned (deputized) that duty yet, and won't be until after the collapse of the entire world's governmental system, as pictured by the death of the 7th head of the wild beast. As to which two nations those 2 horns represent one can only speculate about right now. I personally think that the United States is most likely to be one of the two.



  • Yadirf


    I know your mind, and I know that it's not open. In such a case, why should I waste my words on somebody that can hardly appreciate them? -- Yadirf.
    Simple, you're the one who brought up the subject silly. -- Perry.
    No comment necessary.


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