Patriotic Baptists -- Crazy!

by Yadirf 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf


    And as a young lad, I was the person raising and lower-
    ing the school flag, even as a witness youth.
    While doing so did you do it with a patriotic fervor? Did you do it with great warmth and intensity of emotion? If so, you were an apostate "witness youth" -- and just didn't know it at the time. LOL!
  • TR




    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Yadirf


    Roll over, and go back to sleep!


  • Yadirf


    You'll NEVER catch on, will you?


  • Perry


    Please show us where in the bible that it says that a nation cannot defend itself? Where does it say that a symbol of a nation is wrong to display? Where does it say that it is wrong for nations to even exist in the absence of God's Kingdom?

    If the Watchtower dogma was actually heeded, there would be mass chaos, and everyone knows it.

    It is hard to believe that you can say the things you did with a straight face and actually mean it.

  • Yadirf

    Nathan Natas

    ...and yadirF, ask your Ministry School Servant about proper use of the possesive.
    I fixed it, now does that make you happy?


  • Yadirf


    Please show us where in the bible that it says that a nation cannot defend itself? Where does it say that a symbol of a nation is wrong to display? Where does it say that it is wrong for nations to even exist in the absence of God's Kingdom?
    You sure do have a lot of questions. Are you saying that you want someone to study the Bible with you?

    If the Watchtower dogma was actually heeded, there would be mass chaos, and everyone knows it.
    Wrong! If everyone on earth were JWs, worldwide peace would be the order of the day -- the fact that even now JW's enjoy a brotherhood that transcends national boundries proves so.


  • heathen

    I've known baptists here in texas and they are very ferverent on tagging the jw as a cult where as yardirf has exposed their cult like behavior .It is not uncommon for a baptist minister to murder his own wife in like fashion to the recent exjw tragedy in oregon .I also have been told I'm going to hell by baptists .I have seen plenty baptist people be abusive to one another and to their spouses ,It is a crappy religion in my opinion.

  • Perry


    You forget that we are not trusting neighbors at the doors who assume the JW's are harmless. When, someone asks a question of you, biblically you should provide a defense. Cetrainly most educated Baptists cna answer my questions from the bible. Why can't you?Failure to be able to do so is proof of spiritual childhood at best and outright falsehood at worst.

    In typical JW ignorance you avoided my question which was relevant to your thread.

    Here's another one: Doesn't the bible say that the road to life is narror and few are the ones findig it? So, in light of the fact that God's Kingdom is not leading the day to day affairs of men, biblically prove to us that the nation arrangement is against Jehovah's will at this time by answering my original questions.

  • Yadirf


    When, someone asks a question of you, biblically you should provide a defense. Cetrainly most educated Baptists cna answer my questions from the bible. Why can't you?Failure to be able to do so is proof of spiritual childhood at best and outright falsehood at worst.

    In typical JW ignorance you avoided my question which was relevant to your thread.

    I know your mind, and I know that it's not open. In such a case, why should I waste my words on somebody that can hardly appreciate them?

    Here's another one: Doesn't the bible say that the road to life is narror and few are the ones findig it? So, in light of the fact that God's Kingdom is not leading the day to day affairs of men, biblically prove to us that the nation arrangement is against Jehovah's will at this time by answering my original questions.
    I think it's anyone's guess as to what you are getting at here. Maybe you should try re-juggling your words, eh?


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