What does your avatar/screen name mean?

by Christ Alone 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I chose mine after reading a post by JWN user Solomon, so added King to the front. In KS, I could think of no other character from the OT who, while praised for his wisdom, actually reflects the horrific brutality that was prevalent in that culture.

    Think of it: what would happen to a modern-day Judge who decided a child-custody issue by threatening to cut the child in half? He'd be removed from the bench, and likely charged with threatening murder of a child, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress upon the women (well, the mother).

    Worse is, the women seemingly BELIEVED he WOULD cut the child in half, as if that was not an unusual event, but standard procedure in the Hebrew judicial system.

    Just goes to show: people are willing to overlook horrific brutality, as long as it's in a book they've been told is the pinnacle of morality, fairness, justice, and wisdom.

  • mrsjones5

    Hm, mine means I don't have much of an imagination and I love being sung to.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Funny, Sol, I would have sworn you chose the name because of the jewel encrusted CROWN upon your head and the wisdom that springs forth from your mouth. Guess, I was wrong about that, too?

  • NVR2L8

    my name speaks for itself...never too late to break free from the "truth" and my avatar means that I can't change it for the life of me, despite numerous attempts...it seems like the e-mail address is no longer accessible or is locked up by this site when it attempt to log in on gravatar.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Rip, you're the one with the control issues and problem with authority figures, not me, wanting to play your passive-aggressive game of "mine's bigger than yours". In the military at boot camp, you learn quickly that you have to be a good follower before you can be a good leader, where even the Generals on the JCS accept orders from the Commander-In-Chief.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh good lord or whoever

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Sol, me thinks you doth project too much!!!

  • coffee_black

    My avatar is a pic of my son, daughter in law, and me. My screen name reflects the fact that I love coffee and drink it black.


  • solomon

    wow! I didn't feel that important until now. I chose this name because it hadn't been taken yet.

  • Twitch

    My avatar is from M.C. Escher's Three Spheres

    The imagination and perspective in his art tickles me brain

    My name was my online gaming handle around the time I joined. I preferred first person shooter games, aka "twitch" games

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