Not Sure What I Believe In Anymore

by nuthouse escapee 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I don't really know what I believe either. But at the present time I am comfortable with that and quite happy.

    That's not to say I don't question things. I guess I just don't feel I have to pick a side and worry that if I don't, I'll be destroyed.

    But overall great suggestions, especially this one - READ, READ, READ.


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    take your time. you could label yourself an agnostic for the moment if you feel comfortable with that. even if you later choose to believe or not believe in (a) god(s), you can still be agnostic.

    anyway, the "there must have been some higher something that started the ball rolling" is just a cop out on the more honest "i just don't know what happened, and probably nobody ever will".

    btw. if you find out that in daily life it doesn't really matter if you believe something or not, you might just leave it at that.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I've made it clear to my lot that I have the right to change my opinion on any subject at any time.

    "But you said ...!"

    "So what? I changed my mind. Get used it. If I find out I was wrong, I'll change it again!"

  • smiddy

    I t`s a big shock to discover that something you beleived in with all your heart turns out to be false. The majority of us here have had that experience .And I have to agree with what black sheep says here ,whatever else you come to beleive doesn`t mean you are committed to beleive it forever,with new information you can change your mind about it. Hell JW`s do it all the time. I would recommend you read " The Atheists Guide To The Bible " download for free .Just because their are some pearls of wisdom in the bible doesn`t mean the whole thing is GOD inspired .Their are pearls of wisdom in all sorts of religous writings ,it doesnt mean they were inspired of God.

    The thing is read and expand your mind ,you dont have to know all the answers to lifes questions


  • Xanthippe

    I agree with Black Sheep. When I first left I would read another book and change my mind again. What's wrong with that? I hope I can still do that or surely I am totally closed-minded? Take your time. It can be exhausting and stressful. If you feel like reading think of the things you are interested in and read about those first.

    I did go from JW to Christian to agnostic and then to atheist over quite a few years. But it isn't true that all atheists believe in 'nothing'. I accept evolution but I think there is a huge amount of evidence for life after death. There are many things we still cant explain but I'm ok with that, I'll just keep reading. Take care of yourself and take it slowly.


    Many people have not come to a specific conclusion. I was a Jehovah's Witness but no longer have a belief in a personal god, on the basis, fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on me. On the other hand I have had experiences that confirm there is more going on than that which is obvious on a physical level. Another dimension or perhaps a different understanding of the one we live in.

    Our present understanding of how the universe and our world operate is incomplete. As others have said, reading philosophy, others experiences, scientific advances and spiritual writings can help you gather enough information to gain your own understanding of what is taking place in this amazing universe.

  • Phizzy

    I agree with the above, be open minded, but not so open minded your brain falls out.

    I question everything, look for crap argument, lack of proof, and downright lying, all of which are not the sole preserve of the WT.

    For example, there are many instances of fraud and witholding the truth even in the Scientific world, just read Ben Goldacre's new book "Bad Pharma", out this week.

    I don't actually believe anything, using belief in the sense of trusting that something is true with no proof.

    What I trust as true because I am satisfied with the facts that back it up now, may well change in the future, with new facts coming to light,so what ? am I diminished by shedding my former trust/belief ? I don't think so.

    Read all you can.

    We were the most uneducated people on earth as JW's, rectify that as much as possible and you will feel happy with where you are intellectually, but ignorance breeds superstition and fear, knowledge is freedom.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    You can never figure it all out and there is no rational reason to trust any guru or ancient writing. I believe God understands our need for direct evidence and that there is no damnable judgement in the absence of hard evidence. Doubting Thomas had the right attitude. He refused to believe until he had real physical evidence with his own eyes an dJesus gave him that evidence willingly. Why would it be any different today?

    The hard evidence has to be Christ's visible return, or some other display of unmistakeable phenomena that leaves no one in doubt that it's God. If that happens then you have the evidence you need to believe, and you'll be saved. There's always time to change the road you're own and repent. If its all a crock and Jesus never will return then so be it, man just has to muddle along best he can. So Jthe course of wisdom is just try to be a good person and follow your conscience and don't hurt others, and you won't go too far wrong whether its all true or all a crock.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I have never been a JW, but I have a wife, a daughter, two brothers and lots of friends who are.

    Here's my two cents. Don't wory too much, just learn, read about science, philosophy, other religions, other cultures. You may never reach a conviction of the existence of a caring God, but the journey is mighty interesting and actually distracts you from your unnecessary concern about a caring God. As a person who is always interested in science, philosophy and in learning from smarter men, I find solace in knowing that I have reached similar conclusions about God as Albert Einstein and Baruch Spinoza did. I am willing to believe in a creator of the universe and the harmonious laws that regulate it. But certainly I do not believe in the God of the bible who dispenses reward and metes out punishment.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Rip- I want to believe in God cuz well that would make me happy right? I'd live forever, go to heaven. get rewarded for all my good deeds....

    then I have the? but that doesn't add up there can't be a God that watches kids die, get raped.... we will just die like animals do, we just think we are special....

    I guess I just live life.... I can't change what may happen when I die. I can only make today the best I can.

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