Not Sure What I Believe In Anymore

by nuthouse escapee 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Thanks Tammy: I am so turned off religion because of having been a JW for so long(48 yrs as a born in). I no longer believe the Bible is God's word. I feel this way because if it were that important for us, why is it so confusing and how can it be spun to have so many contradictory interpretations. Perhaps my having an under-lying mental illness just adds to the confusion. -Leslie-

  • panhandlegirl

    nuthouse escapee, I know how you feel. Until this year, I belived everything in the Bible was true, now I'm not so sure. If a person doesn't believe that

    God created Adam, where does that leave a belief in Jesus as a Savior? I am reading a good book, "An Anatomy of Thought, The Orgin and Machinery of

    the Mind." It explains about evolution and how things came about but I still think there was an intelligent source that began things. Like you, sometimes I

    don't know what to believe. I am still a work in progress about what I believe. I quit working on my Masters so that I could devote myself to reading this

    winter. I have read some philosophy but still I need to read more. I don't know if I will ever know for sure what is true or what I believe. Sometimes I think

    I am afarid not to believe in God. I am still afarid of making him mad and getting zapped. In a way, that sounds silly. I do believe in science, I just have to

    figure some things out. I do like reading other views on this board so I can think about what others believe and why they believe it.


  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Thank you UMADEVI &OTWO for responding. It helps knowing it's not just me.

    Tal: I live about 30 km from a major university town and will see if I can get that Philosophy Textbook.

    To all who reply over the next while, your comments are sincerely appreciated. It is getting late and I must get some sleep but will reply to your responses tomorrow. Leslie

  • EmptyInside

    It's a process,take your time. It's difficult when we have been told all our lives what to believe and what to think. It's refreshing but overwhelming to have the freedom to think for ourselves.

    So,don't be too hard on yourself. We've all been there and I'm still trying to figure it all out.

  • Aware!

    My personal philosophy is that we should each share our own philosophy, but not push it on others.

    Have you ever looked into deism or secular humanism? I'll admit, at times I wish my Creator(s) (if I have any) could intervene in my life, but I don't see it happening because of the injustices I see in the world, and compared to them, I'm small fry. But sometimes I find myself thanking an unknown entity when something seemingly miraculous happens to me. It doesn't hurt to, anyway.

  • inbetween

    Totally understand what youre going through.

    As others expressed its a journey, exiting and scary. Are we really alone, and only the product of some impersonal mechanism (evolution)?

    Its hard to imagine.

    Therefore sometimes I tend to believe in a somewhat personal first cause. However, I have to admit, when I try to see the world from a strict scientific viewpoint, there is more proof for the absence of a higher force than for its existence. Sure there are many questions about how life developed, and believers like to point the finger, however, if there was a creator who would like to be known, he could easily provide proof, and end all doubts about his existence.

    Therefore, personally, I´m somewhere between believing nothing, and believing in some higher being, who has no particular interest in his work.

    And I probably will never find out, whats the truth. This is something quite difficult for somebody who for years believed, he knows everything (as typical JW)

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    What's the rush to have a belief? Is there some dead-line on the horizon, like Armageddon?

    You woke up today and there was no divine revelation of God's existence, just like there wasn't yesterday, and there won't be tomorrow....

    Part of the problem with outfits like JWs is members are actively discouraged from weighing spirituality for themselves, so when they're out, they're essentially left with no beliefs, in limbo. Even though JWs THINK they have all the answers, they're actually some of the most spiritually-stunted folks I've encountered, and that doesn't magically change simply because they leave without doing some work for themselves. For many, the time spent in JWs is time spent idling in neutral.

    When in, most are blinded from studying other's beliefs, as they approach the task ONLY from the standpoint of disproving others thru the prism of JW eschatology, rather than analyzing free from biases with an open mind (of course, JWs don't discuss religion for any other reason but to "sell": they're not talking to others to "buy").

    It's a bit simplistic to say "atheists think believing in God is weak-minded". In some cases, that MAY be true (as many people are not willing to put the work needed to sort out their spirituality on their own), so pre-digested beliefs in God are better perhaps than none (where not knowing WHAT to believe is NOT the same as atheism). Some approach spirituality with a DIY Frankenstein approach, cobbling together their own custom-made belief system (where they go on a spiritual scavenger hunt, etc). I did a bit of that, but then put it all on the back-burner when I went to college and didn't feel a need to decide ANYTHING until I learned something about how the World actually operates.

    Even though I'm an atheist, I really don't want anyone to take my word for it, because people would simply be relying on MY thinking instead of doing their own homework and relying on someone else (which is the same reason they got involved with JWs). The point is NOT to come to a conclusion, but to stay open to the possibilities while analyzing the facts for yourself, and coming to your own conclusions AFTER you've done the research.

    Just remember: realities (i.e. what truly IS) could care less what we humans WANT them to be, or whether we accept them as facts or not.

    BTW, I saw a sign at a gym that was written by the personal trainers as motivation. It said:

    "Most people doubt their beliefs, and believe their doubts."

    Anyone see a problem with that?

    How else should it be, if not that? Perhaps this?

    "Most people believe their beliefs, and doubt their doubts"

    Of course, that's EXACTLY what JWs do: they reinforce (without questioning) their beliefs, and suppress any doubts they may have? I'd pick the above, as anytime you put certain beliefs beyond questioning, then you're protecting them from challenge.

  • whathappened

    I have been going to skeptic's meetings and blog sites. After just a very short time, I can not believe I ever could have believed in god. My heart still longs for it to be true that we have a loving creator, my my brain knows it is just not so.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Hi highly recommend works by Robert Ingersoll...he was agnostic....but then I'm an atheist, so apparently I,m supposed tell you that you are weak minded. But I don't believe that. I think you are as confused as I was by religion and belief because you have been emotionally battered by it.

    Here is some free online stuff:

    There are plenty of free e books online too if that's your thing. I'm old fashioned and go to the library for mine...LOL

    My advice is read read read, information for and against belief. Learn about evolution, read works by the Dalai lama its all good. And make up your own mind.

    And I agree, you don't have to decide right this minute what you believe or don't believe. You have a life time to change your mind and change it back again if you feel like it. It is up to you.

    Oh...and another top pick of mine is 'Demon Haunted World' by Carl Sagan. In fact, just about anything from Carl Sagan. Cosmos, The Dragons of Eden (anything)

    Also, there are plenty of youtube clips for Cosmos which is great.

    Dan Dennett on philosophy is awesome.

    How to tell you're an Atheist:

    Good reasons for believing in God:

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Just to clarify, I do not think I can advise someone when I am unclear as to what is true and what is not. What I said to Leslie,

    The Christians here will tell you to pray and let Christ come into your heart. The athiests will tell you needing or creating a god is being weak-minded.

    And I can't tell you ANYTHING until I figure things out.

    It was not a criticism of anyone's belief for or against. I was just disqualifying myself . I don't think what I said was untrue.

    And I happen to agree with many here who have advised reading and taking one's time. All good advice.

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