12/15/12 Watchower Study Edition - Higher Eduction = Thinking in a "complicated" manner

by yourmomma 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    "A college graduate in the United States
    says: “I spent 18 years speaking and writing
    in the abstract language of higher education.
    I developed a habit of speaking
    and thinking in a way that was more complicated
    than necessary. I realized I needed
    to make big changes in my way of thinking
    and speaking.” Now an effective evangelizer,
    she writes: “The simplified Watchtower has
    proved to be a great help. Its language gives
    me an excellent example of how to put things

    And at what grade level is the simplifed Watchtower written?

    Forget "Higher Education" it isn't even written at the Junior High comprehension level.

  • steve2

    The Watchtower says just enough to create the wrong impression, implying that "higher education" purposely complicates things to prevent communication. The Watchtower seeks to make the rank and file suspicious of higher education. It has to portray higher education in a decidedly negative light and elevate itself as the perfect solution. And, true to form, the Watchtower includes a quote from "a sister" who has come to her senses and can see how correct the Watchtower is.

    What an absolute and utterly biased take on the subject

    Every discipline and religious group develops its own jargon - for ease of comunication within that discipine or religion. Yes, even the Watchtower's " in-house" publications (such as The Kingdom Ministry) has its own special language that those unfamiliar with the religion would not comprehend. Big deal!

    Again, every discipline and religious group can usefully look at the way they talk so that others can better understand them. Even academic courses often confer with grass roots groups to ensure they are writing in a way that is comprehensible to wider readership.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Would this Sister's name be Andre(a) by any chance? LOL

    I find it interesting that this person had years of higher education and still became a witness. So...if someone with higher education comes into "the truth" why the fear of higher education for Jdubs? This is a very contradictory experience to use IMO. my 2 cents. Leslie

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    If this person was already a witness it is obvious that higher education did not cause her to leave the Borg. Either way, a stupid example. -Leslie-

  • jgnat

    Getting introduced to the Witness lingo was a whole new education for me. The first time hubby spat out "Christendom" like it was a dirty word was my first clue...

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read in my life.

  • leaving_quietly

    For those that can't find this, it's in the RSS podcast feed. Subscribe to it to download the latest. Go to Publications, Magazines, click on the Podcasts link.

  • Scott77

    Please, post that copy of the watchtower here if you can. Antlatis might help as well. Thanks for sharing. In between, that statement tells much about in-thinking of the watchtower mentality. I doubt that is sister really 'exisit'. The watchtower should adapt an open policy is naming individuals since no privacy issue is involved.As long as its not about sexual abuse, and individuals are adults, the Watchtower should name them as example for all to follow. What is that 'sister' hiding from? By and large, the watchtower will continue to loss members as higher education become a necessity for survival in this increasingly complicated world.



    Don't get any higher education or your spiritual maturity level is suspect, and you may lose your priviledges. Oh, btw..If you already have some degree we can use then we will be sure to milk it for all it's worth!! It's like planning for the future, don't do it, but the Org can because whatever they do has a future...

  • simon17

    Its almost hard to believe this is actually written in the WT. But not as hard to believe as masturbating signers so whatever.

    But this sentence in particular I find ridiculous: "I spent 18 years speaking and writing in the abstract language of higher education." WTF is the abstract language of higher education??? Who says things like that?

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