What Did You Do As A Witness That Could Have Gotten You Into Trouble Had The Elders Ever Known About It?

by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    Cried on a worldly ex boyfriend's shoulder and spent the night with him! Nothing happened! He woke me up the next morning, dragged me out of his bed and put me in the car and sent me home... Checked on me for days after. I was married and in the first years of my fade!

    It's been a rough week....I've been dreaming about that shoulder.... ;(

  • TOTH

    Went to a dc in Fresno and after one day my brother and I were invited to hang out with some of the other 20 somethings in our congregation at their hotel. We all sat in the lobby and the whole bunch of them were just sitting around like a bunch of squashed penises. We sat around for about 15 minutes with them and my brother and I got bored. My brother told them that the brother had said we should all go back to our hotels and meditate upon the information the fds had graciously provided to us. And that is what we were going to do. Goodnight all...

    We went back to the room and ordered HOWARD THE DUCK on the hotel's pay per view.

    I had a couple of worldly girlfriends. Didn't be bad with them but we did get HIGH and dance naked! LMAO!

    Flattened the tires of an overzealous elder wannabe for firing me so he could hire the new guy from beth-hell. Oh ya, I rode that guy like a cheap dirt bike by pranking him and making him lose two cleaning accounts he had! LOL

    Had impure thoughts for a sister's disfellowshipped daughter. I used to go to HER house twice a week to ENCOURAGE her to return to the meetings. She got naked a few times. But I was not bad...

  • ziddina

    What - are you looking for blackmail material...????

    Lesseee... There's the body of the UPS driver buried at the bottom of the hill in my back yard.... The bodies of those two lawn & garden guys buried up against the cement basement retaining wall...

    Y'know... I really should have stolen an elder's car while I was still "in", too!!!

  • sizemik

    OK . . . I've never owned up to this before . . .

    Back in the 90's when my vocational status had reached the dizzy heights of carpet cleaning . . . I came across an interesting discovery. As I was removing the cushions from a woman's sofa for cleaning purposes, I came across a wee plastic bag with some plant material in it, along with an uncomfortably large number of condom wrappers. The lady of the house was talking to me from the next room, so I quickly stuffed the wee bag in my pocket and gathered up the other litter and stuffed it in the machine waste tank. At that moment she entered the room again and I carried on all normal like.

    Of course I knew what was in the bag, and obviously felt it worth preserving, but in all honesty I forgot about it until I was on the way home. At this point, alas, sin overreached me and I stopped to buy some papers and a lighter. Home was still a 20 min drive on the highway . . . so I sucked on this doobie most of the way home. It was a little after six when I got home . . . and I had about an hour before giving the instruction talk on the TM school.

    My hypocrisy knew no bounds, I know. But TTATT was beginning to emerge in the form of the devil.

    My wife asked me afterwards why was I smiling so much all through my talk . . . Oops.

  • minimus

    no wonder we didn't stay in, huh??

  • Godsendconspirator

    Had a girlfriend (but broke up with her cuz of Watchtower guilt)

    Smoked weed on weekends with worldly friends (Didn't feel guilty)

    Got a tattoo (it was on my back so no one saw it)

    Got drunk a few times with co workers

    Cursed when I was with worldly friends.

    Listened to heavy metal.

    Also I see people are saying that concerts are a bad thing? Mostly everyone in my congregation went to rock shows and no one had a problem with it.

  • Godsendconspirator

    Had a girlfriend (but broke up with her cuz of Watchtower guilt)

    Smoked weed on weekends with worldly friends (Didn't feel guilty)

    Got a tattoo (it was on my back so no one saw it)

    Got drunk a few times with co workers

    Cursed when I was with worldly friends.

    Listened to heavy metal.

    Also I see people are saying that concerts are a bad thing? Mostly everyone in my congregation went to rock shows and no one had a problem with it.

  • tenyearsafter

    You are all evildoers and obviously have been rooted out of the congregation for your wicked works!!

    I on the other hand was perfect...other than the drinking, smoking, loose conduct with the opposite sex, R rated movies, dislike for meetings and field service, unwillingness to admit I was a JW and general apathy towards the organization.

    I hope you all can turn around from your demon inspired conduct!!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I'm still in. My terrible, dirty deed was to sell myself very cheaply with the expectation it would all be worth it in the end.

  • Sparlock

    You bunch of hypocrites!

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