Let's Discuss Ray Franz's Books

by Recovery 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Recovery said:

    Oh boy, 3 pages of questions in this thread, another page in the 609 thread, and 2 more in the Grandfather advice thread? Haa. I think my future thread on Candace Conti will be far more interesting, but just for the heck of it i'll wad thru the muck and see if I can find something more than rhetoric.

    Wow, it must feel good to be such an important person, with everyone begging you to answer their questions? If only field service were so simple, huh?

    PS I got a kick out of your "more than rhetoric" comment: that's a more revealing statement than you probably even realize...

  • moshe
    as it somehow proves

    I don't think you even have a defined standard of "proof", so why bother. Ray Franz tells his story about the goings on at Bethel- you either believe them or you don't.


    You could have answered whether you read the book "CoC"..

    You posted pointless post about nothing..

    You wasted a post..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • cedars


    just for the heck of it i'll wad thru the muck and see if I can find something more than rhetoric.

    You're a patronizing and sanctimonious git aren't you!

    What you'll find amidst the "muck" is numerous people, including myself, asking whether you have actually ever read the very book that you are evidently so willing to criticize.

    If you're in the habit of only asking questions and not answering them, then I suggest you find somewhere else to play your silly game.


  • Aware!

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Jehovah is watching as you disobey the faithful slave's direction to avoid apostate websites. You have been habitually engaging in viewing spiritual pornography. You need to tell the elders at your hall about this immediately. Your everlasting life is at stake.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Cedars said:

    If you're in the habit of only asking questions and not answering them, then I suggest you find somewhere else to play your silly game.


    Recovery started a thread asking to "discuss" a book he hasn't read OR won't admit to having read, and somehow thinks that asking him to clarify his qualifications to discuss Franz's books are "mere rhetoric". Join any book club, and the basic assumption is those who've joined actually PLAN to read the book before attempting to discuss it!

    Of course, in the FWS thread, HE demanded participants use Biblical scriptures to refute his claim, dismissing all extra-Biblical logic as inadmissable, as they're not contained in the book in question. So he expected everyone to have READ the Bible, but now that the shoes on the other foot, that principle doesn't apply....

    Hypocrite much?

    B of C said:

    Jehovah is watching as you disobey the faithful slave's direction to avoid apostate websites. You have been habitually engaging in viewing spiritual pornography. You need to tell the elders at your hall about this immediately. Your everlasting life is at stake.

    Recovery probably is no stranger to web porn, I'm guessing... So he's already determined in his own mind that sinning over the web doesn't count, because it's 'virtual'.

    I suspect he's extremely curious to know WHAT is contained inside Franz's books, but is conflicted by peeking inside and sinning by reading a paper copy, so he wants us to TELL him what's inside, reading by proxy....

    Hmmm, is he actually encouraging us to "sin"? Isn't THAT a sin, in and of itself, encouraging others to be stumbled by apostates?

    Recovery's methods remind me of my eldest brother (a JW) who felt conflicted about watching "Worldly" TV, but loved Star Trek. So he would stand in the living room watching the show, keeping his hand on the on/off knob the whole time, as if he were just about to turn it off and study his Bible, LOL! So he'd stand like that for an entire hour, as if watching TV didn't count against him if he were standing and holding the knob the whole time.

    I suspect we're witnessing a similar dynamic here with Recovery....

  • Finkelstein

    Ray Franz has little relevance to the fact that the WTS organization was and is a deceptive commercialized fraud contained in a religious


    Recovery spouts off like so many fully indoctrinated (brainwashed) JWS, the problem with him he thinks it safer with a bunch of other

    brainwashed mental slaves to the WTS., where you don't have to do any self cognitive thinking, you let the obviously corrupt WTS Corporation do

    his thinking for him. To some there is power in numbers irregardless to any connection to intellectual dishonesty.

    Why does Recovery not want to discuss topics via the use of the bible, because he instinctively knows he'll lose if he applies and sticks to the

    WTS. set doctrines.

    Unfortunately JWS are intensionally brainwashed to think the WTS. Corporation's doctrines are correct by bible interpretations

    and this is why there's so much expressed pride and arrogance which comes from JWS.

  • GromitSK

    Good point KoS: how can one reasonably critique a book without reading it?

  • mrsjones5

    " I think my future thread on Candace Conti will be far more interesting,..."

    So you're real purpose here is to antagonize and mock. Oh joy, what a fine witness you are.

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