Movie that could describe your experience as a jw?

by Nicolas 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • stocwach

    Flowers In The Attic

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I saw the movie "The Lottery" a few days ago with Dan Cortez in it. It reminded me a lot of the JW religion as I know it.

    There is this small town in Ohio that has a religous secret. The town has prospered because of this and no one is to tell what the secret is. No outsiders are let in and no insiders are let out. OK, maybe it doesn't have a lot in common with JW's but it reminded me of them anyway. JUST WATCH IT

  • hungry4life

    When I first saw the Truman Show (before I discovered the internet) I cried so hard. I felt that it was my story and I understood his pain but I didn't know that their was anyone else who felt the same way. When I watched a beautiful mind it had a deep effect on me as well. It was a great film in and of itself but having been a JW just increased the films significance. I didn't get the same feeling from Matrix but then again I was mainly awed by the special effects and didn't do to well following the plot. So many of you have mentioned it that I will have to watch it again. Breaking the waves, The Lottery and Vanilla Sky also sound like must sees.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    From the outside looking in of course...

    truman show for sure & stepford wives

    the movie 1984 leaves you with haunting images - worse than the book.
    the scenes where they change the newspapers. How did the guys that made the changes in rutherford's 2nd editions feel? The guy looking out the window and sees the "beauty" in an old fat dirty woman hanging out the clothes who is singing a song from the heart. the few friends he thought he made that betrayed him.

    George Orwell's Animal Farm is a classic as well.

    Is that a recent movie? I've never heard of it.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "My life as a Dog".
    Aussie movie I think.
    Any ex cult member MUST see "Bad boy Bubby"
    Aussie movie about a cult survivor.

  • Introspection

    Onlything fitting that comes to mind right now is Bowfinger...

  • bboyneko

    Saturday Night Fever! Oh wait..thats jus a movie thats like my actual life as a disco god....

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    My mother always had "Saturday night fever".
    Too ill to go to the meeting most weeks.
    One of us boys would have to stay home with her, to protect her from possible prowling ,drug crazed rapists.
    I Got out of the WT meeting every third week thanks to her.
    Lol Mum!

  • DanielHaase

    "Nurse Nookie"

  • edster

    Shawshank Redemption

    The Great Escape

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