District Convention Points Saturday 21-07-2012 New Light? Governing Body Is Our Mother?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's full blown idolatry, noting less. And many cult leaders convince that the brainwashed followers somehow owe their life to them. Spiritual mother, the organisation, showed us the truth from the Bible and if it weren't for spiritual mother, we would not have gained 'accurate knowledge' and therefore not stand to inherit everlasting life. That's the simple logic that keeps the great brain(un)washed enthralled.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    introduced the Slave as our Mother

    Well, the GB has seven big boobs on it, but I don't think that fact makes them OUR mother.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    but how did they say it? did they explicitly state that the governing body is the spiritual mother?

  • Listener
  • watson

    Ohhhh, billeeeeee...

  • blondie

    The "mother" reference is not new. The WTS teaches that the universal heavenly organization is the "heavenly" mother and consists of the angels. Another mother reference is to the bride of Christ, the 144,000 in heaven.

    *** w01 6/15 p. 26 Be Joyful With the Kingdom Hope! ***Brother Lösch concluded by saying: “In order to remain spiritually protected, we must remain under the wings of Jehovah. This means that we must not develop a spirit of independence. Let us always stay close to Jehovah and his motherlike organization, not separating ourselves from their direction and loving counsel.”

    *** w98 6/1 p. 23 Shouldering Responsibility for Family Care ***Jehovah’s motherlike organization diligently fulfills its responsibility to prepare delightful spiritual meals served through its publications and at the meetings of the more than 85,000 Christian congregations worldwide. Thus, with spiritual help from our Father, Jehovah, and his motherlike organization, even the “fatherless” will enjoy some measure of Bible study.

    *** w96 6/1 p. 9 par. 3 The Serpent’s Seed—How Exposed? ***To appreciate its significance, consider the various elements of the prophecy itself. Theone addressed at Genesis 3:15 is the Serpent—not the lowly snake but the one who used it. (Revelation 12:9) “The woman” is not Eve but Jehovah’s heavenly organization, the mother of his spirit-anointed servants on earth. (Galatians 4:26)

    *** ip-2 chap. 13 p. 180 par. 1 “Cry Out Joyfully in Unison”! ***And they have a greater fulfillment involving “Jerusalem above,” Jehovah’s heavenly organization of spirit creatures, which is sometimes described as a mother and a wife.—Galatians 4:26; Revelation 12:1.

    *** ws chap. 11 p. 97 par. 16 Earthly Jerusalem in Contrast With Celestial Jerusalem ***This union with the Lamb Jesus Christ in marriage will mean unspeakable joy for the figurative New Jerusalem in heaven. Through it she will become “a joyful mother of sons.” (Psalm 113:9) Yes, she will become the heavenly mother to all humans, living and dead, whom her loving husband redeemed by his perfect human sacrifice 19 centuries ago.

    *** ws chap. 9 pp. 77-78 pars. 13-14 God’s Covenant With His “Friend” Already Beneficial to Millions ***On the other hand, “the Jerusalem above” was Jehovah’s invisible heavenly organization. Correspondingly, it could be pictured by a woman, by Sarah, the true wife of Abraham. The Law covenant was not made with this organization, so “the Jerusalem above” was free, like Sarah of old. This is the organization that produces the promised “seed,” and that is why the apostle Paul could call it “our mother.”

    14 Really, then, the Abrahamic covenant applies to her as the symbolic wife of the Greater Abraham, yes, to Jehovah’s universal organization up there in the heavens.

    *** it-2 p. 1198 Woman ***In this passage the apostle speaks of Abraham’s free wife and of his concubine Hagar and says that Hagar corresponds to the literal city of Jerusalem under the Law covenant, her “children” being the citizens of the Jewish nation. Abraham’s wife Sarah, Paul says, corresponds to “the Jerusalem above,” who is the spiritual mother of Paul and his spirit-begotten associates. This heavenly “mother” would be also the “mother” of Christ, who is the oldest among his spiritual brothers, all of whom spring from God as their Father.—Heb 2:11, 12; see FREE WOMAN.

    It would follow logically and in harmony with the Scriptures that the “woman” of Genesis 3:15 would be a spiritual “woman.” And corresponding to the fact that the “bride,” or “wife,” of Christ is not an individual woman, but a composite one, made of many spiritual members (Re 21:9), the “woman” who brings forth God’s spiritual sons, God’s ‘wife’ (prophetically foretold in the words of Isaiah and Jeremiah as cited in the foregoing), would be made up of many spiritual persons. It would be a composite body of persons, an organization, a heavenly one.

    *** w06 3/15 p. 11 “A Symbolic Drama” of Value to Us ***Whom, then, did “the free woman” Sarah and her son, Isaac, represent? Paul indicated that Sarah, the “barren woman,” symbolized God’s wife, the heavenly part of his organization. This heavenly woman was barren in that before Jesus came she had no spirit-anointed “children” on the earth. (Galatians 4:27; Isaiah 54:1-6) However, at Pentecost 33 C.E., holy spirit was poured out on a group of men and women who were thus born again as children of this heavenly woman. The children produced by this organization were adopted as sons of God and became joint heirs with Jesus Christ under a new covenant relationship. (Romans 8:15-17) One of these children, the apostle Paul, could write: “The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.”—Galatians 4:26.

    *** w08 2/15 p. 29 par. 5 Highlights From the Book of Mark ***

    3:31-35. At his baptism, Jesus became God’s spiritual Son, and “the Jerusalem above” was his mother. (Gal. 4:26) From then on, Jesus’ disciples were nearer and dearer to him than his fleshly relatives were.

  • donuthole

    It's not a new teaching per say, but it is one that most JW's are not familiar with. Calling the organization "mother" went out of style with back calls, district assemblies, rendesvouzs. They are reintroducing it. In the convention demostration a CO is helping a brother understand why his Bible student is not making progress. The CO asks if the study has been helped to recognize/appreciate his spiritual mother. The brother asks with confusion, "His spiritual mother?" CO goes on to explain that it is the organization, using the passage in Proverbs. It is more direct then the obscure references seen in recent literature quoted by Blondie.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's a recycled Knorr invention. Dropped off the radar for a while, now it's getting pushed again.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    "Honor Your Mother", we need to show honor to our spiritual Mother, the annoited Slave. The pitch thrown my way by our speaker, was not the old "Revelation Climax Book" interpretation we were taught. It was made in no uncertain terms our "Spiritual Mother we need to honor" is none other than the faithful annointed Slave.

    When I heard the talk begin, I was under the impression we were going to hear a nice lecture on taking care of our own Mums and Dads. No, not even close, we were told to honor the visible spirit annointed slave class as our Mum. I need to kick back and smoke a giant blunt, why should classic JW hypocrisy, the elusive carrot dangling in front of the horse (brotherly love), constant reminders we are one giant "loving family" bother me.

    Corban is cool with your physical family, forget what Moses wrote in Exodus 20, focus on WTS 4.00.

    "Time dedicated to the "Region Building Committee" cover's a multidue of sins" 1 WT 2:11

    . "Mother loved her children so much, she reduced their homeworld to sixteen pages." WT 3:16

  • Sauerkraut

    Honor the visible spirit anointed slave class as our Mother? I thought that most of them have mental issues? Seven older Men (what they really mean but are still afraid to say openly) to be my Mother isn't something I feel too fond of. Nah, thanks. This is really getting idolatrous.

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