We KNOW who they are

by DonJuel 68 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • elderelite

    I do indeed have a better idea.

    Dont post names and brand people as pedophiles with no evidance. Thats a much better idea.

    Its not judgment to say its stupid and wreckless. It IS stupid and wreckless by definition.

    If someone were to hack and post the supposed list of 23,000 bethel is alledeged to have, at least that is a list of people with cause to be viewed as pedo's, although i dont nessarily support that either.

    You just want people to annomiously submitt names with no evidance or proof of any sort. Calling you stupid and wreckless is generous. Do you truly not see the danger....?

  • headisspinning

    I haven't said what the plan was and nobody needs a destructive cult. They might need spirituality or take comfort in their faith or their relationship with God etc... but nobody needs an organization that ruins peoples lives.

  • headisspinning

    I'm not getting into this with you if you're going to resort to name calling. In fact, I'm not getting into it with you at all.

  • blindnomore

    Elderlite, What would you do if you know a person who's going around raping children/adult (including your own child) and yet never has been arrested for his crimes mainly due to Watchtower pedophile protection program? I have 3 victims that I only know of on him. I don't care about his well being all I care about public especially innocent children.

    What about JW elders who were convicted as a child abusers but instead disfellowshipped their victim and victim's family in order to conceal their conviction. You know JW rules. Even thou elders were convicted by the court, they are still innocent in JW eyes. All elders have to do is demonized and df'ed the other side. Once victims get df'ed, the victims have no voice whatsoever and everyone believe elders' horendous lies and before you realize you are the worst apostate ever happened in the area!

    So, What would you do? (of course I am not giving out no ones name unless I have all the information)

    Don't say wait on Jehovah or Thor.

  • Twitch
    Yeah... 1st post asking for names... I'm a little hesitant and wary of releasing any info.

    As you should be

    We are working very closely outside of JWN. Please PM me for more information.

    Are you affiliated with any groups or organizations or at the very least, a lawyer?

    I'm not a lawyer or familiar with the law and legal ramifications but I'd sooner respond to a a legit (and legal) request than an anonymous internet poster

    This is an honorable thing to do, but keep in mind, to have solid facts to go along wit accussations, that way you can steer away from creatin' legal problems for yourself

    Never mind yourselves, I hope you realize that if you botch this, the WTS will use it for full effect for decades and your good intentions will pave the road to hell for many more.

    And if someone wants to sue me for that – go ahead I am right here

    That may happen. And who are you exactly?

    Most of the credible activists here are known by name and have a history of their actions outside this DB.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm with the idea of ferreting out the bad and protecting the good. It's the method here that sets off alarms.

  • jwmanager

    elderelite - I do indeed have a better idea.

    I don't believe you have any idea. This cult has to be destroyed for so many reasons.

  • elderelite

    Blind, i do not "know" anything you said. Under dubbie rules, if ypu are convicted in a court of pedophilia you are automatically disqualified as an elder. Also if you are convicted in the usa you are put on the national sex offender registry.

    I will reiterate: you are asking people to name names wit NO proof. Wreckless and stupid. Anyone with an agenda towards someone could name a name, hide behind the viel of the internet with no accountablity and brand people as pedophiles.

    Wreckless. Stupid.

  • elderelite

    Jwmanager, quote me fully please. I said:

    Dont post names and brand people as pedophiles with no evidance. Thats a much better idea.

  • headisspinning

    Elderelite, what you said is not entirely correct. If a body of elders believes an individual is no longer at risk of offending, in some cases, that person could serve as an elder.

    Also, if someone is convicted in the USA, then yes, their name is put on the National Sex Offenders Database. But that would require that the elders report the alleged abuse to the authorities. If it's not a reporting state, then the elders are told that they've fulfilled their responsiblity.

    If there are people who are Jehovah's Witnesses and false allegations have been made and somehow their name is released to the public, that is a risk that comes with being a part of the Watchtower that has a policy that leaves little children in harms way and give child molesters the benefit of the doubt. The Watchtower created this problem, not us.

    If people are worried that their name could be released as a pedophile then they should 'quit touching the unclean thing' and remove themselves from such a harmful organization.

    I'm sick and tired of give adults who have chosen to be part of this cult the benefit of the doubt and little kids are left in harm's way.

  • blindnomore

    elderlite, I don't blame you for not knowing what I am saying. I wouldn't either hadn't I had personal experience. I have at least names of one serial pedophile/rapist and sevral elders who were convicted as child abusers by the Judge. The month after elders got convicted, a CO interviewed them as examplary(don't care my bad spelling) elders at the Special Assembly. Non of them ever got removed until this very second. Their victims got witch hunted and suffered in the Star Chamber thug trial. Now, I have a full of bookcase of original documents on these elders and their supporters, 2 Circuit Overseers and the Watchtower.

    I am speaking with evidence of written court documents and as a first hand experienced. Oh, I also have a recorded DVD on the interview at the Circuit Assembly and whole lot more.

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