Was There Ever A Poster Here That Realy Was a Watchtower Spy?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quendi

    The direction to avoid independent study of any kind is hardly new as we all know. The September 2007 Kingdom Ministry said the same in a "Question Box" article. That article was aimed at certain Witnesses who had been corresponding with the Society about their private research and what they had learned from it. I know because I was a member of a group doing just that, and the man who headed up our team got the KM article in advance from a Bethelite who told him the Society had him and several others in mind when this article was written and approved.

    Some Bethelites told me that the Society used to have classes teaching koiné Greek to any who wanted to learn the language. That was during Fred Franz's tenure as president. I wonder if that course is still being taught in Bethel. I wouldn't be surprise to learn that it has been discontinued. Now the Governing Body doesn't want anyone learning the ancient biblical languages because they know what that kind of research would lead a student to discover: the lack of trustworthy scholarship in the Society's publications. As it turned out, the friend who headed our research team was finally disfellowshipped in absentia. I don't know if the same action was taken toward other independent researchers, but I think that would be highly likely.


  • Aware!

    I asked a bethelite once if the society taught koiné Greek classes. He told me that he didn't know and had never heard of it. At that time I was a still a witness and thought that learning the original language of the new testament Greek scriptures would help strengthen my faith. That and I noticed how the speakers would use Greek words in their talks to help explain better. I thought to myself that it would be nice if I could study koiné Greek to help make my talks more interesting. I never got to it, though. It probably was discontinued.

  • BluesBrother

    Official "WTS Spies" ? I doubt it . If there are then they do a good job of keeping secret....I would not be at all surprised if , eg old C/o's are used to peruse sites, just to see what is going on. but not to seek people out.

    There was a poster once who was upset that she was "outed" by a board user , but I think that was a local coincidence.

    Of course I could be wrong and be having Big Brother staring at me now

  • minimus

    Irreverrent, Blondie is.

  • Iamallcool

    no, you are a fucking spy.

  • kurtbethel

    One of the standard practices of spycraft is to not draw attention to yourself. It is a mirror of those here who are still in and feeding info to us, you don't stand out in your congregation that way. So whatever spies there are lurking will certainly go unnoticed.

  • Quendi

    First, thanks to Aware! for the hyperlinks. I will check them out later and see if I can even stomach reading and listening but I don't doubt they will simply underline the Society's fear and loathing of independent research. Those koiné Greek classes I mentioned were for Bethelites only. My sources told me that only a very few availed themselves of the opportunity. That's not too surprising for such study isn't everyone's cup of tea. But Fred Franz was happy that any wanted to learn the language and he quietly encouraged a few to take the time for it. We have to remember that he became president in 1977 and died twenty years ago. In many ways it was a different organization then in some respects. The language classes probably died with him and there is certainly no chance they will ever be revived.

    This was a time when the Society actively engaged in collaborative research with people outside of Bethel. I don't know if non-Witness experts were consulted on matters and issues related to doctrine, but many highly educated Witnesses did contribute. There were even a few in Bethel who did their best in delving into biblical exegesis and hermeneutics. But by the time of the turn of the millennium, that kind of research had withered and the WTS leadership became increasingly concerned with control rather than Christianity. We can see why. It was the research into the original languages that led to the writing of the old Aid to Bible Understanding book. The Aid book, however, made some of its compilers like Ray Franz believe that the WTS was no longer following the biblical model in its structure and dealings. We all know what followed.

    Getting back to this thread's theme, I don't doubt this site is actively and closely monitored. Are there spies among us? I don't doubt that either. Some may have taken it upon themselves to do this and report their findings to Brooklyn. Others may have been directed to participate by the WTS itself. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these JW apologists like Mr. Facts and djeggnogg aren't spies. But let them spy on! If they are feeding our discussions back to the Governing Body, all the better. That way, when the end of this religion finally comes, none of its leaders can say it took them by surprise.


  • elderelite

    I am a bethel spy, and I proudly admit it.

    I spy on everything those bastards do and report it here promptly. ban me if you must, but I will continue to spy.

  • blondie

    Yes, elderlite, minimus was right, I too am a bethel spy...I spy on everything those bastards do and report it here promptly....ditto

  • gda

    come over to my house!!! they've been dong it to me for ? 5 years now and I sometimes catch them.

    very funny and fun

    I MEAN IT!!!!!

    don't believe me?


    I'm talking (white cheep van at every Circle K I visit) really? Really!!!

    how about assembly's? Gotta go pee... OMG ...the same spy is in the area everywhere I go dressed in civilian clothes. (no suit or tie)


    OMG!!!! how do they earn a living ???? when spying?????

    Yes! I though I would be safe if I moved into a JW community (small town) OMG it's SALEM!!!!

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