How do I hear/feel God?

by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    And whether believers words are couched in love of not...the message in the end is the same...we either follow your god or what? still thinking
    Nothing... You have this belief that the God I serve will destroy you. I have never said that! I serve a God of love, not vengence. Is your life that evil you warrant some fiery destruction? :S watersprout life is not 'evil' but thanks for asking.

    Please see my post above in response to tec and people who will be destroyed.

    It's interesting to see how you are replying to questions without actually answering them though

  • NewChapter

    I think it is difficult. It is difficult to believe in a god that can exact vengence, and to believe that he will, just not against anyone you know. It's kind of like a funeral---the deceased is always in Heaven, never in Hell.

    But there seems to some reward for worshipping too. What is that reward and who receives it? M thinks she will receive it, and the rest of us will burn. It is a harder question for a more liberal believer. They don't want to say that we nonbelievers will not receive the reward---but then why bother trying to convince us there is a loving Jesus? The end result will be the same. Well 'some' will be destroyed, or consumed with fire or whatever. But who are those 'some'? Certainly not any of us. Unless we are talking to M, then I'm on a greased fire pole to Hell. Which makes me sad for her. It also makes me sad that she thinks she will be able to spend an eternity in bliss while believing that I am writhing and screaming in agony. But hey! Some people just like the idea of others suffering.

    But for the liberal believer, the entire setup is so problematic. Always trying to be diplomatic and tactful. In the end, I get the feeling that they don't believe it really matters. I can be who I want, belong to any religion I want---or not, pursue any goal, but not face negative judgement. I suppose that is a comforting idea for them---not for me because we are all going to die, and that's okay because it is what it is.



  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Do I still get to go to heaven or whatever your particular reward is or will I be destroyed? still thinking

    Like I said I don't know... I'm not God! *gasp* watersprout

    Or hasn't your god explained that to you yet?...still thinking

    No he hasn't because it's up to the Most Holy to decide. And it's not in the way you think either...watersprout

    You're quite amusing minute your GASPING! because you don't know something...because you are not god. And the next, you are confidently pointing out how something I don't know...but clearly you must...."and it's not in the way you think" tell me watersprout. How is it...exactly...or will you stand by your first statement of 'I don't know"?

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    OMG! Seriously you need to start reading our post's... No where has myself, Tam, Shelby, NL, JM posted about a hell... It doesn't exist.... I get the feeling you want to be told you will be burnt in hell, just so you can remain obnoxious....watersprout

    hmmmmm....I have read your posts...they are vague and say lots of waffle without saying anything much.

    Sorry you struggle with being questioned about your belief and find me obnoxious...but I find people waffling, without being clear about what they say, obnoxious and condescending. Gasping and behaving ridiculous. When all it takes is to actually answer a question, is that so hard? using metaphors and vagueness is not what I call answering questions. Telling me you don't know in one breath, and telling me I don't understand in another is...well....baffling.

  • tec

    What DOES burning in hell mean, then?

    It doesn't mean anything other than what some have stated to make you (general 'you') too afraid to disobey religions.

    I mean, there are versions of hell that we create for ourselves, and often facing the truth about ourselves can be likened to 'hell'... because you can be eaten up (devoured/consumed) with regreat, sorrow, anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred, envy, jealousy...

    But there is no place that you go personally, to be tormented by such for all eternity.

    Physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Is this time to a specific time or event?

    I do not know, though I would lean more toward all three. It happens after the thousand years. Which happens after Christ returns to gather those who belong to Him into the Kingdom. So some time to go still ;)

    This IS written (in revelations). Not necessarily understood though.

    Tec, i dont mean to overwhelm you since i see others are asking the same thing, but you say "consume in fire" then say you dont know what it means....
    So where did the expression come from? Why use it if you dont know what you are saying? Have you asked your lord for clarification?

    The expression is found written in revelations.

    I do not know how literal/symbolic the 'fire' coming down out of heaven is. I do know that this consuming fire is also devouring/bringing to ruin/destroying. I know that fire comes out of the mouths of the two witnesses to consume those who come against them... I know also that the dragon waited to consume the 'son' (Christ and after, those who belong to Him), and it is him who leads the army to go after those within the kingdom. To destroy them. So an army rides out to destroy those who are living in peace and this army is in turn destroyed.

    I understand a little, but not all. I will ask, and if I am given an answer I can share, then I will do so.

    I hope you have a safe and comfortable journey.

    I did for the most part thank you (and also thank you to EE).

    Since you asked no it doesn't answer anything at all.

    I am not surprised, lol ;)

    Why not have a go at describing in a simple and literal way with no metaphors, exactly what future event you had in mind when you wrote...

    The only people my God consumes in fire are those who specifically ride out against those who belong to Him... to destroy those He has promised to protect.

    Well, i don't know the specific future event. I understand only that Satan will mislead many (those who Christ sent away from Him, the goats... and Satan usually leads by getting people to go after what is already in their hearts, by convincing them that they can have it) into attacking those who Christ invited into the kingdom (the sheep). Fire from heaven will instead destroy them (the attackers). God does not seek them out to destroy them... they are the ones who seek to destroy.

    NC, hopefully that answers your 'breaking the metaphor down" somewhat, and also you Still.

    For goodness sake...if I say your christ is NOT real...(not that he may not be real) how exactly will this imaginary entitiy know me? Does that put me in the 'to be destroyed' category?

    Well, no imaginary entity can know someone. A real one can though. He can know a person by their deeds, their heart, their kindness and compassion, by the love shown to others, by the love within them.



  • caliber

    27... My sheep hear my voice

    Let’s notice something that the text says early on. This is a figure of speech. That means that you do not take the objects literally. We do not think

    Jesus is literally herding us who are literally sheep, into a literal pen. Why then should we take this text in the “literal” sense when we get to the

    voice part. ? “My sheep hear my voice.” What else could that be but hearing the inner voice of God? We hear Him not with our ears, but in our

    hearts. Also I think in some cases at least to hear means to heed ... to respond to counsel

    How do I hear/feel God?..... with your figurative heart and by your willing spirit

  • EntirelyPossible

    Tec, I am having trouble understanding. The eternal lake of fire where souls are tormented forever isn't real, but the two witnesses and the 1000 year reign on earth are real?

    How do we know what to pick and choose what's right and what's what, what's metphorical and what's real? I don't plan on opposing you or anyone else if they want to worship Jesus, will I be consumed with fire?

    Some of this sounds like JW ideas (I pick them because, honestly, I am not that familiar with other religious beliefs in Christendom, I don't mean it as a pejorative) where some parts are metaphorical and other parts sound like Left Behind (yes, I read the entire series), taken very literally.

    I am not sure what to make of this since I don't hear the voice like you and others do.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    clear as mud

    Well, i don't know the specific future event. I understand only that Satan will mislead many (those who Christ sent away from Him, the goats... and Satan usually leads by getting people to go after what is already in their hearts, by convincing them that they can have it) into attacking those who Christ invited into the kingdom (the sheep). Fire from heaven will instead destroy them (the attackers). God does not seek them out to destroy them... they are the ones who seek to destroy.

    so none of this is in the present? Satan is not misleading anyone now? How are they attacking those invited into the kingdom? Who are the 'they' you rerfer to? How do they seek to destroy. Do you believe I am being mislead by Satan?

    So far your 'answer' has answered nothing.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Well, no imaginary entity can know someone. A real one can though. He can know a person by their deeds, their heart, their kindness and compassion, by the love shown to others, by the love within them.

    So far, I have not seen any believer here show any real basis for their god being any more real than Thor, Isis, Krishna...etc etc. Why should we believe what you claim your god thinks as opposed to all the other gods we have to choose from?

  • tec

    Tec, I am having trouble understanding. The eternal lake of fire where souls are tormented forever isn't real, but the two witnesses and the 1000 year reign on earth are real?
    How do we know what to pick and choose what's right and what's what, what's metphorical and what's real?

    You go to the One who does know.

    If you don't believe in Him, then none of this stuff should matter to you anyway. But if you do, and you want to know the truth... then you must go TO the Truth. This is what I do. I don't have a clue on my own. (okay, sometimes I have a clue, but I have no way of knowing the answer to your question above on my own).

    Some of this sounds like JW ideas (I pick them because, honestly, I am not that familiar with other religious beliefs in Christendom, I don't mean it as a pejorative) where some parts are metaphorical and other parts sound like Left Behind (yes, I read the entire series),

    taken very literally.

    Some of them could be jw ideas. They aren't wrong about everything, or it would be too hard to decive others into thinking it is the truth. But again, if you want to know anything for certain, then you really do have to ask for yourself.

    I read the first few in the Left Behind series ( a friend of my husband thought I might enjoy them). I did at first. Novel ideas. I had not realized anyone wrote fiction like that, about Armageddon and all. But then there was too much in my head saying: 'No, that's not what that means... what?... God does not do THAT... seriously now!', etc. I had to stop before i gave myself an aneurism or heart attack, lol. Of course the girl who is an atheist is totally clueless, totally fine with abortion (has a sister who works in an abortion clinic), she's great with adultery, and easily won over by material things and power, etc, etc. Then of course the hero (big shot field investigative journalist from all over the world) and his love who are fighting for Christ are both virgins. It was so... hmm... fundamentally stereotypical. Good series though, if you can get past all that. I had to take a break ;) I think everything in the bible is taken literally in that series though.

    I am not sure what to make of this since I don't hear the voice like you and others do.

    I understand. You can ask, and you can ask for faith and ears to hear if you wish as well. Then keep asking, and put your faith in God and Christ.

    You can also measure all that religion teaches, and that is in the bible... against Christ. His words, backed up by his deeds. Did he torture anyone? Did he seem like the sort of man to hold a grudge and pray for others to be punished, or did he preach mercy and forgiveness? You might also read the account in revelations... that explains that the fire comes down from heaven to consume those who are riding across the breadth of the earth to destroy the camp, the city God loves. (made of people) Not to torment, but to consume, devour, destroy, bring to ruin.

    But the only way to know the Truth, for certain, is to go to the Truth. Other than that you gotta rely on your own thinking skills, the honesty of others, as well as the intelligence and understanding of others. This doesn't work out too well for many people (myself included)



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