I watched "Game Change" I`m curious about americans take on this movie,and their attitude to Sarah Palin

by smiddy 47 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Farkel


    :We have no shortage of direct quotes from her which paint a picture of her personality. She appears to be highly narcissistic, vindictive, petty, paranoid and not very knowledgeable or articulate.

    Right facts, wrong gender and person. I believe you just described the Obamination (aka "Liar-in-Chief" to a tee.


  • botchtowersociety
    I believe you just described the Obamination (aka "Liar-in-Chief" to a tee.

    Yes. Little Boots was actually just on the tee recently. He likes to play, especially when there's a fire. Salve Caesar! Morituri te salutant!

  • BizzyBee

    highly narcissistic, vindictive, petty, paranoid and not very knowledgeable or articulate.

    I believe you just described the Obamination (aka "Liar-in-Chief" to a tee.

    Hardly. Obama may be narcissistic (or not), but the rest he has proven to be exactly opposite.

    vindictive, petty, paranoid and not very knowledgeable or articulate.

    He has been remarkably calm (no drama) against tremendous provocation. Knowledgeable and articulate - ? Professor of constitutional law, first black president of the the Harvard Law Review, graduated Harvard magna cum laude and world-reknowned for his speaking ability? Etc., etc., etc.

    You are, of course, kidding.

    Pray tell, Farkel, what are you talking about?

  • BizzyBee

    BTW - Palin used to be a very attractive woman, but lately she has taken on a very sour, bitter, hard-edged look. Anyone else notice this? Portrait of Dorian Gray?
    Projection much?

    You have a PM.

  • Razziel

    I had the same reaction to her as to most other US Politicians regardless of Party, which is "Seriously, this is supposed to be the best nation on earth, and this is the best we can do? Are we all a bunch of f!cking morons or what?" Oh wait...

  • jws


    Before her VP nomination, Palin was well respected by both parties here in Alaska and never -- repeat, NEVER -- tried to inject her personal beliefs into her politics.

    I don't think she ever went through with it, but when she was mayor, didn't she inquire into book banning with the local librarian? That sounds like injecting personal beliefs. And perhaps the only reason she didn't do it was because of the librarian's strong objections.

    I always got the feeling she had a big ego and thought of politics as most naive people do. They focus on the power and assume you'll be the big boss, able to tell everyone else what to do, and be worshipped in a sense. But they never stop to think that it's not just about being powerful, there's work to do and much of it very mundane. And you can't just demand, legally there are procedures and other approvals to get before you just start throwing out demands like a monarch. There's also things to know. And Alaska is like a world of it's own, far away, more like a frontier than most US cities and states. What did she have to know about the way the contiguious 48 states work or what they were like?

    It also seems she or at least her husband were associated with seperatist groups wanting Alaska to seperate from the US. Maybe she had dreams of ruling the "country" of Alaska.

    Now she's on the talk circuit where she can be surrounded by adoring fans and can give a canned speech over and over. And there's nobody there to challenge her ego or intelligence. No real power, but her ego is most likely being stroked quite a bit and keeps her happy.

  • BizzyBee

    I always got the feeling she had a big ego and thought of politics as most naive people do.

    She admitted that she did not know "what the vice president does all day," but she thought part of the job involved legislating as head of the Senate. (Which is so very wrong it is scary.)

  • jws

    BizzyBee wrote:

    She admitted that she did not know "what the vice president does all day," but she thought part of the job involved legislating as head of the Senate. (Which is so very wrong it is scary.)

    That's telling. I would think that anybody committed to actually doing a job would know what the job actually entails before pursuing it. How can you even accept the running mate position without looking into the job to see whether you'd want to do it? Unless your only ambition is power, not service to the country.

    If I apply to a job, I would read the requirements first to see whether I am qualified and try to figure out what I'd be doing. And although that's not always apparent in a job ad, we're talking about the vice president and those responsibilities are publicly available. The during an interview, I'd ask about the duties I'd be performing to see whether I could do them and maybe more importantly, would want to. When the offer was being presented to her, Sarah Palin apparently never asked what she'd be doing.

    Somebody could offer me a CEO job at a top 500 company with a multi-million dollar salary, but in good concience I'd have to say no. I can't do the job and don't want it. A company would be hurt by bad leadership, just as a nation can. If I were unscrupluous, I might take it, revel in the power, and try to fake it for as long as I could to get the big mega paychecks before I was kicked out on my butt.

  • Cacky

    I can't believe anybody would vote for a ticket with her on it. I actually think McCain really didn't want the presidency, but felt it was expected of him to run.

  • NewChapter

    My understanding is Palin changed a lot when she was chosen as VP. Her Christian fundamentalism took front stage. Her daughter became pregnant as a teen, and had the audacity (after giving birth---teenage mother) to do a commercial where she refused condoms and pushed abstinence only for birth control So you see the family has no shame.

    Palin was not smart enough for the national stage. She doesn't understand socialism, and she is a crowd pleaser. McCains daughter could not stand her. I think she was in it for the money and the fame, and she did well getting both. She claimed that America fought the Revolutionary war to--------protect our guns. Her take on history was always creative.

    Her people adore her, and that is what she craves. She thought that being asked what material she read was a gotcha question. She used our political system to make herself a superstar. She will say just about anything to please her base, and they love it for her.

    She's not known to be an overly bright woman. Perhaps she could function as a governor, but she just did not have the broad knowledge needed to run a country. Which is fine with her base. They tend to hold education and intelligence in disdain. As she once said, the country doesn't need a professor, it needs a commander in cheif. You know---someone willing to shoot first and contemplate whenever.


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