Do you miss the sense of security the organisation gives you?

by Mr Facts 61 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nambo

    I still have that sense of security regarding the future, but not as the "organisation" offers, but as the Bible and Jesus offer.

    Dont you know Mr Facts that you are commiting Idolatry by resting your hopes for salvation on association with a group of men?, creature worship, the only name by which we can be saved is Jesus.

    In fact I now have more security because the society allways teach us that our works are never enough, whereas now I now that if I drink the blood of Christ, (Matthew 26 and John 6), I have salvation based on Gods grace rather than working the doctrines of men.

    I do hope your works are to absolute perfection because it you have been rejecting the Emblems of the New Covernant every year, you wont have had your sins washed away by Jesus shed blood.

  • chichimama_2

    I never felt secure either.

    I was never convinced that I would make it into the New Order even though I was exemplary.

    They beat us down so badly in the literature and at the meetings that I was never sure if what I was doing was going to be good enough for Jehovah.
    So I am actually feeling more secure now because I no longer believe .


  • baltar447

    Does a grown man or woman feel bad because they grew up and learned that Santa Claus wasn't real? Or the Easter Bunny?

  • exwhyzee

    What part of the "sense of security" are you lacking or at risk of loosing by seeking information on a so called "apostate" Website ?

  • Ding


    JWs are never secure.

    The organization's teaching is that PERHAPS you may be hidden in the day of Jehovah's anger...

    JWs think their salvation depends on them rather than on Jesus, so of course they are always insecure.

    Meanwhile, you are always being told to do more, that Armageddon is just around the corner and you might not prove worthy...

    Not only that, but the "truth" keeps changing from magazine to magazine, and the "generation" keeps stretching.

  • MrFreeze

    As a JW I had no hope because I felt I wasn't good enough, so even if the lies of the Watchtower were true, it didn't offer me any comfort.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Security??? Don't make me laugh, I've got a cracked lip.

    Watchtower God was always going to kill me because I couldn't bring myself to join the crazies in his little cult.

  • umadevi

    Honestly speaking, I never felt any sense of security while I was a JW. Instead I only felt fear of everything - my daily activities, my JW friends and even when I worshipped Jehovah. How can I feel secured for the future when I was taught only to fear and doubt everything in present system?

  • Scully

    By "sense of security", do you mean

    • the constant criticism of any personal decisions?
    • the incessant nagging to Do More™ for Jehovah the Organization™
    • the interminable reminders that we are worthless sinners and need Jehovah the Organization™ to have any hope for the future?
    • the unending fear that any innocent mistake on your part will be reported to the Elders™ who will hunt you down like a dog and make your life miserable, Disfellowship™ you and effectively terminate any so-called friendships and/or family relationships you may have with other JWs?

    If that's the case, I'm secure and furthermore deleriously HAPPY to remain "insecure" without the Organization™.

    Thank you very much.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Ranchette/chichi-Well Said! Ditto, by the way!

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