Just wanted to say...

by tec 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Sorry FHN - references to blood sacrifing mythologies are not good for anyone. I am very disturbed by your assumption that one man caused death and one man will be solving it ironically through death. You can't use the trojan horse of friendly civility to insert a barbaric idea that some of us have rejected as distasteful and obscene.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Sorry FHN - references to blood sacrifing mythologies are not good for anyone. I am very disturbed by your assumption that one man caused death and one man will be solving it ironically through death. You can't use the trojan horse of friendly civility to insert a barbaric idea that some of us have rejected as distasteful and obscene.

    Q, I posted what I did to counter Myliene. And anyone, including you, can use a Bible to counter that caustic, condemning belief and approach.

    Universalists do not believe that Christ's death was sacrificial, anymore than you do. But you can show condemnation believers, with the Bible, that their condemnation of so many is not supported.

    I am Universalist of wider scope, in that I do not limit myself to any holy book, nor do I believe the Bible to be an all God inspired book. Please look at Myl's posts and Tal's scriptural answer to her, to understand why I posted what I did. I also encourage you to read the link I posted. Not because it is meant to convince you, but for good reasoning with people who believe the Bible to teach of the condemnation of billions of people. As I said to you on your thread, rather than trying to budge all belief, start with budging dangerous ones like condemnation. I do not believe in condemnation. I didn't before I was a JW and honestly, it was hard to swallow when I was one.

  • jay88

    Is this a farewell thread, from Tammy-pooh?

  • watersprout

    Tammy that's a lovely post

    If only everyone respected each other beliefs there would be no angst... But alas it is not to be....

    Do you fancy a traditional English afternoon tea? I have a pot of tea with crumpets or I have scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream? Your choice?


  • myelaine

    dear FHN...

    and yet your "common salvation" doesn't see you holding hands with the GB or hitler or the likes of jim jones etc., why is that? All that wrong thinking is going to be forgiven because Jesus was killed too?...Where is the justice for those who have been murdered, tortured or even held captive by those who would do them harm?

    Why are you waiting until the revealing of the sons of God before you embrace these who will be your brothers in "common salvation"?

    does your personal sense of justice call for a cleaning of the slate or not?

    love michelle

    p.s. the scripture says that those who will be saved are those who turn to Jesus FOR salvation, have their sins covered by the blood of the Lamb and repent of their wrong doing. A person can choose to turn to Jesus any time during the course of a day but the farther they get away from His salvation the less likely they are to see the need for it. the bible says that God allows people to go their own way after a time...He gives them over to their own "lusts"...what they want,( not what He would choose for them...mainly salvation in Jesus Christ)...the scripture says that when He comes again He will come in judgement : jude 14-15...so the revealing of the sons of God will be with judgement...and then there will be justice served, not as your belief seems to imply...a cleaning of the slate.



    I have been looking at your avatar.

    Have you got two heads or should I take more water with it?

  • mrsjones5

    Michelle, instead of shitting all over Tec's topic just admit you don't like and be done with it. Or here's an idea, create your own thread to shit on. That's the ticket!

    Love, Mrs Jones

    P.S. You love the negative attention, don't ya?

    P.S.S. Tec, please forgive me for using coarse language on your thread. I felt it was called for.

  • FlyingHighNow


    Where is the justice for those who have been murdered, tortured or even held captive by those who would do them harm?

    My, how long would one need to be punished/tortured/eternally condemned to call it justice for those? "God is Love" 1 John 4:8. How long does that love last and is it conditional? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. I encourage you to read the link I offered. It will give you food for thought on your question.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    And I know U as Tammy 2 .............


  • myelaine

    dear FHN...

    I don't know why God said that people would be eternally damned. All I can suggest is that to be just the equal measure is eternal salvation for those who turn to Jesus for their salvation.

    Scripture says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. From the beginning this was a requirement. From the beginning man tried to find a way around this...he tried to come into fellowship with God the way he thought was right. (genesis 4:3-5,7)

    To be cut off from God and cast into the lake of fire that is created for the devil and his angels after God has given you warnings and pleaded with you for all these generations would NOT be unfair on His part. It would however be fait accompli for satans part..ecclesiastes 9:12...as he is a liar from the beginning..."surely God didn't say"...

    (the life is in the blood...rev 12:11)

    love michelle

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