Watchtower sends Cease and Desist order on SPARLOCK items!

by sacolton 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    So they throw sparlock in the trash because he's magic and makes jaybooger sad, and now they want him back?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well I'm glad I got my order in.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Jesus FU****G CHRIST!!!!

    Why Listen to what they say?????

    Like I care LOL

  • Scully

    Sparlock Building System

    Maybe we should be looking at ways to get this company to claim copyright infringement and issue a cease and desist order against the WTS.

    - defaming their name and product with religious bigotry and association with "making Satan happy"

    - discrediting their charitable work and negatively impacting their business profile


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    No let them spend $$$$ stopping this Sparlock shit instead of all the Sexual Abuse that happens in the KingDUMB Hall....

    opps maybe Charlie went to far...............

    Sue Me DICKS!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Paralipomenon

    Interestingly the name "Sparlock" isn't written anywhere that I am aware of in sources related to the video. The spelling of "Sparlock" is a unique endeavor created by the ex-witness community.

    Using a screenshot from the video may violate copyright, but given that the character isn't a registered copyright, some custom art renditions would not apply. The WT is overreaching their legal standing on this one, I bet they are hoping that the companies won't dispute a takedown notification from a corporation that has a legal team. And they may be right.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I bet they are hoping that the companies won't dispute a takedown notification from a corporation that has a legal team. And they may be right.

    LMFAO!!!!!!!!! U think????? hahahahhahaha



    I agree with you. They even cannot register Sparlock as it is already in use by other company, other character, on deviant art...

    And if we create a character that resembles him from scratch they cannot do anything.


    And as a lastg resort there is always the other way to go: upload in file sharing sites and post link in warez sites... Sparlock is evil and doesn't go by the law (like me!). It is called theocratic warefare!

  • Dogpatch

    All is not lost.

    Sparlock was kidnapped from blogwarts School of Wizards. He didn't understand how they would treat him.

    A war in the world of wizards is brewing.

    The word is, THEY WANT HIM BACK.

  • Jeffro


    Jeffro - the world ended invisibly so where do they get off claiming the worlds legal system even exists ? LOL put that in your pipe and smoke it

    You do know they're just a publishing company don't you?

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