Watchtower sends Cease and Desist order on SPARLOCK items!

by sacolton 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I am repeating something I was told and I am sure some-one here knows more on the subject than I do so can refute or verify this.

    "Companies like youtube and cafepress have software which is set to automatically flag images likely to have come from a third party source, cartoon, TV show or include a celebrity face which would therefore infringe copyright law. This then initiates a warning."

    It is to cover their own backs.

    Youtube claimed WTBTS had contacted them regarding the video clips I had up but the notification I received from Cafepress is not accredited to them and not all the images have been removed. They have allowed the one with the blue sunburst background of Sparlock.

  • processor

    Video no longer available due to copywright claim... ** snort **

    Yes, that's what I wanted to tell with my link. It can still be seen that the WTS claims to have copyright in this video, hence this is proof that the video is real and not an apostate fake.

  • 00DAD

    sacolton, I notice that the complaint you received is very vague.

    You could assert your belief that, to the best of your knowledge, Sparlock is NOT a Trademarked character protected by copyright laws.

    Consider asking for PROOF IN WRITING FROM THE ACTUAL COPYRIGHT/TRADEMARK OWNER(s) that this is the case. It could just be a bullying bluff by the WTBTS. At the very least it will give you a little more time.


  • shamus100

    Yeah, Sacloton, go ahead! I'm sure you made hundreds of millions of dollars off your t-shirts to finance your legal defense. ;P

  • VM44
  • chichimama_2

    I just ordered a Coffee mug and really hope I am able to receive it.

    What I really really want is a can cuzi & a zippered bottle cuzi / insulator.

  • cedars

    processor - thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'm glad the notices are still visible - I assumed they weren't. Since I made that remark, Amelia has kindly sent me a screenshot of the YouTube "copyright" notice. I plan to publish this on one of my articles in the future to hopefully demonstrate how incredibly "anal" the Society is being over this issue.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    This image has not been removed for some reason but the one on the Tony Morris top and the screen shot fom youtube were both flagged as was the FB cover image from Sparlock Warrior Wizard page but for some reason this image has been accepted.

  • VM44

    Amelia, where is that Sparlock mug from?

    Is there a larger picture of it?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If they're going to be all pissy about it, we'll just have to build a better Shparluck!

    Less gut, calves, and forearms, more shoulder, thigh, and pecs. And a better leather, gold, and purple suit.

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