Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-13-2012 WT Study (URGENCY)

by blondie 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-13-2012 WT Study (MARCH 15, 2012, pages 15-19)(URGENCY)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

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    w = Watchtower

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    “Preach the word, be at it urgently.”

    —2 TIM. 4:2.


    Why did first-century Christians

    preach with urgency?

    How can we maintain our sense

    of urgency?

    Why is Kingdom preaching more

    urgent now than ever?


    I remember the pre-1975 days when many of the elders, wives, and single adult jws were regular pioneers. We were at it urgently, prepared, lives were involved. But now the WTS does not dare try it again, at least not until the 1975 generation dies off. But then, the WTS knows that with the birth rate and the lesser increase in jws, they will never be able to witness to each person even once. And few jws ever did and do not know try to be effective. Back in the 70’s the WTS requirement to regular pioneer was to have one on-going bible study. What if that were the requirement to get into the new system, having brought in one person into the WTS organization?


    1, 2. What questions arise about the command to ‘be at our

    preaching urgently’?

    PEOPLE whose job it is to save lives usually

    work with a sense of urgency. For example,

    firefighters rush to an emergency call; they

    know that lives may be in danger.


    Is it the job of jws to save lives compared to firefighters who do it fulltime who actually put their physical lives on the line and later deal with more physical issues. In no way do any but a few jws do such work, more often bringing danger to themselves due to directives from WTS administration.

    2 As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we hope to help people

    to be saved. To that end, we take seriously our commission

    to preach the good news of the Kingdom.

    Of course, we do not dash about frantically. Then

    what did the apostle Paul mean when he gave the

    admonition: “Preach the word, be at it urgently”?

    (2 Tim. 4:2) How can we preach with urgency? And

    why is our work so urgent


    If asked what religion they are, why do jws not say “Christians”?

    How seriously do jws take the commission putting in less than 10 hours a month.

    Definitely they don’t dash about, it is no accident that there is a phrase “pioneer walk” or “pioneer shuffle.”



    3. People’s accepting or rejecting the Kingdom message can

    bring what results?

    3 When you consider what stands to be gained or

    lost as a result of our preaching, you probably feel an

    urgent need to speak to others about the good news.

    (Rom. 10:13, 14) God’s Word says: “When I say to

    the wicked one: ‘You will positively die,’ and he actually

    turns back from his sin and carries on justice

    and righteousness, . . . he will positively keep living.

    He will not die. None of his sins with which he

    has sinned will be remembered against him.” (Ezek.

    33:14-16) Indeed, the Bible tells those who teach the

    Kingdom message: “You will save both yourself and

    those who listen to you.”—1 Tim. 4:16; Ezek. 3:17-21.


    After these comments by the WTS, do individual jws feel it is necessary to speak to each person at least once?

    *** w10 9/15 p.10 par.12***

    We recognize that the end could come at any time; Jehovah’s timing is not contingent on our giving a personal witness to every individual on the planet. (Matt. 10:23)

    *** w00 1/15 p.13 par.17***

    True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    *** w97 8/15 p.14 par.11***

    Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses carry out their work in 233 lands, island groups, and territories. True, untouched territories still exist, and perhaps in Jehovah’s due time, a door of opportunity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Still, Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 10:23 are sobering: “You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.” While the good news will surely be announced throughout the earth, we will not in person reach all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before Jesus “arrives” as Executioner.

    Remember Rutherford started the door-to-door work under the premise that a personal witness was necessary and more effective.

    4. Why did apostasy make preaching in the first century urgent?

    4 To appreciate why Paul exhorted Timothy to

    preach with urgency, consider some of the context

    of our theme scripture. We read: “Preach the word,

    be at it urgently in favorable season,

    in troublesome season, reprove, reprimand,

    exhort, with all long-suffering

    and art of teaching. For there will be a

    period of time when they will not put

    up with the healthful teaching, but,

    in accord with their own desires, they

    will accumulate teachers for themselves

    to have their ears tickled; and

    they will turn their ears away from the

    truth.” (2 Tim. 4:2-4) Jesus had foretold

    that an apostasy would develop. (Matt.

    13:24, 25, 38) As that development approached,

    it was urgent for Timothy to

    “preach the word” even inside the congregation

    so that Christians would not

    be misled by the deceptive attractiveness

    of false teachings. Lives were at

    stake. What about today?


    So what was the “apostasy” in the first century? Any record that these people were kicked out?

    Was Peter kicked out when he shunned the Gentile Christians and others followed his example although having been given a vision by God they were acceptable?

    5, 6. We may encounter what popular ideas in

    our ministry?

    5 Apostasy from true worship has

    now grown and spread. (2 Thess. 2:3, 8)

    What teachings tickle people’s ears today?

    In many places, the teaching of

    evolution has been promoted with religious

    fervor. Though evolution is usually

    presented in scientific language, it

    has become almost a secular religion,

    affecting how people view God and others.

    Another popular teaching is that

    God is not interested in us; thus, we do

    not need to be interested in him. Why

    are these teachings so attractive that

    they lull millions into spiritual sleep?

    They both carry the underlying message,

    ‘You can do anything you want because

    you will not be called to account.’

    This truly is a message that has tickled

    the ears of many.—Read Psalm 10:4.


    So what were these teachings in the FIRST century? Not evolution. How people view God is affected most by what those who say to represent him are doing; such as concealing pedophiles in your organization as the WTS has done.

    But remember the WTS/FDS/GB sets themselves up as the ones who call people to account, not God.

    6 But there are other ways that people

    have their ears tickled. Some who still

    go to church like to have teachers who

    tell them, ‘No matter what you do, God

    loves you.’ Priests and pastors tickle the

    ears of others by convincing them that

    ceremonies, Masses, fiestas, and images

    have God’s blessing. Little do these

    churchgoers realize the danger of their

    situation. (Ps. 115:4-8) Yet, if we can

    awaken them spiritually so that they understand

    the Bible’s true message, they

    can benefit from God’s Kingdom.


    The WTS mantra is, if you are a baptized jw, you are in like flint; that all non-jws are not even to be pitied because SOON all 7 billion men, women, children, babies, will die, die forever, no hope of a resurrection although Pharaoh and his armies will.

    Are jws awake; how many can explain the new overlapping generation to each other let alone a non-jw?


    7. How can we demonstrate our sense of urgency?

    7 A conscientious surgeon must give

    undivided attention to his work because

    lives are at stake. In our Christian ministry,

    we can demonstrate a sense of urgency

    by concentrating on our work,

    such as by thinking about what issues,

    questions, or information might interest

    the people we meet. A sense of urgency

    might also lead us to adjust our

    schedule so as to visit people when they

    are more disposed to receive us.—Rom.

    1:15, 16; 1 Tim. 4:16.


    A surgeon trains many years to be competent, not just every doctor is qualified even if trained. How many jws did you know that even knew what the title of the current magazines were, had even read part of them, had even prepared an introduction even reading the spoon fed ones in the KM and practiced one? How many used the one they have used for the last ten years.

    In the last 5 congregations we went to, no one wanted to do evening witnessing, Saturday or Sunday afternoons, or holidays unless they were pioneering? How many jws constantly went out when they knew no one was home, that they were all “dog” houses?

    8. What does acting with urgency usually involve?

    8 Having a sense of urgency also involves

    setting priorities. (Read Genesis 19:15.)

    For example, imagine that after

    getting your test results back, your doctor

    called you into his office and earnestly

    said to you: “Look! Your situation

    is urgent. You have at most a month to

    do something about your illness.” You

    likely would not charge out of his office

    like a fireman on an emergency call.

    But you would probably get his recommendations,

    go home, and give serious

    thought to your priorities.


    Priorities---heavens, no sports programs better interfere. Recording them was not possible evidently.

    If he called you, why would you be charging out of his office?

    Urgency, but whose life is at risk, the person the jw is calling on or is it that individual jw’s life he is concerned about. Baptized jws feel as long as they do the minimum door to door (1 hour each for 6 months—WTS requirement to be “active” a real jw) they are safe.

    9. Why can we say that Paul preached with urgency

    while in Ephesus?

    9 We can gain insight into Paul’s urgency

    by noting what he told the elders

    from Ephesus about his preaching

    the good news in the district of Asia.

    (Read Acts 20:18-21.) Apparently from

    the first day he arrived, he got busy visiting

    people from house to house with the

    good news. In addition, for two years

    he followed a regular schedule of “daily

    giving talks in the school auditorium

    of Tyrannus.” (Acts 19:1, 8-10) Clearly,

    Paul’s sense of urgency influenced his

    routine. The call to ‘be at our ministry

    urgently’ is not intended to overwhelm

    us with our commission. Nevertheless,

    the preaching work should take priority

    in our lives.


    Busy on the first day—yet jws at most feel they are only required to go out Saturday morning for 2 hours where they are most likely to have talked to 2 people.

    Regular schedule—how many jws even go out every Saturday morning?

    Jws spend more time every week watching tv and playing video games.

    10. Why can we be pleased that Christians acted

    urgently some 100 years ago?

    10 The example of a small group of

    Bible Students who prior to 1914 set

    out to preach the good news illustrates

    what it means to have a sense of urgency.

    Although they were only a few thousand

    strong, they appreciated the urgency

    of the times and enthusiastically

    took up the Kingdom preaching work.

    They had sermons published in hundreds

    of newspapers and presented a

    program of color slides and motion pictures

    called the “Photo-Drama of Creation.”

    In this way, they reached millions

    with the good news. If they had

    not had a sense of urgency, how many of

    us would have heard the Kingdom message?—

    Read Psalm 119:60.


    Remember though that the Bible Students were only looking for the remaining ones of the anointed 144,000. They were not trying to reach those who would live on earth as they would survive the end in 1914 and the kingdom would teach them for life everlasting on earth.



    11. What has led some to lose their sense of urgency?

    11 Distractions can keep a person

    from thinking about how important the

    preaching work is. Satan’s system is designed

    to get us absorbed in personal

    pursuits and side issues. (1 Pet. 5:8;

    1 John 2:15-17) Some who at one time

    gave priority to Jehovah’s service lost

    their sense of urgency. For instance, the

    first-century Christian named Demas

    had been a ‘fellow worker’ with Paul,

    but Demas became distracted by the ungodly

    system of things. Instead of continuing

    to give priority to strengthening

    his brother in a time of trouble, Demas

    abandoned Paul.—Philem. 23, 24; 2 Tim.



    What are distractions that fall into the personal pursuit and side issue categories?

    Does the bible say what Demas’ distraction was or can the WTS read whatever they want into, interpreting the bible?

    When the elders do not strengthen those in the congregation, are the Demases?

    *** w83 10/15 p.24 par.12***

    The apostle Paul was forsaken by his fellow worker Demas ‘because of his love for the present system of things.’ The exact nature and extent of his forsaking Paul is not disclosed, but a love for worldly pleasures and material things may have become stronger than that for spiritual things

    12. What opportunity is open now, and what

    opportunities will be opened to us forever?

    12 If we are to maintain our sense of

    urgency, we need to fight the urge to enjoy more

    of what life offers. We ought to

    work at getting “a firm hold on the real

    life.” (1 Tim. 6:18, 19) You likely have

    no doubt that everlasting life on earth

    under God’s Kingdom will provide endless

    opportunities to enjoy interesting

    activities. But for now, the opportunity

    to help others to survive Armageddon is

    unique to our time.


    So what is too much?

    CARROT: everlasting life on earth

    So weren’t the other times unique, like to survive the end at 1914, 1925, 1975, (1984), (1994)?

    13. Now that we have become Christians, how

    can we maintain our sense of urgency?

    13 Given that most in the world

    around us are unwisely sleeping in a

    spiritual sense, what can help us avoid

    losing our sense of urgency? We can

    reflect on the fact that we at one time

    were sleeping in darkness, as it were.

    But we were awakened, and Christ has

    shone on us, as Paul pointed out. We

    now have the privilege of being light

    bearers. (Read Ephesians 5:14.) After

    mentioning that, Paul wrote: “Keep

    strict watch that how you walk is not as

    unwise but as wise persons, buying out

    the opportune time for yourselves, because

    the days are wicked.” (Eph. 5:15,

    16) Amid such wickedness, let us ‘buy

    out the time’ for activities that can keep

    us spiritually awake.


    Are jws sleeping; how many buy new cars, houses, furniture, cruises, etc. Elders and their families?

    Light bearers—anointed jws and the rest are just companions, associates, hangerons


    14-16. What makes Kingdom preaching more

    urgent now than ever?

    14 The Christian ministry has always

    been urgent, but now it is more critical

    than ever. Since 1914, the composite

    sign described in God’s Word has become

    clear. (Matt. 24:3-51) Mankind’s

    survival is threatened as never before.

    Despite recent agreements, the superpowers

    still have some 2,000 nuclear

    warheads ready to launch. Authorities

    report hundreds of instances of nuclear

    material being “lost.” Do terrorists have

    some of that? Observers say mankind

    could easily be annihilated by a war that

    a terrorist initiates. War, however, is not

    the only threat to man’s existence.


    Has the composite sign been proven today? Did Jesus mention nuclear warheads? Is that a red hearing? Or a strawman?

    15 “Climate change is the biggest

    global health threat of the 21st century,”

    claims a 2009 report by The Lancet

    and University College London. It said:

    “Effects of climate change on health will

    affect most populations in the next decades

    and put the lives and wellbeing of

    billions of people at increased risk.” The

    effect could be widespread destruction

    from rising sea levels, droughts, floods,

    epidemics, hurricanes, and wars over

    diminished resources. Yes, wars and disasters

    threaten civilization.


    Did Jesus mention climate change?

    16 Some people might think that the

    threat of nuclear war could lead to

    events that fulfill “the sign.” However,

    most do not understand the sign’s real

    significance. It has been visible for decades

    now, which fact indicates that

    Christ’s presence is a reality and that

    the end of this system of things is rapidly

    approaching. (Matt. 24:3) Never before

    have so many features of the sign

    been so clearly evident. It is time for

    people to awaken from spiritual slum-

    ber. Our ministry can help awaken



    Did you realize that the WTS taught that Jesus’ presence began in 1874 not 1914?

    17, 18. (a) How does “the season” affect us?

    (b) What could move people to change their

    view about the Kingdom message?

    17 Only a short time remains to prove

    our love for Jehovah and to finish the

    preaching work assigned for the last

    days. What Paul said to first-century

    Christians in Rome has even greater

    meaning today: “You people know the

    season, that it is already the hour for you

    to awake from sleep, for now our salvation

    is nearer than at the time when we

    became believers.”—Rom. 13:11.


    Short time – 1914, 1925, 1975 and 37 years later, no end.

    Salvation – 1879 to 2012 and still waiting

    18 The events foretold for the last

    days can make individuals aware of

    their spiritual need. Others become

    conscious of man’s need for help as they

    contemplate the failure of human governments

    to cope with economic disasters,

    nuclear threats, violent crime, or

    environmental destruction. Still others

    are made aware of their spiritual need

    by events in their own family, such as a

    health crisis, a divorce, or the death of

    a loved one. As we share in the ministry,

    we make ourselves available to help

    such people.


    Jesus mentioned environmental destruction, nuclear threats, economic disasters?


    19, 20. How has a sense of urgency moved

    many Christians to change their lifestyle?

    19 A sense of urgency has moved

    many Christians to increase their share

    in the ministry. For example, a young

    Ecuadoran couple decided to simplify

    their life after they heard the 2006 special

    assembly day program “Keep Your

    Eye Simple.” They made a list of things

    they did not need, and within three

    months they moved from their three bedroom

    apartment to a single-bedroom

    place, sold some things, and became

    debt free. Soon they entered the auxiliary

    pioneer service and responded to the

    circuit overseer’s suggestion that they

    serve with a congregation where there

    was a greater need.


    Christians – only jws

    So are other jws choosing not to “simplify” their lives and are content with the 1 hour/month WTS requirement for everlasting life?

    20 A North American brother writes:

    “When my wife and I attended an assembly

    in 2006, we had been baptized

    for 30 years. While driving home after

    the program, we discussed how we

    could apply the counsel given on simplifying

    our life. (Matt. 6:19-22)We owned

    three homes, land, luxury cars, a boat,

    and a motor home. Feeling that we must

    have looked like foolish Christians, we

    decided to make the full-time ministry

    our goal. In 2008 we joined our daughter

    in the regular pioneer service. What

    a joy it has been to work more closely

    with the brothers! We have been able to

    serve where there is greater need. Also,

    the experience of doing more for Jehovah

    has drawn us closer to him. Especially

    rewarding is the privilege of seeing

    people’s eyes light up when they

    hear and understand the truth of God’s



    So how many jws do you know that have 3 homes, land, luxury cars, boat and a motor home, and have been jws in good standing for 30 years? What an example they were.

    21. What knowledge moves us to action?

    21 We know what will soon overtake

    this wicked system of things—“the day

    of judgment and of destruction of the

    ungodly men.” (2 Pet. 3:7) Our knowledge

    of God’s Word moves us to declare

    zealously the coming great tribulation

    and the new world to follow. We continue

    to feel a keen sense of urgency to

    bring real hope to people. By engaging

    in this urgent work to the full, we show

    true love for God and fellow man.

    JEHOVAH is “the God who gives hope.” So said

    the apostle Paul, adding that Jehovah can ‘fill

    us with all joy and peace by our believing, that

    we may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.’

    (Rom. 15:13) If our hope abounds in us, we will

    be able to endure any situation that may arise, our

    hearts filled with joy and peace. As with anointed

    Christians, such a hope will prove to be “an anchor

    for the soul, both sure and firm” for other Christians.

    (Heb. 6:18, 19) Our hope is something we can

    cling to during the storms of life, something that

    will help us not to drift into doubt or lack of faith.

    Read Hebrews 2:1; 6:11.


    SOON = 37 years since the last clarion call in 1975

    Great tribulation where over 7 billion non-jws, men, women, and children, will die eternally, all not required by God, or the WTS, to have even to have been witnessed to personally once by jws.



    Love, Blondie

  • Gorbatchov

    I was there this morning, and for real, they answered like nobrains...

  • wasblind

    Ooooh yesssss,

    The sense of urgency, under the heading

    " Reaching Many When Numbers Were Few "_______ Proclaimers book page 561-562 paragraphs one and two

    they mention broadcastin' by radio as well as the photo drama. I Repeat, under the same heading. Radio was included

    They state

    " Brother Rutherford felt strongly that the hand of the Lord was manifest in it's development. What was it? Radio."________Proclaimers book page 562 para. two

    Looks as if the hand of the Lord was slapped, when they stopped usin' radio.

    Thank you Blondie

    Side note on page 563 says:

    " By means of radio J. F. Rutherford was able to witness to millions of people worldwide right in thier homes"

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So how many jws do you know that have 3 homes, land, luxury cars, boat and a motor home, and have been jws in good standing for 30 years?

    Looks like Andre did pretty well for himself!

    Really, what about the poor schlep who bought into their anti education anti money bullshit and was piss poor and pioneering for 30 years? So what, you sold a couple houses and started pioneering. Give yourself a pat on the back.

    Moronic article as usual, but mercifully just 21 paragraphs this week. Thanks for the review BLONDIE.

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    (1984), (1994)?

  • blondie

    generation 70 years (1914 + 70 = 1984)

    generation 80 years (1914 + 80 = 1994)

    Many jws understood this concept and were looking for the end to come by 1984 or 1994 at the latest. It was no accident that the 1914 generation was changed in 1995, eliminated actually. The WTS had adjusted that generation to mean eventually, people born in 1914. They could no longer adjust it by 1994, so replaced it with a new definition of generation.

  • wasblind

    " Have not Jehovah's Witnesses made errors in their teachings????

    It is true that the witnesses have made mistakes in their understanding of what would occur at the end of certain time periods."______Reasoning book page 136 para. two

    It's a thin line between love and Hate


    I mean New light and a Mistake


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Para 8: " For example, imagine that after getting your test results back, your doctor called you into his office and earnestly said to you: “Look! Your situation is urgent. You have at most a month to do something about your illness.” You likely would not charge out of his office like a fireman on an emergency call. But you would probably get his recommendations, go home, and give serious thought to your priorities. "

    Oh good grief! Imagine that every time you went to see this doctor for the last 120 years he declared: “Look! Your situation is urgent. You have at most a month to do something about your illness.” No need to charge out of his office like a fireman on an emergency call. You likely would have stopped going to him about 119 years ago. He's as much a medical quack as Watchtower is religious chicken-littlery.

    chicken little

  • tornapart

    Somebody mentioned in their answer about calling on people on a Sunday evening, when they haven't been to work and are unwinding before starting work the next day...

    I would be very angry if someone knocked on my door on a Sunday evening... unless of course they spotted flames coming out of my roof....

  • wasblind

    Your right Billy,

    Chicken little got fried at the 2010 DC, along wit the generation who was alive in 1914

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