What exactly is a relasionship with God?

by tootired2care 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    A relationship with that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag means being enslaved to a being that doesn't want you to progress spiritually. Just think: When is the last time Jehovah or Allah has encouraged people to open their chakras so they can enjoy life to the full? Or, do they instead create an environment where keeping the sacral chakra closed tighter than a steel drum is necessary? (Which disrupts everything else--without sexual fulfillment, there is no genuine self control, no genuine empathy, and no genuine communication because the higher chakras are starved for energy when the sacral is closed).

    Rather, when Jehovah sees you making real spiritual advancement or are about to, he sends his fxxxing angels to nick it. Those angels often attack and blame demons for it, scaring people out of real advancement. Or, they will preach to you--promising happiness if you go back to "The Way" of right-hand path religion. Invariably, they welsh on such promise, and you are cut off from the demons that were trying to help you make real advancement. That's what a relationship with that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag will do--and he often barges, intruding where he is not wanted, ruining the fine work the demons are trying to do without invitation.

  • tec

    Many times when we "recieve" answers to prayers, it is because you have thought the problem out, figured out a way to solve it,or have been patient to see what happens, if nothing, you take action - why give the credit to something that doesn't exist?

    Perhaps sometimes... other times it becomes ridiculous to ignore or think something else, simply due to how often. And even other times, an answer is nothing you had heard of before.

    Do you feel, or have you experienced something that led you to believe that you may have harmed that relasionship based on your actions at one or more points in your life and what made you conclude that? In other words what is the criteria borne out through your experience that is required to maintain that relasionship/link?

    Harmed that relationship? Perhaps. But mostly on my end. Christ and God are both still there. It has only ever been me who turned away, a natural consequence of my own actions. Such as feeling anger. Anger kind of takes over and stops a person from being able to hear the Spirit. All you can hear is your anger and what that is telling you. It is an impediment. I KNOW this, and I still let it happen to me before.

    Listening to someone else over Christ is an impediment as well. Such as listening to the WTS. If you let them, or those like them, in your head... their words and 'truth' block out the Spirit and actual Truth. Enough that it can make you think the Truth and Spirit is a lie. You can't recognize Him.

    Lying to yourself (often about yourself) is also an impediment, for the same reason that listening to a lie is an impediment. You can't hear the truth if you have made a lie your truth. (I have found (also with myself) that when people do something wrong, especially if it hurts or angers someone else, they can convince themselves that they were in the right all along... just to avoid having to face something unpleasant about themselves.)

    As for what is required: faith. Faith in Christ. Let Him lead you. Let Him teach you. Trust in Him.



  • Nambo

    Further to my last regarding that picture, and also the 20 million Stalin murdered.

    Are those people Gods to save, or do they come under the juristdiction of the Devil?

    When Adam left God, he and all his offspring became in effect, the property of the Devil, God is not one to steal them from him.

    He did however, pay the price with the death of his son Jesus, so anybody who lets themselves be bought by that price, does become the property of God to save if he so wishes, so doubtless God would have loved to save that child, (and maybe in actuallity that child was saved unless whoever took that photo was heartless enough to let nature take its course), but if the child, and those Christians who would have been Trinitirian Christians, are not the actual bought and paid for property of God, he doesnt act until the price, thier death, has been paid.

    Maybe he does look after those who have let themseles be bought, I have an experience for another time where I consider my physical life was saved, now maybe God could only do that for me because I let myself become his property, something he wants for all but cannot force himself on them at this stage.

  • LongHairGal


    This was somewhat of a mystery to me as well. At one point, I thought I might have had one because I had that "feel good" tingling feeling. I don't know if that is feeling the "holy spirit" or maybe it was all self-deception. Maybe "God" is some giant circuit board and we just "plug ourselves in". Maybe I was never "spiritual" enough for him to want a relationship with me.

    This all sounds rather silly now.

  • watson

    I encourage all to really read and analyze Nambo's last comment. You too, Nambo. This "God" person is becoming more and more difficult to understand.

  • tec

    My thoughts on the picture.

    This world is ours, given to us to govern. (leaving Satan out of the picture for the moment... since Satan has no power that we do not give to him) What course our history has taken, what suffering that we have caused by action or inaction... that is on us. So the suffering of that child is on us. God has tried to teach us... he has intervened, sent prophets and wise men, and also his Son. We do not listen. That is also on us.

    (disease and natural disasters are another subject, but we know that at least some of those are on us as well; including how much suffering of that nature might have been prevented had we focused on that instead of wars, or instead of greed, or from helping instead of ruling over our fellow man)

    Those with faith in Christ and God suffer the physical world as much as those without faith. Does prayer work, and so some receive something more? It does... but few people have the strength of faith that Christ spoke of. The knowing that what you have asked for has been given. And if you don't believe in the Father of Christ to begin with, then how can you have faith in Him to answer your prayers?

    God has given all people a gift - this world, and life. He has shown no favoritism in this. What people do with that gift is up to them. He is not obligated further... although he has promised more to those who belong to Him and who follow His Son. That is a gift beyond the gift. (follow His son in word or deed, I do not know... could be either of them.. if you serve peace, then Christ already knows YOU) But God is not obligated further to those who reject Him for another master... be that a religion, or men, or power, or money, or greed, or war, or anger, or whatever.



  • Vanderhoven7

    I must confess I did not examine the picture until now. I initially saw the bird, but not the child. I'd like to know the circumstances behind the taking of this picture. Does anyone know where it came from?

    Jesus will say, "What you did for the poor, the sick, the hungry and the prisoner, you did to me."

  • Heartofaboy

    I'm disappointed, I thought the spirit you have too much of would have moved you to say something quite profound.

    Do you need more time?

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Jesus will say, "What you did for the poor, the sick, the hungry and the prisoner, you did to me."

    Can't it just be about that starving child...just for a minute....whenever we ask why God or Jesus do NOTHING to help...it is twisted to be about poor Jesus...look what we did or didn't do for HIM....and we wonder why we don't want to hear this stuff any more...

    He owes us NOTHING...we get it....thats obviously why he does nothing...he has already given that child soooo much. A fabulous land to live in. Rain to grow the crops he needs. Everything his heart desires. No he doesn't favour anyone over anyone else. It's OUR choice where WE choose to live...I think if I hear anymore of this type of reasoning I might vomit!!!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Heartofaboy: Truthfully, your response was profound enough for the both of us. Thank you.

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